Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

That's beautiful,I'm certain that that community will never forget the events that took place this year and the ones that will follow
 [h1]Michael Brown protesters interrupt St. Louis Symphony Orchestra concert[/h1]
Michael Brown protesters interrupted the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra's concert on Saturday night, causing a brief delay in the performance at Powell Symphony Hall.

The orchestra and chorus were preparing to perform Johannes Brahms' Requiem just after intermission when two audience members in the middle aisle on the main floor began singing an old civil rights tune,  "Which Side are You on?" They soon were joined, in harmony, by other protesters, who stood at seats in various locations on the main floor and in the balcony.

The protesters then unfurled three hand-painted banners and hung them from the Dress Circle boxes. One banner listed the birth and death date of Brown, who was shot by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.

The five-minute interruption was met with a smattering of applause from some audience members, as well as members of the orchestra and chorus. Others simply watched as the orchestra remained silent.

The protest ended quietly as participants left voluntarily, chanting, “Black lives matter.” Conductor Markus Stenz resumed the concert shortly thereafter.

SLSO publicist Erika Ebsworth-Goold said the protesters were paying members of the audience. She said they left the building peacefully.

Before leaving, the protesters scattered red paper hearts over the edge of the balcony onto the main floor orchestra seats. They read, in part: “Requiem for Mike Brown.”

Sarah Bryan Miller of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
Actually the people in the audience actually supported and started singing with the protesters then they clapped their hands. . They song justice for Mike Brown. And from the looks of it , the audience not protestors were the ones who did this

A symphony spokesperson says about 50 people took part in the demonstration. All had tickets for the performance.

@ :35 " oh he was a thug"  @1:15 ..The lady face tells it all

O crap   @1:40 When they start saying black lives matter, some white people booked it out of there scared LOL

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 [h1]Michael Brown protesters interrupt St. Louis Symphony Orchestra concert[/h1]
Michael Brown protesters interrupted the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra's concert on Saturday night, causing a brief delay in the performance at Powell Symphony Hall.

The orchestra and chorus were preparing to perform Johannes Brahms' Requiem just after intermission when two audience members in the middle aisle on the main floor began singing an old civil rights tune,  "Which Side are You on?" They soon were joined, in harmony, by other protesters, who stood at seats in various locations on the main floor and in the balcony.

The protesters then unfurled three hand-painted banners and hung them from the Dress Circle boxes. One banner listed the birth and death date of Brown, who was shot by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.

The five-minute interruption was met with a smattering of applause from some audience members, as well as members of the orchestra and chorus. Others simply watched as the orchestra remained silent.

The protest ended quietly as participants left voluntarily, chanting, “Black lives matter.” Conductor Markus Stenz resumed the concert shortly thereafter.

SLSO publicist Erika Ebsworth-Goold said the protesters were paying members of the audience. She said they left the building peacefully.

Before leaving, the protesters scattered red paper hearts over the edge of the balcony onto the main floor orchestra seats. They read, in part: “Requiem for Mike Brown.”

Sarah Bryan Miller of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
Actually the people in the audience actually supported and started singing with the protesters then they clapped their hands. . They song justice for Mike Brown. And from the looks of it , the audience not protestors were the ones who did this

A symphony spokesperson says about 50 people took part in the demonstration. All had tickets for the performance.

@ :35 " oh he was a thug"  @1:15 ..The lady face tells it all

O crap   @1:40 When they start saying black lives matter, some white people booked it out of there scared LOL


A smattering of audience supported and sung.

The protestors were the ones who were the inspiration for the few with righteous minds to join.
SUN OCT 05, 2014 AT 01:59 PM PDT
[h2]Requiem for Mike Brown protest in the St. Louis Symphony exposes both white privilege and support[/h2]
Last night a beautifully diverse group of women and men came together to stage a protest inside of the St. Louis Symphony they are calling, "Requiem for Mike Brown".  Not only was it perfectly executed, the reactions it elicited from attendees and members of the symphony, ranging the spectrum from utter disgust to total support, created something of a microcosm of America.

At 0:36 seconds into the video, a symphony attendee can be overheard calling Mike Brown "a thug" and "a criminal" as the protestors peacefully proceeded with their singing. At 0:57 in the video, when he was asked to say it again for the camera, he smiles awkwardly (see below) and refuses to do so. 

The lady he was with was heard by Rebecca Rivas uttering profanity throughout the protest as well,

While this response is revealing, others, including actual members of the symphony, strongly disagreed.

