Polar Vortex Will Bring Sub Zero Temps to Over 50million Americans vol 100+ Car Pileup on i35 in Ft Worth- Be Safe Bros

3 days later I finally got power back.

If I’m still living in Dallas next time anything remotely close to this happens, I’ll be going back home to Cali and enjoying the **** show from there.

Things literally shut down for days off 6 inches of snow. You can’t make this up. I know it normally doesn’t snow in Texas and all, but damn. People really went without power for days over this.

I mean in California we did those earthquake drills in school every year just to be prepared even though we get a major earthquake once every 20 years or so. Weather like this rarely happens in Texas, but it makes sense to have some type of plan in place for the rare occasions it does. That’s asking too much of dummies like Hot Wheels and Rafael though.
3 days later I finally got power back.

If I’m still living in Dallas next time anything remotely close to this happens, I’ll be going back home to Cali and enjoying the **** show from there.

Things literally shut down for days off 6 inches of snow. You can’t make this up. I know it normally doesn’t snow in Texas and all, but damn. People really went without power for days over this.

I mean in California we did those earthquake drills in school every year just to be prepared even though we get a major earthquake once every 20 years or so. Weather like this rarely happens in Texas, but it makes sense to have some type of plan in place for the rare occasions it does. That’s asking too much of dummies like Hot Wheels and Rafael though.

lol tbf PGE shut off our power during the summer because of wind and fire scares. went 4 days without power.

So the trucks gon come and just knock all the snow into a mound locking us in our driveways.


That's called The Ridge.
Alot of aging infrastructure that's been ignored but they can find money to build stadiums with taxpayer money

bruh one time a f’ing bridge fell down here during rush hour with like 100 cars stopped on it. They all fell right in the Mississippi.

then they got the nerve to charge a 10% sales tax downtown for the stadium.

I hate mn government.
can;t blame the arabs for the white mans sins which caused this catastrophe

Not at all for this situation with the power/water/cell service.
The gauging, and selling expired stuff is expected/typical for us I guess. My old man and his brothers used to own a around a dozen convenience stores. At least 6 of his friends from Lebanon that i know of had multiple stores too. They'd buy outdated bread, groceries, and stuff for pennies on the dollar. You could get all that on Harwin probably still can (some Houston cats probably know Harwin). They'd then have me, my brother, and cousins take off the expiration dates. 🤣
My uncle even fled back to Lebanon in the 90's, because they'd found out he was somehow obtaining stolen fuel (by the truckload) on credit then having it watered down and selling it as regular, mid, and supreme gas even though it was all the same fuel (pretty sure uncle was supplying all of them). 🤣
He also had some lottery ticket thing going on, where he'd keep the big $ winning tickets and only sell the losers or low $ winners (something to do with the ticket numbers), but thats all I know that they'll tell me. We used to have boxes with rolls of scratch offs all over ours and my uncles houses. I think there's probably still a warrant for my uncle's arrest. 🤣
He wants to come back so bad (even more now since the big explosion there last year), but is way too scared of going to prison. I'm sure plenty of other things went down they'll never talk about it though. My dad got out of that business probably around when I was in Jr high school. Will hardly ever speak about it, and if I ask he blames it all on my uncle in Lebanon. 🤣
🤷‍♂️ I doubt it, but may be just my old mans Lebanese mafia crew is/was that shady. Who knows, but they all started selling their stores soon after my one uncle fled, and none ever went back into that business again.
Not at all for this situation with the power/water/cell service.
The gauging, and selling expired stuff is expected/typical for us I guess. My old man and his brothers used to own a around a dozen convenience stores. At least 6 of his friends from Lebanon that i know of had multiple stores too. They'd buy outdated bread, groceries, and stuff for pennies on the dollar. You could get all that on Harwin probably still can (some Houston cats probably know Harwin). They'd then have me, my brother, and cousins take off the expiration dates. 🤣
My uncle even fled back to Lebanon in the 90's, because they'd found out he was somehow obtaining stolen fuel (by the truckload) on credit then having it watered down and selling it as regular, mid, and supreme gas even though it was all the same fuel (pretty sure uncle was supplying all of them). 🤣
He also had some lottery ticket thing going on, where he'd keep the big $ winning tickets and only sell the losers or low $ winners (something to do with the ticket numbers), but thats all I know that they'll tell me. We used to have boxes with rolls of scratch offs all over ours and my uncles houses. I think there's probably still a warrant for my uncle's arrest. 🤣
He wants to come back so bad (even more now since the big explosion there last year), but is way too scared of going to prison. I'm sure plenty of other things went down they'll never talk about it though. My dad got out of that business probably around when I was in Jr high school. Will hardly ever speak about it, and if I ask he blames it all on my uncle in Lebanon. 🤣
🤷‍♂️ I doubt it, but may be just my old mans Lebanese mafia crew is/was that shady. Who knows, but they all started selling their stores soon after my one uncle fled, and none ever went back into that business again.
damn bruh u just snitching on ur uncle like that?
Damn. Yall going through it forreal. Hope thinga turn around for yall asap.

