Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

**** Barkley
Ive been trying to understand his perspective for years but dude is just 
 Anytime he speaks he reminds of sam jackson's character from django. It's like he's trying to hard to impress white america.
Ive been trying to understand his perspective for years but dude is just 
 Anytime he speaks he reminds of sam jackson's character from django. It's like he's trying to hard to impress white america.
because they are paying him.. and facts stated that ferguson isnt anything like the wild wild west.. id take that about chicago.. but ferguson.. the most murders there a year were 2 in the past 12 years.. in fact the FIRST murder there was by DW... if that tells you anything.
Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.
Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.
if he was talking about Chi raq.. i would agree but ferguson is nothing near the wild wild west
Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.

this is having the same feeling as Bill Cosby.

On any other issue, Chuck B would not be asked on that news program

It seems like we're hearing more and more from Barkley... and he's going to keep it up b/c they're giving him a platform.

After a dozen or so years of denigration... ALL kinds of **** is going to start coming up from his past and biting him in the butt.
They only seem to call Charles Barkley when it's time for him to talk bad about black people.

You can make a lot of money doing that.

as crosby.

You can make people forget about drugging and raping women by talking bad about black people on deadspin.
this is having the same feeling as Bill Cosby.

On any other issue, Chuck B would not be asked on that news program

It seems like we're hearing more and more from Barkley... and he's going to keep it up b/c they're giving him a platform.

After a dozen or so years of denigration... ALL kinds of **** is going to start coming up from his past and biting him in the butt.
yep because they will use you as the token to say what the white people relaly want to say and when they see youre not broke and youre going to pass your wealth down your black family.. they pull up your stuff and try to get you to force the money away in lawsuits and criminal cases.. ala Bill cosby.. (i hope all of its untrue so he can sue the **** out of the people)
Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.
Nah b. What about a month ago when he said that whenever he's around his white friends he tells them that blacks will never as successful as them because of street cred. Dude is the typical southern republican black male with identity issues. He thinks he's getting validation from whites but in reality they just prolly laugh at him.
National statistics show that hundreds of homicides committed by law-enforcement officers between 2007 and 2012 were not recorded in the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, the Wall Street Journal reports.

More than 550 homicides committed by police during that period were missing, the paper reports. The lack of complete data makes it impossible to accurately determine how many people police kill each year.

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Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.
Nah b. What about a month ago when he said that whenever he's around his white friends he tells them that blacks will never as successful as them because of street cred. Dude is the typical southern republican black male with identity issues. He thinks he's getting validation from whites but in reality they just prolly laugh at him.

Same ****, b.

I mean WHO is worried about "street cred"?
Chuck is trying to say something that needs to be said, but no one wants to hear.

He does sound like a puppet doe.
if he was talking about Chi raq.. i would agree but ferguson is nothing near the wild wild west

Yeah Barkley has lost his mind. Tap dancin' fool!!!

Same people he is condemning are the ones buying his sneakers though :smh:
 [h1]Grand Jury Docs: Darren Wilson Told His Sergeant That Mike Brown’s ‘Hands Were Up’[/h1]

Tommy Christopher  on November 26, 2014


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In the aftermath of the grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown, many legal analysts and commentators have pointed out just how badly the grand jury was stacked in Wilson’s favor. Rather than attempt to establish probable cause to indict and try Wilson, the prosecutor conducted what amounts to a secret trial, only worse.

Rev. Al Sharpton made devastating points to this effect at a press conference  on Tuesday, but this is self-evident to anyone who watched St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch’s press conference announcing  the grand jury decision, at which he made a lengthy argument, not against probable cause, but in favor of reasonable doubt. Every point of conflict that McCulloch raised is one that should have been addressed at trial, not by a grand jury. In using the grand jury as an instrument of exoneration for Wilson, McCulloch was able to introduce mountains of evidence that never would have been admitted at trial, and without any adversary to challenge any of it. The following observations, then, are not offered as proof of Wilson’s guilt or innocence, but as further proof of McCulloch’s utter prosecutorial malpractice.

