Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Here’s a list of some twitter handles:

Journalists (All of these are either on the ground in Ferguson as I type this or actively covering events in Ferguson, both Brown’s case and the rallies):
Instagram Accounts:  (TW: Some of these accounts feature graphic video or images of Ferguson events)
Tumblr Accounts:
@Brolic Scholar  

We should try to keep this list floating at the top of every new page so people can just go straight to the information instead of digging through our discussions/arguments/whatever. 
Vid of the other kid being shot yesterday smh

I cant hear the audio at work

Watch at your own risk, but its from a distance 

That was at least 10 shots, there was no need for that many. But dude should've known, you NEVER advance on a cop with a weapon in your hand.
Dude in the vid planned his own death by cop

That being said, I thought they said they said he had his arm raised and maybe its just me but thats alot of shots for a guy with just a knife
It was a lot of shots, at least 10
I find it funny that these dudes come outta nowhere (blank avy's , "Hiatuses)
I know right, back ups on deck for years now just waiting for a thread like this 
More pro-tips:
Don't be obviously mentally ill
Don't be black and mentally ill
How grown men can't grasp the meaning of being mentally ill is pitiful.

They can't just shut it off. Just like we can't change our skin color.

Ignorance. If I ever see any of these NTers in person, and they came at me or mine with these ignorant views, there will be problems.

I work with special ed kids everyday, some with ED. They're brains control them.

Taser would have brought him down, remove weapon, hand cuff him. Done deal.
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Dred was part of the paper that got me into the James Farmer Scholars :smokin that research was when I learned the game is rigged.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.


Maybe that would work if we were actually considered people when the constitution was written

man, it isn't about being a race, it's about being human.
Don't advance towards police officers with a knife. No matter the color of your skin.

A man advancing towards police with a knife yelling shoot me was shot by the cops. Why is anyone acting like they're surprised?
How grown men can't grasp the meaning of being mentally ill is pitiful.

They can't just shut it off. Just like we can't change our skin color.

Ignorance. If I ever see any of these NTers in person, and they came at me or mine with these ignorant views, there will be problems.

I work with special ed kids everyday, some with ED. They're brains control them.

Taser would have brought him down, remove weapon, hand cuff him. Done deal.

Exactly. I'd rather believe they're trolling than being this ignorant.

and didn't they say it was a butter knife or a pocket knife too? these dudes acting like he was carrying around a machete.

man, it isn't about being a race, it's about being human.
Biggest crock of hippy feces I've ever heard.

It's fact...blacks weren't seen as equals at the time of draft.

Us Mexicans are still the only IMMIGRANTS to the U.S., when the world is bigger than Mexico.

Wake up.
How grown men can't grasp the meaning of being mentally ill is pitiful.

They can't just shut it off. Just like we can't change our skin color.

Ignorance. If I ever see any of these NTers in person, and they came at me or mine with these ignorant views, there will be problems.

I work with special ed kids everyday, some with ED. They're brains control them.

Taser would have brought him down, remove weapon, hand cuff him. Done deal.

Exactly. I'd rather believe they're trolling than being this ignorant.

and didn't they say it was a butter knife or a pocket knife too? these dudes acting like he was carrying around a machete.

A 4 inch blade will go through an officer's vest and hit vital organs.
Don't advance towards police officers with a knife. No matter the color of your skin.

A man advancing towards police with a knife yelling shoot me was shot by the cops. Why is anyone acting like they're surprised?

No one is surprised. We're saying another alternative could've been used. Like a taser for instance. Police officers are supposed to be trained right? I can guarantee in their training class, if asked a question on how to handle that type of situation, just about every officer would say use a taser.

man, it isn't about being a race, it's about being human.
Biggest crock of hippy feces I've ever heard.

It's fact...blacks weren't seen as equals at the time of draft.

Us Mexicans are still the only IMMIGRANTS to the U.S., when the world is bigger than Mexico.

Wake up.

:smh: So much ignorance coming from your post.

I understand this, although I don't subscribe to that idea.

It's people like you who don't allow us to move forward.
Enough with the mentally ill. That's not an excuse. The world is a better place without him.

Those policemen have families. They're already doing a tough job. I feel no sympathy. He deserved to get lit up.

Explain how the world is a better place without him though?
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What part of you can't charge police officers with a weapon do you not understand?

What part of drop your weapon do you not understand?

So if that mentally ******ed citizen charged your friend/family member you would excuse it?

Are my friends and family members police officers? NO.

When I get the facts, I could forgive the person.
what if the mentally ill kid killed or injured the cop?

Also, how is the cop supposed to know he's mentally ill.
He was a known fixture in that community. Apparently, it was called in as mentally ill suspect holding a butter knife
So much ignorance coming from your post.

I understand this, although I don't subscribe to that idea.

It's people like you who don't allow us to move forward.

You're probably one of those Mexicans who hate blacks. I, however, am not.

History is history. Dismissing it is playing stupid for the sake to subscribe to your comical "we're human" non-sense.

Fact is, we're not. I'll always be a Mexican. My wife will always be black. 

You can keep playing this stupid game of yours.
Exactly. I'd rather believe they're trolling than being this ignorant.

and didn't they say it was a butter knife or a pocket knife too? these dudes acting like he was carrying around a machete
Tazers are used to take down unarmed subjects. Any time you whip out a knife and threaten cops before advancing you don't fit that criteria. And it doesn't matter what type of weapon it is. "It was only a .22 dudes acting like he had and AK" sounds ridiculous right? He had intent to kill and he got killed.
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