Any of yall thinking bout copping a generator after this?
Damn. Yall going through it forreal. Hope thinga turn around for yall asap.

Any of yall thinking bout copping a generator after this?

I definitely am. Honestly shoulda been did it. I was going to for the last tropical storm, But I wasnt too confident in operating it and I watched some Youtube videos and the guy basically said “if you have never used a generator in your life, and you’re watching this video and plan on buying and using one for the first time in your life in the next couple hours, dont, because you will screw up” so I didnt lmao. But Im definitely going to purchase one and practice with it that way when Im in the midst of chaos I’ll be somewhat knowledgeable in what Im doing, Because these last 72 hours have been big trash.
The saddest part of the Texas power outage situation is it'll teach nobody anything. People were going nuts and losing their minds off a few days of being in a cold house with no heat or electricity.

There is a large portion of American population that lives like that all the time due to lack of financial ability and the people who experienced that this week will still be disgusted by the idea of taxes being used to try and help them out in some way.
damn bruh u just snitching on ur uncle like that?

🤣 Wouldn't call it "quite" snitching, since the lawmen have already been knowing about this 20+ years. Pretty sure at this point noone really cares, might even be past statute of limitataions🤷‍♂️. I'd assume even the guys he was dealing with that did get jammed up (that would have probably snitched, and made a deal) are out at this point. Been around 20+years now he's good, as long as he don't come back. He thinks if he does they'll snatch him as soon as he exits the plane, or nothing could happen at all. He picked up and left, literally in the dead of night with just suitcases as soon as the dudes he was dealing with started getting jammed up. Before they could even arrest, question, or formally file charges on him. Pops and my other uncle here were questioned months later, but uncle in Lebanon had told them to play ignorant to the whole thing, or blame it all on him if they had to. He honestly never intended to come back (really disliked the U.S.A). My aunt hated it even more, and was miserable she still NEVER wants to even visit here again. 🤣 Just the last few years he's started wanting to visit, his kids all have moved here now. I think is really the only reason he's even interested in U.SA.

Not sure if this was posted already, I've just now been starting to get pics & videos to load or play or without constant buffering. So I've been kind of slowly catching up. Somewhere in Houston on I-10. Can't make out exactly where, can anyone from Houston tell?


Any of yall thinking bout copping a generator after this?

Never replaced my last really small one which probably wouldn't have done much good for me anyways. I've actually been eyeing one of these automatic big boys

for a couple of years now. Pretty pricey though, I might grab a smaller diesel one when Biden gets us that stimmy. Doubt we'll see this magnitude of weather again, for a while at least. Either way typically useful during hurricane season here.
Ha that I-10 and 610. My place is like 3 minutes from there.

🤣 Which loop though? Closer to the ship channel loop, or the Galleria loop. I figured either out west towards Katy when I watched it. I think they got hit pretty hard first. Or further east, lots of crazy @** scruffy looking type dudes like that, my brother used to run with. From at least Channelview, all the way east.
Thing is we keep saying we'll never see weather like this again, but it keeps happening.

Hurricane Harvey rain was a "once in a generation" event. Then Tropical Storm Imelda happened, which was worse for some people than Harvey just east of Houston where I live. It just snowed in Austin a few weeks ago. Something that "never happens here" and now this. "Never again" weather keeps happening more frequently these days.

Got folks who stay in Georgetown (near Austin). Haven't heard a thing from them. They're probably alright since they're fairly young (under 30) and middle class. Would be more worried if they were old and poor.
Thing is we keep saying we'll never see weather like this again, but it keeps happening.

Hurricane Harvey rain was a "once in a generation" event. Then Tropical Storm Imelda happened, which was worse for some people than Harvey just east of Houston where I live. It just snowed in Austin a few weeks ago. Something that "never happens here" and now this. "Never again" weather keeps happening more frequently these days.

Got folks who stay in Georgetown (near Austin). Haven't heard a thing from them. They're probably alright since they're fairly young (under 30) and middle class. Would be more worried if they were old and poor.

Yet people keep denying climate change. Miami keeps flooding in certain areas from just basic storm surge but people deny that too. Calling it global warming in the 90s really messed up the messaging. Climate change where extremes are more likely to occur is what it should have been pushed as. These high flood zones really need to stop getting subsidized home insurance by the rest of Americans at this point. The damage to some of these areas occurs so often that If someone wants to continue to live there they need to pay a real share. If the area goes bust, so be it, we can’t keep paying for these damages.
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