Polar Vortex Will Bring Sub Zero Temps to Over 50million Americans vol 100+ Car Pileup on i35 in Ft Worth- Be Safe Bros

Have an old HS friend that just moved her family to Texas from out here in Cali. This is her 2nd week there. She been posting nothing but snow pics from her backyard. Always been a Cali girl. Wonder if they regret it.

For decades, report after report urged Texas to force power plants to winterize and attract more reserve power plants for just this scenario. Experts say this won't be the last mass power outage for the state unless there's extensive and expensive fixes that fall on consumers.

"The consumer is going to have to bear the cost," Ed Hirs, a professor and energy fellow at the University of Houston, told 13 Investigates. "ERCOT doesn't build generation facilities. ERCOT doesn't build transmission facilities. The Public Utility Commission doesn't."

Hirs said it's local municipalities and electrical companies, like NRG, Oncor Energy and CenterPoint Energy, that build the facilities to connect to services from the state's energy grid.

"They won't build anything unless we give them an opportunity to make some money on that capital that they deploy and so the consumer is going to have to bear the burden of that," Hirs said. "We've gone too long with attrition and decay as our strategic direction for the Texas grid. This is exactly like an old Soviet Bureau. This is one buyer that was ERCOT. They focused on the cheap energy and they focused on cheap energy to the exclusion of reliability."
Man...what a day. Finally relaxing. Our power went out at 2:30am, woke up around 3:30am cold and house was pitch black, already knew what it was smh. My Son’s room was still pretty warm so he was good but I was hoping the power would kick back on soon. Looked up some hotels and grabbed one that was downtown just to play it safe. Im glad I did because around 9am pretty much every hotel in Houston was booked. We couldnt check in till 3pm so we crashed at My brothers Spot in the mean time. It took me about 3 hours to get some food because every spot was either closed or if it was open it was bombarded with people. Get to the hotel and its soooooo many people. Then the water at the hotel goes out cuz a pipe burst lmao. Didnt care, long as we had heat/electricity Im good. Found some guy barbecuing and selling plates out the back of his truck and that was dinner for my family. Been checking my cameras at the house and they are still out so still no power at home. Hopefully things get back to normal by tomorrow morning because we only have this spot for one night. Im from Illinois and have been in so many winter storms with multiple feet of snow and never had a problem, so its kinda funny having to go through all these hurdles over two inches of snowfall lol. Frustrating and eventful day, but Myself, My Wife and My Son are safe and thats all that matters to me. I hope any fellow NT’ers that are dealing with this are safe and doing well.
I had power but no water so I went to a hotel for a night. Prices are low too right now, the travel industry is in shambles.

Yea OK wyling with the rolling blackouts, I saw people on Facebook so they were down as much as 6 hours then only to get the power restored but now their pipes froze during the blackout. Meanwhile we got Casinos, downtown buildings with 30 feet tv screens, the ignorant *** Scissortail Bridge which has always and continues to be a waste of money, probably sucking up more power than every residential combined. Turn the screen off outside the arena. We know Braum's and Sonic is out here.

Its up to 12 degrees now with a 1 windchill, but it's supposed to have another horrible snow/rain in a few hours so we hope for the best
man someone better go out there and destory that screen
Man...what a day. Finally relaxing. Our power went out at 2:30am, woke up around 3:30am cold and house was pitch black, already knew what it was smh. My Son’s room was still pretty warm so he was good but I was hoping the power would kick back on soon. Looked up some hotels and grabbed one that was downtown just to play it safe. Im glad I did because around 9am pretty much every hotel in Houston was booked. We couldnt check in till 3pm so we crashed at My brothers Spot in the mean time. It took me about 3 hours to get some food because every spot was either closed or if it was open it was bombarded with people. Get to the hotel and its soooooo many people. Then the water at the hotel goes out cuz a pipe burst lmao. Didnt care, long as we had heat/electricity Im good. Found some guy barbecuing and selling plates out the back of his truck and that was dinner for my family. Been checking my cameras at the house and they are still out so still no power at home. Hopefully things get back to normal by tomorrow morning because we only have this spot for one night. Im from Illinois and have been in so many winter storms with multiple feet of snow and never had a problem, so its kinda funny having to go through all these hurdles over two inches of snowfall lol. Frustrating and eventful day, but Myself, My Wife and My Son are safe and thats all that matters to me. I hope any fellow NT’ers that are dealing with this are safe and doing well.
damn bruh glad u safe fam

definitely wild situation
Idk how they pulled this off but less households in Houston have power tonight than they did last night. :smh:
Barely cell signal sometimes at only around 3am-about 6am. No power since about 4am 2/15 came back on 3 times for about 2 minutes then the 4th time back off since about 7pm 2/16. Nearing 48 hours now. Waters been gone since 2/16 in the am. Down now to a loaf of bread to eat and a box of cookies. Nothing in Baytown is open and I can't get to anywhere. There isnt any way out that there's not a bridge to cross and they've been closed. Replies below I've tried to post throughout, but never enough signal to, replies are probably outdated just didn't re-read them. Stay safe yall, my neighbor down the street said we could be stuck without water or power here in Baytown until the weekend his boss told him. He works at ExxonMobil plant.