At that press conference Monday night, McCulloch  made a point of repeatedly impeaching witnesses who contradicted Darren Wilson’s testimony, while failing to challenge the one and only witness who corroborated Wilson’s assertion that Michael Brown “charged” at him. At one point, he specifically referenced conflicting witness accounts about Michael Brown’s hands:
“Like other aspects of this case, the varying descriptions were provided by the same witnesses, in subsequent statements or testimony.”
To be clear, conflicts in witness testimony are normal, and should be resolved at trial, so even if McCulloch is being 100% honest here, that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a charge. As it turns out, though, one of the “witnesses” to conflict on this topic was Darren Wilson. In an interview with a St. Louis County detective, Wilson said, according to  grand jury testimony, that “Michael Brown never had his hands up.”

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos  hours after the grand jury decision, Wilson reiterated that assertion quite emphatically:
Stephanopoulos: “As you know, some of the eyewitnesses said at that moment, he turned around he turned around and put his hands up.”

Wilson: “That would be uncorrect — incorrect.”

Stephanopoulos: “No way?”

Wilson: “No way.”
Here’s the thing, though: that supervisor that Wilson is talking about, the first person he spoke to on the scene, also testified before the grand jury, and he says that Wilson told him Michael Brown did have his hands up. He says it twice in the grand jury, and refers to having said it at least twice before, once in an interview with the FBI, and once in a conversation with the prosecutor:
Page 13

Prosecutor Kathy Alizadeh: “Now, just in the interest of full disclosure, you and I had a conversation yesterday about your testimony today, correct?

Sergeant: “That is correct.”

Page 64

Prosecutor Kathy Alizadeh: “Is it still, you still stay with the fact that Michael Brown had his hands up and was charging?”

Sergeant: “That’s what Darren told me he was charging at me.”

Page 73

Prosecutor Kathy Alizadeh: “So at the time when he had his hands raised and he was charging at him, he shot, but it wasn’t at that time he didn’t have his hands like going for a weapon.”

Sergeant: “I don’t remember, I don’t recall.”
Darren Wilson, who testified that same day, was not asked about the inconsistency, nor did McCulloch highlight it in his press conference.

As Lawrence O’Donnell  pointed out at great length, though, McCulloch did highlight the testimony of “Witness #10,” the only grand jury witness to corroborate Wilson’s characterization that Michael Brown was “charging” when Wilson fatally shot him. As O’Donnell pointed out, that witness changed his story, first  telling police  he was about 100 yards away from the action, then telling the grand jury it was only 50 or 75 yards, and also changing where it was he saw Brown walking.

While O’Donnell did a great job of pointing out how McCulloch ignored these inconsistencies from his star witness, there are a few other interesting portions of Witness #10’s testimony. In his  statement to police, he told them something that seems to support his original estimate of his distance from the action, which also goes to his reliability as an eyewitness:
Detective: The officer comes out of the car. How is the officer, you said with his gun drawn. How is the officer holding his gun?

Witness #10: Just as if he was gonna use it.

Detective: Okay. And, do you hear anybody saying anything at any point in this?

Witness #10: No, no. I was not at a close enough distance to hear any words being exchanged.
However, elsewhere in that statement, Witness #10’s hearing improves somewhat:
Witness #10: And urn, I must say that also after the, urn confrontation after the gunshot when Mr. Brown did run, I thought I heard a, something’ metal hit the ground and I’m not sure what it was but I thought I heard somethin’ hit the ground.
Whatever you think of Witness #10’s hearing, he, like all the other witnesses, never heard Darren Wilson order Mike Brown to lay on the ground. In his grand jury testimony, Witness #10 says he was “too far away to hear anything,” and completely omits the part about hearing something hit the ground. Prosecutors do not ask him about it.

