Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Jetblue is flying cops for free to NY to mourn the 2 NYPD cops.

All Lives Matter tho?
A large part of this police buttkissing is about publicity; Jet Blue and all of these companies (the NBA and the Brooklyn Nets for example) are jumping out of the woodwork kissing cops' butts because it's easy positive press considering how strong the police unions are and how many people support police.
LAPD launch probe over song mocking Michael Brown's death


The makeshift memorial for Brown had been partly destroyed  last week. When a reporter for The Washington Post  asked  the Ferguson Police Department about the incident, public information officer Timothy Zoll told the paper: “I don’t know that a crime has occurred. But a pile of trash in the middle of the street? The Washington Post  is making a call over this?”
But. But..I swear some of you SWS should stay your coward ***** behind these screen names

You want empathy for slain officers but the same can't be afforded to all lives right?

Let's see how you SWS would've reacted had a civilian said that about a vigil for those NYPD cops.
So, cops have decided to lay low since the nypd shooting. Arrests are down 66%. Cops are really afraid and arent taking too many risks and not just nypd, but across the nation.
I dont care how anyone perceives my next statement but, dude killing those cops made a difference. Atleast for now
So, cops have decided to lay low since the nypd shooting. Arrests are down 66%. Cops are really afraid and arent taking too many risks and not just nypd, but across the nation.
I dont care how anyone perceives my next statement but, dude killing those cops made a difference. Atleast for now
People might feel some type of way about it, but no march, die-in, or boycott ever produced these results.
It's an inconveient truth but your spot on.

Protests moreso are hassle to everyday people. Cops could care less, same with die ins and stuff like that.

As terrible as what happened last Saturday was, that hit close to home for them and I could see why something like that would have them more shook then any protest would.
So, cops have decided to lay low since the nypd shooting. Arrests are down 66%. Cops are really afraid and arent taking too many risks and not just nypd, but across the nation.
I dont care how anyone perceives my next statement but, dude killing those cops made a difference. Atleast for now

Do you really think that "difference" is a good thing?

If anything, the "difference", IMO, will not be in our best interest. NOTHING good comes out of cops being killed. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if they become even more militarized and aggresive.
Do you really think that "difference" is a good thing?

If anything, the "difference", IMO, will not be in our best interest. NOTHING good comes out of cops being killed. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if they become even more militarized and aggresive.
Neither is killing civilians but ehh we move on, right?

I sympathize with any life lost unjustly; however, why is the life of an officer hold more clout than a regular joe, HELL, even more clout that our armed force men/women.

Cops need to humble themselves and do their jobs....CORRECTLY.

You can't volunteer to be a cop then play that violin of fear to justify killing someone.
Neither is killing civilians but ehh we move on, right?

I sympathize with any life lost unjustly; however, why is the life of an officer hold more clout than a regular joe, HELL, even more clout that our armed force men/women.

Cops need to humble themselves and do their jobs....CORRECTLY.

You can't volunteer to be a cop then play that violin of fear to justify killing someone.

Bingo. It's that simple. And I'm even less sympathetic. If you don't want to be a victim of the system you helped create, change the system. Feel like you didn't help create the system that you're subject to be victim to? Protest and fight vigorously for change. Change it by any means. Don't have it in you to do that? Cool, but zero sympathy when the system victimizes you like it's been doing to my folks for over 400 years. I don't see why it's more complicated than that.
Do you really think that "difference" is a good thing?

If anything, the "difference", IMO, will not be in our best interest. NOTHING good comes out of cops being killed. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if they become even more militarized and aggresive.
they've been less agressive since the shooting. They realized they are mortal like everyone else and there are people crazy enough to put bullets in their heads. Why would they become more agressive and risk more of their "own" getting killed?
I'm sayin... If thats case, there should be a show a obituary or funeral itenerary and get a free flight deal

Actually there is and always have been. Kind of one of those hidden things nobody talks about
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Dudes just shut your response down, famb-o.

Saul Goodman

Or maybe I made the decision not to be apart of this conversation anymore in any of these threads. People wanna keep advocating for the death of police officers and think it's gonna make them all of a sudden just leave everyone alone to do whatever they feel? Yea ok... Let me know in a couple of years how that is working.

With the recent threads popping up, lost a lot of respect for dudes around here that knowingly break the law then jet over here to these threads saying "cops" need to back off... Lmao... Ok guys
Or maybe I made the decision not to be apart of this conversation anymore in any of these threads. People wanna keep advocating for the death of police officers and think it's gonna make them all of a sudden just leave everyone alone to do whatever they feel? Yea ok... Let me know in a couple of years how that is working.

With the recent threads popping up, lost a lot of respect for dudes around here that knowingly break the law then jet over here to these threads saying "cops" need to back off... Lmao... Ok guys
who in here is saying cops need to keep getting killed?

And when people break the law, they should be killed for it...

Your reach game is sick, famb. :pimp:
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