Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri


DOJ: Wilson won't be charged in Ferguson fatal shooting

WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department will not charge former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, whose fatal shooting of a black teenager prompted waves of protests and a national reexamination of law enforcement's relationship with minority communities.

Findings of Justice's inquiry into the incident come six months after 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by Wilson, who is white.

According to the inquiry, "several witnesses stated that Brown appeared to pose a physical threat to Wilson as he moved toward Wilson."

"According to these witnesses, who are corroborated by blood evidence in the roadway," the inquiry states, "as Brown continued to move toward Wilson, Wilson fired at Brown in what appeared to be self defense and stopped firing once Brown fell to the ground."

The findings, while largely expected, were released Wednesday along with a scathing denouncement of policing in the city. That review found evidence that racial bias was rampant in the department that had long lost the public trust of its African American residents.

Among the most serious findings in the review: In nearly 90% of cases in which Ferguson documented the use of force, those actions were used against African Americans.

The review findings drew strong reaction in Ferguson where some said the report only affirmed their own experiences in the area.

Nathan Burns, 25, who lives four blocks away from Ferguson in an unincorporated city in St. Louis County, said racial bias stretches far past Ferguson and policing. He said racism impacts the lives of blacks in schools, at jobs, and in everyday interactions.

While he's encouraged by the Justice Department's findings, the high school algebra teacher hopes the report will make people reflect on the experiences of discrimination in other aspects of black life. Burns said he has been pulled more than 20 times by officers working for various St. Louis area departments in the last eight years. At times, Burns said officers, for no reason, have searched his car and home while he and friends sat on their front porches. Burns believes that he and many of his friends who are black have been targeted because of their race.

"There's a culture that has been created," Burns said. "A lot of people want to say racism is over with and that we are past that. But, time doesn't make everything disappear. Ignoring the fact that you have cancer is not going to stop you from having cancer. And, racism is like a cancer that people have been ignoring."

Ferguson real estate company owner Marion Blocker, 26, said he gets pulled over by various police departments about three times a month while driving his 2004 black Monte Carlo. He said the government's conclusions reminded him that African Americans need to be mentally prepared to remain cool during interactions with officers.

"Our reaction is everything," he said of he and other African Americans. "We need to know our rights and know how to be able to protect ourselves even if we know this is what's against us."

Blocker has learned what constitutes an illegal search as well as how to properly communicate his feelings to police if he believes an officer isn't applying the law correctly. He hopes other African Americans do the same and teach their children.

"Racism is being taught everyday," he said. "It's so ingrained in just the human existence of who we are….I fit the description but who doesn't fit the description of being black and driving?"

I would say unbelievable but at this point it's pretty ******* believable that this is what we get from our "justice" system.

DOJ: Wilson won't be charged in Ferguson fatal shooting

WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department will not charge former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, whose fatal shooting of a black teenager prompted waves of protests and a national reexamination of law enforcement's relationship with minority communities.

Findings of Justice's inquiry into the incident come six months after 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by Wilson, who is white.

According to the inquiry, "several witnesses stated that Brown appeared to pose a physical threat to Wilson as he moved toward Wilson."

"According to these witnesses, who are corroborated by blood evidence in the roadway," the inquiry states, "as Brown continued to move toward Wilson, Wilson fired at Brown in what appeared to be self defense and stopped firing once Brown fell to the ground."

The findings, while largely expected, were released Wednesday along with a scathing denouncement of policing in the city. That review found evidence that racial bias was rampant in the department that had long lost the public trust of its African American residents.

Among the most serious findings in the review: In nearly 90% of cases in which Ferguson documented the use of force, those actions were used against African Americans.

The review findings drew strong reaction in Ferguson where some said the report only affirmed their own experiences in the area.

Nathan Burns, 25, who lives four blocks away from Ferguson in an unincorporated city in St. Louis County, said racial bias stretches far past Ferguson and policing. He said racism impacts the lives of blacks in schools, at jobs, and in everyday interactions.

While he's encouraged by the Justice Department's findings, the high school algebra teacher hopes the report will make people reflect on the experiences of discrimination in other aspects of black life. Burns said he has been pulled more than 20 times by officers working for various St. Louis area departments in the last eight years. At times, Burns said officers, for no reason, have searched his car and home while he and friends sat on their front porches. Burns believes that he and many of his friends who are black have been targeted because of their race.

"There's a culture that has been created," Burns said. "A lot of people want to say racism is over with and that we are past that. But, time doesn't make everything disappear. Ignoring the fact that you have cancer is not going to stop you from having cancer. And, racism is like a cancer that people have been ignoring."

Ferguson real estate company owner Marion Blocker, 26, said he gets pulled over by various police departments about three times a month while driving his 2004 black Monte Carlo. He said the government's conclusions reminded him that African Americans need to be mentally prepared to remain cool during interactions with officers.

"Our reaction is everything," he said of he and other African Americans. "We need to know our rights and know how to be able to protect ourselves even if we know this is what's against us."

Blocker has learned what constitutes an illegal search as well as how to properly communicate his feelings to police if he believes an officer isn't applying the law correctly. He hopes other African Americans do the same and teach their children.

"Racism is being taught everyday," he said. "It's so ingrained in just the human existence of who we are….I fit the description but who doesn't fit the description of being black and driving?"

I would say unbelievable but at this point it's pretty ******* believable that this is what we get from our "justice" system.
What's ur ethnicity hybrid
Always assumed u were white or asian
But yeah this Justice system ain't meant for the folks with melanin in their skin
VIA ...Samuel Sinyangwe

The month after Mike Brown was killed, the # of black ppl killed by police dropped 56% nationwide. Protests matter.