They also didn’t ask Witness #10 about  a statement he made at the end of his interview with police, a statement which reads a little bit like a personal pro-police bias:
Detective: Okay. Is there anything else that you would like to add? Anything else that you feel is important that we should know any questions that we did not ask you?
And, that’s not a trick question. That’s just somethin’ that I-I wanna give everybody an opportunity to, ya know, speak their peace.

Witness #10: I just urn, I just, a, I feel sad about this whole situation that, urn, it had to end like this and, urn, it’s just, just hearing everybody’s point of view, I feel that urn, most people think that urn, Mike basically “f’d” the police. They think the police are bad for ‘em up until the time where they’re in need of the police.  And, a, I just wanted to come forward and just tell it how I seen it. Because I feel like it’s very rare that somebody’ s gonna come forward and tell actually what happened.
It will take a very long time to go through all of the documents, but even from just these two examples, from the first two pieces of testimony I looked at, it is clear that this incident should have been resolved at trial, and that Bob McCulloch made a herculean effort to see that it wouldn’t be.
Told my mom that the cop in NY would get off too.

People still don't understand why Black people are angry :smh:
 [h2]An Open Letter To Charles Barkley[/h2]
Once you were not afraid to ask that all-important question: “Who’s afraid of a large black man?” Tragically, it now seems like the answer might be you.

Etan Thomas  

December 3, 2014  

Charles Barkley, former NBA player and current studio analyst, on horseback (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Dear Charles,

Let me say first that you are among the basketball greats. I remember rooting for you in the ’93 Championship Series against the Bulls along with one of my hometown heroes Richard Dumas. You have achieved a level of success on the court that will be cemented in the basketball history books permanently. Eleven NBA All-Star Game appearances, twice All-Star MVP, once voted NBA MVP, one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. Dream Team, two-time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. You are basketball royalty.

Your book Who’s Afraid of a Large Black Man?  is sitting on my bookshelf right now. It’s a powerful book that takes on the issue of race and racism in a way that many would’ve shied away from.

“Racism,” you said, “is the biggest cancer of my lifetime. And I know I can’t cure the cancer, but doesn’t somebody have to attack it?”

In Who’s Afraid of a Large Black Man?  you compiled a very impressive list of fascinating opinions and personal stories from then-Senator Obama, Michael Wilbon, Tiger Woods, Morgan Freeman and many other famous personalities on their ideas about race and other issues in America. Your words were to the point, with little of your trademark humor. It’s clear that the audience you most hoped to reach with this book were young black men and women, and I commend you for using your celebrity status and influence to positively effect black youth.

You have never been afraid to speak your mind and I commend you for that. But with that comes great responsibility.

During an interview  on 97.5 The Fanatic in Philadelphia, the day after the Ferguson decision was announced, host Mike Missanelli asked you to express your thoughts about it and why “black America” didn’t trust the ruling. Your response was quite surprising to me. You said: “The true story came out from the grand jury testimony.” You explained that you were made aware of “key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story…”

You went on to say:
[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods…we can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad…. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?
You continued to refer to the Ferguson looters as “scumbags,” and further praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and reiterated that you support the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

Mainstream America was falling over themselves with joy at your statements. They couldn’t be happier.

The headline from Young Conservatives read, “Charles Barkley Speaks The Truth about Ferguson, Calls Out Media, And It’s Epic.”

The Tea Party  Network wrote, “Former NBA star Charles Barkley slams Ferguson rioters, left stream media and Obama.”

When the wolf begins to praise the sheep, it would be wise for the sheep to undergo some serious self-evaluation.

The fact that they were praising you should have made you take a long look in the mirror. I’m not going to disrespect you by calling you an Uncle Tom or putting up a big picture of Samuel L Jackson from Django Unchained, nor am I writing this to “slam” you, although I am sure many writers will attempt to frame it this way. I respectfully disagree with a position that you have every right to take.

The reason why your latest comments were so surprising for many in the black community is because they appeared to echo Bill O Reilly, Sean Hannity and the rest of Fox News. That’s not what we expect from Sir Charles.