Adam McCrane, VP of the St. Louis Symphony said,


Melissa Brooks, one of the musicians in the symphony, tweeted her support as well,


Five of the main organizers for the protest, representing a variety of charities and backgrounds, were Derek Laney, Elizabeth Vega, Sarah Greisbach, Jelani Brown, and Annjie Scheifelbein.

In an interview with organizer Sarah Greisbach she reveals that all of the protestors not only purchased tickets, but that they strived to shape the protest in such a way that the feel and tone of their singing actually matched the music of the evening. Here's her amazing account of how it all came together,

Elizabeth Vega, a community artist and activist, has been aiding in protests since early August. In an interview she gave with me earlier this morning Elizabeth told the amazing story of how it all came together,

Elizabeth went on to say,

When asked what they did to encourage each other before taking their seats, Elizabeth kept it all the way real,

In my last question, I asked Elizabeth if they wanted other people to duplicate these protests across the country. Here's here reply,

Darren Wilson better pray he gets indicted because jail will be a lot safer for him then the open world if this goes down...
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Yeah nothing will happen to him Zimmerman wasnt even a cop and he's still walking around enjoying life so I doubt Wilson gets touched.

Wouldn't be mad if something did happen to him tho.....if I had the resources I'd drop the bag word to fifty.
Zimmerman aside, I still think Wilson gets popped.
Something about this Mike Brown handeling from him being left in the street to Obama ignoring it to the Police provoking and or roughing up Women and kids during protests to the 1/2 million in funds raised for this guy.
Some street cat with no conscious and nothing lose will catch him.
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Zimmerman aside, I still think Wilson gets popped.
Something about this Mike Brown handeling from him being left in the street to Obama ignoring it to the Police provoking and or roughing up Women and kids during protests to the 1/2 million in funds raised for this guy.
Some street cat with no conscious and nothing lose will catch him.
It's St. Louis. someone will be gunning for ole boy.

Darren Wilson better pray he gets indicted because jail will be a lot safer for him then the open world if this goes down...
In a perfect world but Zimmerman is still living.
Aint nobody going to touch wilson or zimmerman.. People rather shot and fight people for someone owoing then $1 lol
I think what the protesters need to do is stop making it about Mike Brown but include the unarmed whites that were shot and killed as well
I think what the protesters need to do is stop making it about Mike Brown but include the unarmed whites that were shot and killed as well
Black people always let other groups piggyback on our movements and dilute the message. And those groups never look out for us and do the same. So no, they don't need to let the unarmed whites attach to the Mike Brown movement because our focus should be on improving the black condition FIRST.
Black people always let other groups piggyback on our movements and dilute the message. And those groups never look out for us and do the same. So no, they don't need to let the unarmed whites attach to the Mike Brown movement because our focus should be on improving the black condition FIRST.

I concur. We need to do for self.
  • Quote:
  • We start off with a bang. At about the 22-second mark, an old white Cardinals fan begins telling the protesters—all of whom appear to be black—that they need to get jobs. He looks right in the camera, proudly, and says, "That's right! If they'd be working, we wouldn't have this problem!"
  • At about the 1:30 mark, the crowd of Cardinals fans begin drowning out the protesters' chants with a "Let's go Cardinals!" chant. Well, they could be saying worse things...
  • At the 2:40 mark, they start saying much worse things. The "Let's go Cardinals!" chant has turned into a "Let's go Darren!" chant. Cool.
  • At 8:10 one of the Cardinals fans calls one of the protesters a "crack head" and tells him he needs to go see a dentist.
  • At 8:50 the "Let's go Cardinals" chant starts up again.
  • At 9:05 one of the Cardinals fans starts telling one of the protesters that if he ever "saw him in the street" he would "look at the ground." They argue for a bit about who would and would not whip whose ***.
  • At about 10:25 a small blonde lady starts yelling at the protesters: "We're the ones who gave all y'all the freedoms that you have!"
  • At about 12:14 an older female Cardinals fan begins telling the man holding the camera, who claims he is a former Marine, that she doesn't believe he is a veteran. The conversation does not go well for her.
  • At 14:54, the Cardinals fans start in on a very loud "USA! USA! USA!" chant.
  • At 16:07, another Cardinals fan begins yelling at the protesters, telling them that they need to get jobs.
  • At 16:43, a female Cardinals fan begins chanting "Africa! Africa! Africa!" at the protesters.
  • At 17:10 a Cardinals fans tells the protesters that they need to remove their hats and pull up their pants.

Being white has gotta be great. You get to claim that you freed the oppressed even though you were the oppressor.

And you get to claim that folks don't have jobs because they're protesting at night, buuuuuuuut.....you're there too. Why aren't you at work?

