Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I'm still banking in the far right using this to say they're objectively viewing things.

They're going to point back to this and say "we care about black people!"..

And refer to this whenever they're ******** on minorities.

Yup. Best believe dude is well paid for his clown act. Let's not actually think Hannity or anybody else on that channel gives a damb about black ppl. I wouldn't be surprised if that whole segment( all 3 of them) was scripted.
Damn, what are you supposed to do? Beg for your life among these pigs? The next time cops approach and try to frisk me I'm just going to tell them I have some puppies at home that I have to feed. I hope they'll understand and not beat my ***.
So I guess we not gon talk about the 73 year old "reserve" officer who shot and killed the man by "accident" in Tulsa, Ok...
VA cops taze 17 yo suspected of smoking marijuana, after 17 yo request to have his mother present before giving consent to search his possession.


kid didn't make any sudden moves, didn't resist, he just wasn't complying peacefully. saying he wanted to wait for his mother.... and the cops couldnt deal with that? cops aren't level-headed enough to deal with a scared teen peacefully disobeying? matter of fact, he even said he was going to get out of the car! so he wasn't really disobeying he just said dont touch me! he was asking the cop not to touch him and the cop wouldn't agree he just ignored him. got fed up and they assaulted him. absolutely no reason, if the cop said we wont touch you, he woulda got out immediately. its ridiculous man

White officers are under attack from angry black folks.

Peep my dude on the right, though


Even hanity is taken aback by the loyalness this fool is showing to white folks
kid didn't make any sudden moves, didn't resist, he just wasn't complying peacefully. saying he wanted to wait for his mother.... and the cops couldnt deal with that? cops aren't level-headed enough to deal with a scared teen peacefully disobeying? matter of fact, he even said he was going to get out of the car! so he wasn't really disobeying he just said dont touch me! he was asking the cop not to touch him and the cop wouldn't agree he just ignored him. got fed up and they assaulted him. absolutely no reason, if the cop said we wont touch you, he woulda got out immediately. its ridiculous man
and he survived....
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FF to 40:40 to hear Jesse troll...  we shouldn't give him any attention.   Let Faux news keep their ****dog. 
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