Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

"Sir, before you lunge at me with that knife, btw what kind of knif is it? May I ask if you're mentally ill?

Right. Because in that video we ALL saw that guy RUNNING at the police. then he lunged at them. Yup. That was clearly in the video.

On a serious note, officers carry tazers. They're trained to use them and have to be tazed once just to get them. They hopped out the car guns drawn while dude was a good distance away. It would've been too easy for one of them to grab their tazer and take him down. Dude walked a good distance at a slow enough pace that they had time to make a decision.
Right. Because in that video we ALL saw that guy RUNNING at the police. then he lunged at them. Yup. That was clearly in the video.

On a serious note, officers carry tazers. They're trained to use them and have to be tazed once just to get them. They hopped out the car guns drawn while dude was a good distance away. It would've been too easy for one of them to grab their tazer and take him down. Dude walked a good distance at a slow enough pace that they had time to make a decision.
I feel like a lot of times in those situations cops know they could kill the person and get away with it so they do it
I notice the lady that made the "water cannon" comment on CNN that anchored with the Black dude, isn't on the desk tonight.

She get suspended?
I saw the video where the dude "lunges"
at the cops. These are supposed to be trained officers of the law, their was no other way they could have cleared the situation? Tasers maybe? From what I saw they could have very easiky used non-lethal force and detained him

And I'm getting tired of hearing the police men need to get home to their families. No ****, but so do the people they kill. The people they are supposed to protect need to go home too, but the life of an officer is deemed more important. Does anyone know how many officers are killed a year vs how many they kill a year?
It's all just sad, I definitely also think they could've used non-lethal force. At the same time, when a cop tells you to get down or whatever, I mean, I'm not goona try and test them. Hate to take sides in times like this, things could've been done differently for both sides. I understand he was possibly mentally ill, but if a dude comes at you with a knife, whether he's mentally ill or not, he's still coming at you with a knife, so the cops reacted (or overreacted). I'm sure there are plenty of cops that do try to diffuse situations (kinda hard in this case since dude was literally asking to get shot), but it seems like in many of these vids, they're just going for the k. Tasers man...
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Did the raid of the church show up on any of the major networks?
and they never will. churches are considered sacred ground in our country. revealing that police are running up on churches with weapons with hit EVERYONE in their feels, including those on the fence about supporting the cops or not in this situation. they wont show ANYTHING to sway people against the police/military/govt right now....
What does everyone feel is the end result of all this going to be? Is this the start of a new thinking? Or does this die down albeit slower than the Trayvon's, Jonathon Ferrell, etc?
Providing you with those early morning updates.





Vast majority of those arrested in Ferguson are local. Out of 155 total: Missouri: 126 Illinois: 9 http://t.co/jRNzqyBFEm
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 20, 2014
Police to Al Jazeera journalist in Ferguson: 'I'll bust your ***' http://t.co/B6Fr0fCmDN
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 21, 2014
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Wait. So the witness account and police report both say Mike Brown assaulted the officer and attempted to take his pistol. If this is true, it pretty much shatters everything I believed until this point. If that is true, Darren Wilson should not be fired/suspended and this should not even be a national story. I think the reason why this has blown out of proportion is the issues with racial tensions in that area. This is such a misguided way to protest an injustice in my opinion.
Wait. So the witness account and police report both say Mike Brown assaulted the officer and attempted to take his pistol. If this is true, it pretty much shatters everything I believed until this point. If that is true, Darren Wilson should not be fired/suspended and this should not even be a national story. I think the reason why this has blown out of proportion is the issues with racial tensions in that area. This is such a misguided way to protest an injustice in my opinion.

You talking about the black neighbor that Anderson Cooper interviewed.?
Wait. So the witness account and police report both say Mike Brown assaulted the officer and attempted to take his pistol. If this is true, it pretty much shatters everything I believed until this point. If that is true, Darren Wilson should not be fired/suspended and this should not even be a national story. I think the reason why this has blown out of proportion is the issues with racial tensions in that area. This is such a misguided way to protest an injustice in my opinion.
 I'll just let someone else handle this im tired of that dance. 
Why are you so antagonistic about this story? All I'm trying to find out is if Mike Brown instigated the physical confrontation or not. It seems like you're pretty intent on believing in one side no matter what you hear from the other. Me, on the other hand, I'm just tryna piece this together. Quit being so patronizing toward others who are seeking answers as opposed to blindly taking one side regardless of information that comes out.
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