Dat privilege. :x

Being white has gotta be great. You get to claim that you freed the oppressed even though you were the oppressor.

And you get to claim that folks don't have jobs because they're protesting at night, buuuuuuuut.....you're there too. Why aren't you at work?

Dat privilege. :x

You generalizing papi. White people don't "get to claim" anything. Racist, ignorant, and arrogant people tend to do those things. Stop perpetuating this train of thought. It's like calling all mormons polygamists or all muslims terrorists.

Seeing the reactions of all those people at the cardinals game and symphony makes me cringe. In no way do I identify myself with those people because of the color of my parents skin. or for any reason for that matter.
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Being white has gotta be great. You get to claim that you freed the oppressed even though you were the oppressor.

And you get to claim that folks don't have jobs because they're protesting at night, buuuuuuuut.....you're there too. Why aren't you at work?

Dat privilege.
You generalizing papi. White people don't "get to claim" anything. Racist, ignorant, and arrogant people tend to do those things. Stop perpetuating this train of thought. It's like calling all mormons polygamists or all muslims terrorists.

Seeing the reactions of all those people at the cardinals game and symphony makes me cringe. In no way do I identify myself with those people because of the color of my parents skin. or for any reason for that matter.
I wasn't talking about all white people---just the folks showing their *** in that video.  I should've been more specific.  
It's just now that they realize that what they are doing is unconstitutional? :smh:

The Police in Ferguson knew what they were doing was wrong, its just that people took a blind eye until the national attention died down a little. This whole situation is about deflection and diversion, which is why the Grand Jury is stalling until January to continue proceedings.

They are hoping that the people in Ferguson move on to something else so they can operate without all the protestors. The fact this situation is going the way it is is proof positive of systematic white supremacy. No one has heard a peep from Darren Wilson... he's been on paid leave for how long??

Grand Jury members tweeting the case is going to get thrown out, etc etc. We have all the proof in the world that Mike Brown was murdered and you have idiots and no action what so ever. No arrest, not nothing.
On the subject of the protest at the Cardinal Stadium....

It just goes to show how some members of the dominant society views black or African American people. They view us a jobless thugs or drug addicts who need to be thankful to be in this country. The very thought of us protesting makes us seem ungrateful for all these freedoms white people has bestowed on us.

I personally like the protests becasue it shows the diligence of the people in that side of the country. It brings awareness to the situation and keeps it in the forefront of our minds. We need to keep the word out until we get justice for Mike Brown's family.

Big shout out to julius wrek julius wrek for constantly supporting this thread. I wouldn't have been able to follow along with all that is going on without you. We need to build sometime someplace in South Florida fam.
I've been keeping tabs on this since it broke out and everyday it seems like the police blatantly do illegal things, blatantly lie and nothing is happening to these dudes at all, what can really be changed.
Methinals fans doing what they do best I suppose.

Just kidding.  I'm well aware that white supremacists lurk in every fanbase, in every city across the country.
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  • Quote:
  • We start off with a bang. At about the 22-second mark, an old white Cardinals fan begins telling the protesters—all of whom appear to be black—that they need to get jobs. He looks right in the camera, proudly, and says, "That's right! If they'd be working, we wouldn't have this problem!"
  • At about the 1:30 mark, the crowd of Cardinals fans begin drowning out the protesters' chants with a "Let's go Cardinals!" chant. Well, they could be saying worse things...
  • At the 2:40 mark, they start saying much worse things. The "Let's go Cardinals!" chant has turned into a "Let's go Darren!" chant. Cool.
  • At 8:10 one of the Cardinals fans calls one of the protesters a "crack head" and tells him he needs to go see a dentist.
  • At 8:50 the "Let's go Cardinals" chant starts up again.
  • At 9:05 one of the Cardinals fans starts telling one of the protesters that if he ever "saw him in the street" he would "look at the ground." They argue for a bit about who would and would not whip whose ***.
  • At about 10:25 a small blonde lady starts yelling at the protesters: "We're the ones who gave all y'all the freedoms that you have!"
  • At about 12:14 an older female Cardinals fan begins telling the man holding the camera, who claims he is a former Marine, that she doesn't believe he is a veteran. The conversation does not go well for her.
  • At 14:54, the Cardinals fans start in on a very loud "USA! USA! USA!" chant.
  • At 16:07, another Cardinals fan begins yelling at the protesters, telling them that they need to get jobs.
  • At 16:43, a female Cardinals fan begins chanting "Africa! Africa! Africa!" at the protesters.
  • At 17:10 a Cardinals fans tells the protesters that they need to remove their hats and pull up their pants.

That video was absolutely ridiculous... Are we really in 2014?
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