Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

you can see the cop at the end grab the cell phone...he was the sergeant that the driver requested to be there...he tried to delete the video but it was saved under recently deleted files in her iphone...

crazy out here...this needs to be an official police brutality thread...
you can see the cop at the end grab the cell phone...he was the sergeant that the driver requested to be there...he tried to delete the video but it was saved under recently deleted files in her iphone...
Dudes were exhausted from beatin' dudes *** in such harsh conditions... sure they are to retrieve some award for their bravery
^^^^ America really needs to stop the militarization of our police

I cringe every time I hear a arms manufacturer talk about how many armies, and police forces use their weapons :smh:
How do their injuries justify beating an already defenseless, unconscious, unarmed man? Kicks, punches and batons whilst surrendered is ok with you?

naw man...i was just pointing out the fact that the media has them on video beating a defenseless man but they somehow point out the officers injuries...even though they caused said injuries...
Actually the officer's injuries came from the horse when they yanked the man off it. Rodney King got his *** beat for the world to see, I'm sure the character assassination of Mr. Pusoz is coming and they'll get off. All 10 are already on paid leave.
******* crazy.....

reporter had no words after she said "suspect being tased" and saw that they were beating the **** out of that man. cops just started coming out of no where in order to get a few punches/kicks in. firings and jail sentences should be handed down.
No I'm sure the commentary was cut for "personal" reasons... you can tell because the sound in the background went... wouldn't expect anything less
double post dont really care but yall gotta hear this fool jesse man (some1 embed pls 2 tired) i got some choice words for jesse but i think meth would lock this thread and drop da banhammer on me and that's the last thing this thread needs
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I'm still banking in the far right using this to say they're objectively viewing things.

They're going to point back to this and say "we care about black people!"..

And refer to this whenever they're ******** on minorities.
Maybe that Sefolosha video will wake up all the tap dancing Black celebs.

If a cop sees you as just another Black or Brown person instead of your fame they will beat you down just like anybody else.


You know damn well dudes ain't trying to mess up their brand

I said maybe :lol:

They don't realize their money and status does/will not save them from white supremacy either.

WS will just send them out to deflect and blame themselves for what happens until they are no longer useful.
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