It’s like in Animal Farm  where the other animals looked in the window and the pigs were walking upright like the evil humans.

Sir Charles should never appear to be taking on the characteristics of Rush Limbaugh.

This wasn’t the first time either. I did a double take after your statements after the Trayvon Martin  verdict. I actually thought I was reading one of those satire articles when you told  host Maria Bartiromo on CNBC’s Closing Bell: “That’s probably not a popular opinion among most people. But just looking at the evidence, I agreed with the verdict.”

You went on to say, “I don’t think that guy [George Zimmerman] should have gone to jail for the rest of his life. Because something happened bad that night.”

As a result you will be praised by many who search for a black face to reference who is in agreement with their regularly pushed agendas. It’s the “Rudolph Guliani and cops are always right and the black community is always deserving to be treated as criminals” doctrine.

They’re going to invite you to speak on all of their shows and attend their events. You’ll be awarded admission into their extra “exclusive” golf club memberships. They may even ask you to publicly endorse Ben Carson. You’ll be the “voice of black America” on their shows. It’s like the Don Lemon fast-track to stardom playbook.

You’ll get more commercials, movie roles… hell, we may see you running through the airport jumping over suitcases or starring in the modernized Naked Gun  movie with Tucker Carlson as Leslie Neilson. (Just be careful, because all that love and admiration could dissipate in a flash.)

How much confidence can you have in a decision to not indict Darren Wilson when the leading prosecuting attorney was Robert McCulloch, who has never in his entire twenty-three-year career indicted a police officer for killing someone in the line of duty? This was the fifth grand jury McCulloch presented evidence to in a police shooting, and still not a single indictment. And there are other reasons to question this outcome. This PBS Newshour chartshows that sixteen of eighteen grand jury witnesses testified that Michael Brown had his hands up when he was fatally shot.

As far as the police are concerned, we all (black, white, Hispanic, Asian, all communities) want the same thing: we want good, honest, committed police officers who are actually serving and protecting everyone. We’re not indicting all police officers, but we do want criminal police officers removed. To view the police completely as “good” is just as dangerous as viewing them completely as “evil.” Both are very far from accurate.

But there is a reason people are hostile. There have been fourteen black teens  killed by police since Mike Brown. Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice killed in Cleveland, 14-year-old Cameron Tillman in Louisiana, VonDerrit Myers Jr. not far from where Mike Brown was killed, 18-year-old Jeffrey Holden in Kansas City.

In addition, a never-ending reel of police brutality  and beatings is constantly shown on social media. And, in most cases, fails to result in any type of punishment for the cop. They typically are put on paid administrative leave (as was Darren Wilson for over 100 days), which is in essence a paid vacation, and yet you have the nerve to praise the police as a whole for their work in the black community ?

And while we don’t condone breaking the law, burning or looting, let me remind you of a quote from Dr. King, who said, “A riot is the voice of the unheard.”

You have to take into account the everyday living and existing in a state of inequality  that has led to the riots. The outrage and disgust of feeling helpless. A community who sees no justice. You’re focused on the reaction and not the cause of the reaction.

Dr. King also said, “Our greatest stumbling block toward freedom is not the Ku Klux Klan, it’s the white moderate who are more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.”

Why do you think President Obama asked for  $263 million to provide police departments with body cameras? Because sometimes the “scumbags” are in fact the ones with the badge and the ones deserving praise are the ones in the black communities who survive them.

So, as a federal investigation by the Justice Department into the shooting death of Michael Brown continues, in addition to an investigation into allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns and practices by the Ferguson Police Department; and with the inconsistent officer testimony to the grand jury and the continuing mistrust between the black community and the police in mind, you can understand why your statements disappointed, angered, sickened and disgusted many in the black community. Because it felt like betrayal.

You weren’t afraid to ask that all-important question, a question that confronts people who look like Michael Brown, Eric Garner and myself: “Who’s afraid a large black man?” Tragically, it now seems like the answer might be you.


Etan Thomas
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