**** would’ve been alright if the news would’ve said to prepare for power outages. We just woke up and it was gone. :smh: The news say we not getting power today.
Yeah would have been nice, I figured it was a possibility, but not for this long. I assumed rolling blackouts would be the worst. Never once did my power "roll" just went off died and never came back.
Bruh it’s crazy in these streets! First some punk *** kid was out in his low rider truck doing “burnouts” sliding all over the street. The whole neighborhood came out to check him. Then I walk to the corner to see how bad the streets are and I see a suv pulling out of the drive and just stop. At first I though the person was just ashamed because I was recording. I take a closer look, no one is in the suv. It just slide down the steep driveway on its own. :wow:
Streets been nuts here today too. I just happened to be looking out the window as a person from down the street drove by super slow and loud like it had maybe a flat tire. I then noticed it was driving on at least 3 blown out tires, I'd bet it was all 4.🤣 I wonder how that happened. Heard about 5 or 6 gunshots in a row later, possibly the block behind me. If not for sure the one behind that. I figured I'd hear police at some point, but never even heard a siren. The group of BeBe's kids in the neighborhood that always throw the trashcans down the road, and rocks at windows got a hold of an ATV somewhere and ended up wrecking it into at least 3 cars in the street. I heard the first and second time, and made it to the window in time to see the third they were sliding all over the place. It didn't seem like they did too much damage but all 3 cars had good size scratches visible i could see from across the street. I never understood why so many people park on my street, they'll probably not do that much anymore now. 🤣
Its late now and there's now at least 4 cars just parked in the street that I can see just running. It appears they're either asleep or just chillin'.🤷‍♂️
That SUV thing is wild. 🤣
Idiots in Texas can't drive in normal weather. No way in hell I'm going out unless it's an emergency. I can almost guarantee you that wreck in Fort Worth didn't have to happen. I've driven in this before and it wasn't too bad as long as you don't speed and go slow. Problem is all it takes is one moron to mess things up for everyone.

I'll just take advantage of the opportunity and live like I'm 14 again for the next few days. You know stay up half the night watching movies and playing videos games, while getting up a little before noon. Gonna have to lay off the rubbing one out though. It's way too cold for that. Other wise it'll be an authentic adolescence experience.
Yeah these fools will try and drive through major flooding during a huge hurricane. No way they weren't going to not drive on ice a lot of people probably thought there'd be nothing different about it. I hit a small patch once before, on an overpass. The car just did what it wanted, all I could do was sit back and watch until it finally stopped on its own. I had no clue what/if anything to do, not a cool feeling. All I could try and do was my steering as straight as I could, and lightly pump the brake none of that helped, ended up doing a 180 and facing the other direction. I was only doing about 25 or 30mph and being careful driving slow, and had seen the signs before about possible ice on the overpass. Never knew of anyone here actually hit it until that. I just ended up with a small dent on my front bumper. I was young maybe 18 or 19 and inexperienced with icy roads, but that was enough to keep me off of icy roads unless I'm really left no other option for sure anything raised higher than just a normal street.
You're lucky thats exactly what I intended to do. I figured at worst I'd be doing that same stuff on my phone, if we got rolling blackouts or lost power for a while, even had 36 hrs worth of power banks ready to go. 🤣 I wasnt planning on rubbing one though. I'm not even gonna lie... I've been so bored, the thought has crossed my mind a couple times today, never got past the thought though. Lack of inspiration and imagination, plus as you said its too cold.
We're supposed to be getting another round of this starting on Wednesday, although it doesn't look like it'll be as bad.

Crazy seeing the high today being only 21 degrees. Also those rolling blackout outages only lasting about an hour are clearly bs. Know someone who's been without power all day.
Yeah the power here never "rolled" it just died going on hour 24 now. I doubt they "rolled" anything...
I hope the ice on Abbott’s wheelchair ramp sends into traffic in front of a dually.

14 hours no power, like others said they aren’t rolling blackouts at all. Westlake and downtown haven’t lost power because all the rich folks live there.
My aunt in a very rich neighborhood around Katy/Cinco Ranch. She said her power went at around the same as mine and came on for 2/15 2 hours at about 3pm and back off right before dark. Why/how that ritzy gated neighborhood get to warm their houses for 2 hours, right before the sun went down feels all kinds of shady to me. Just those 2 hours she got, would have been a better situation than my area is in. Its now about 6am and my house is really freaking cold inside now. If I can force to get out from the bed. I'm gonna set an ice cube out, and see if It'll melt inside. Surely its not that cold though and I'm just getting intolerant.🤷‍♂️
Me and the lady couldn’t deal with it anymore. We have a 8 month old and the crib was getting colder and colder. So we went ahead and went to my bro in law house. Driving wasn’t too bad. I was kinda pissed that downtown was lit up as **** and the surrounding areas was pitch black.
If I hit over 24 hrs with still no sign of power, or a phone signal. I'm going to start considering evacuation options myself. Once the sun gets out, and warms up as much as it can. My grandparents are only about 15 miles away, and never lost power that i know of yet. I can slowly take I-10 feeder, all the way to cross the San Jacinto River. I'll have to get on I-10 to go over the river... I have no clue if I can get all the way there yet. Grams said something about the bridge/freeway being closed. She might have gotten mixed up, and be thinking about Fred Hartman Bridge, or the Beltway 8 Bridge at the ship channel which I'm almost certain closed.
Yeah thats aggravating me, I can go look all down the street and and see every house dark and street light out. Then go in the back yard look up and the plants are all lit up like Christmas. I saw them flaring all day and I'm sure they have generators, and such to keep the power on. I'd be concerned if they didn't. Its just frustrating to be just a little less than 2 miles away from power at the ExxonMobil plant I can see from the backyard. I'm so close, yet feel so far away.
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