1 month after protests began, there were 60 fewer police killings. The # of black ppl killed by police dropped the most. #protestsmatter

In August, 43 black ppl were killed by police including Mike Brown. That's the most ever recorded. Protests ignited.

The largest recorded drop in police killings happened from Aug-Sept of 2014. #BlackProtestsMatter

I'm half White half Japanese. I know I'm "privileged" but everyone, regardless of race, needs to continue to stand up and speak up against this blatant corruption, racism, and mismanagement of the law.
I wish everyone had this same mentality
Anerica would be the place it claims to be if everyone did
You can find those same emails on most computer hard drives throughout corporate America.
Read about this yesterday 

of course, every comment section I read on the net there's some ridiculous deflection going on with it :smh:

"Obama and holder are just trying to give these black folks justification for acting what they are - animals."

:smh: :smh:

And people think the internet is just a bunch of angry people.

Nah b...

A lot of these people feel FREE to express themselves on there.

:smh: :smh:

"Obama and holder are just trying to give these black folks justification for acting what they are - animals."

:smh: :smh:

And people think the internet is just a bunch of angry people.

Nah b...

A lot of these people feel FREE to express themselves on there.

:smh: :smh:
Just a quick scan of some of the comments left on the cnn facebook page you can see that even though it was proven that an entire police department has been targeting blacks, there are still white people blaming black people or using the typical deflecting.
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***** soo sad man no matter what comes out there's a portion of our society that

1.doesn't care

2. think blacks are full of **** and/or deserve this treatment

This country hates us
***** soo sad man no matter what comes out there's a portion of our society that

1.doesn't care

2. think blacks are full of **** and/or deserve this treatment

This country hates us

I'm not gonna say the whole country hates us, but there's a**holes out there that think backwards and are ignorant that life is still not "equal" for all
***** soo sad man no matter what comes out there's a portion of our society that

1.doesn't care

2. think blacks are full of **** and/or deserve this treatment

This country hates us

This and for what reasons? It's crazy when I think about the reasons why? I could never hate or treat anybody
unjust for no reason. In my opinion that's a severe mental disability in the mind of a culture who's in power.
This and for what reasons? It's crazy when I think about the reasons why? I could never hate or treat anybody
unjust for no reason. In my opinion that's a severe mental disability in the mind of a culture who's in power.

I'll never understand feeling soo threatened by a group of people you go out of your way to structure a country to oppress them.

You'd think black people enslaved whites for 100s of years the way they hate.
Will read the report this weekend.

I hope y'all are doing what you can to get this story out, especially to anyone you personally know who may not like hearing the truth.

It's been Facebook debate month for me. **** it. If your feelings get hurt, so be it.
I'll never understand feeling soo threatened by a group of people you go out of your way to structure a country to oppress them.

You'd think black people enslaved whites for 100s of years the way they hate.
There's a very good reason for it. 

But that's a subject that not everyone has the knowledge to discuss properly.

It all goes back to genetic survival. These people don't hate you sooooooooo much just because of "skin color". It's about what comes with that skin color underneath the surface.
There's a very good reason for it. 

But that's a subject that not everyone has the knowledge to discuss properly.

It all goes back to genetic survival. These people don't hate you sooooooooo much just because of "skin color". It's about what comes with that skin color underneath the surface.

I assume you're speaking about the values of melanin,care to expand?

this is incredible.

"We don't have an all white collage" I haven't had arts & crafts in a while. I have a feeling that a collage made of all white images wouldn't look so good.

"Yes, I do agree that blacks have a bad rap, but most of them bring it upon themselves." contradiction. blacks have a bad rap... but MOST of them bring it upon themselves. so, you openly admit that we're unfairly judged and stereotyped, then go on to generalize and say most of us fit the stereotype. got it.

"I should not be punished for what my ancestors did" YOUR ANCESTORS WEREN'T PUNISHED. SO NOBODY SHOULD PAY FOR THOSE CRIMES HUH? And u know what? I'm not even saying punishing TODAYS white people is a feasible option, because its not. BUT, today's white people by and large ARENT EVEN REMORSEFUL. But they support "guilty by association" whenever its against a black person. Bad ones only make it bad for the good ones when nobody is willing to believe there are good ones. There are FAR more heinous crimes committed by white people than any other race worldwide. But everytime something happens, theres an excuse. Theyre looked at as an individual and not a representation of the entire culture/race.


Batman movie shooter: "He needs help!" "He has a mental illness" "He deserves his day in trial." 

Sandy hook: "They were troubled"

Kid who shot up his own family members at the school lunch: "He was a lovesick teen!"

Kids who doused a child in gas and lit them on fire for fun: "Kids were bored and made a bad decision!"

Little boy the cops just shot at the park: "He probably was a thug anyways. Cops keep getting shot, they made the right decision to shoot first and ask later"

Mike Brown: "He reached for the gun, trying to be a thug. Black people hate cops! Black people are marching saying 'he dint do nuffin like usual' I'm glad hes dead"

Travyon: "Thats one less thug in the streets."

Guy who got tazed thru his car window for no reason on cam: "Cops have a stressful job! He shoulda just complied and got out the car!"

Eric Garner: "Thats not even a chokehold!" "He probably stole those cigarettes." "Hes got a criminal history, thats one less thug"

"White people are discriminated against quite a bit" ... BY WHO!? You make up the MAJORITY of the populatoion! Exactly which minority is discriminating against you? PLEASE entertain me!
Those emails and jokes were probably the least offensive thing in the report. Actions speak louder than words and the stuff that this PD was doing should have the entire department fired with no chance of working on the field again.

Racism in a PD doesn't happen without racist cops. Fire these clowns and strip them of their power. Anything less than that and nothing changes.
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