Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

^ I said "many", I didn't generalize and basically say everyone in the whole thread like you basically did, just stop man. Seriously. That SWS crap is just a troll term man, that's irony in itself when someone calls someone that. You hate cops? Well the next time you get victimized, robbed, car jacked, etc. Please don't call the cops okay bravo? Don't ever call the cops ever.
^ I said "many", I didn't generalize and basically say everyone in the whole thread like you basically did, just stop man. Seriously. That SWS crap is just a troll term man, that's irony in itself when someone calls someone that. You hate cops? Well the next time you get victimized, robbed, car jacked, etc. Please don't call the cops okay bravo? Don't ever call the cops ever.
I dont hate cops.  
Don't make sense, so if I'm defending cops, aka the men and women who protect and serve, whether they're black or white, I'm a SWS? Damn what's his world gotten into? I never said not once that these crooked *** cops who kill are in the right. Holy hell man. It wasn't right for you to call me a SWS when I never said a single thing about race. To you it's about race, to me, it's about cops vs criminals, black, white, it doesn't matter, a cop is a cop, a criminal is a criminal. Read the thread of this title. Those two police men, one black, one white got killed by criminals. So if you don't hate cops, then you should give condolences to those two brave men instead of getting on me about the "y'all" term and show some distaste to these criminals for their heinous acts.
^ I said "many", I didn't generalize and basically say everyone in the whole thread like you basically did, just stop man. Seriously. That SWS crap is just a troll term man, that's irony in itself when someone calls someone that. You hate cops? Well the next time you get victimized, robbed, car jacked, etc. Please don't call the cops okay bravo? Don't ever call the cops ever.

ok, in a cpl years I'll be thirty. I think I can go another 30 years without callin a pig.

I am a man afteral. The kind that invented the wheel and crossed the oceans. I'll be aight
It's amusing how often this "sws" is being used on here, but not a single user of the term recognizes the irony of its use.

Really sit back and think about how you are using this term, and more importantly, why. Think beyond the emotion and knee jerk reactions...

It may help to consider the very justice that folks in here are (very rightfully) after.

Carry on sirs
Yall really think there are white supremacists on here lol

The term is "suspected"... Not calling anyone the term for sure.

I've never used it... I just am shocked at how personal folks get.

If someone calls me dumb... I don't get mad... Why?

Because I'm not dumb.

If someone calls you a sws, then you shouldn't even sweat it if you're not a sws, ya know?
Lord forbid someone get upset if they're called a white supremacist :lol:


Swear dudes are incapable of seeing it from the other side.

Folks pretending that they laugh off any label that could be placed on them (whether it is deserved or not), but show all kinds of sensitivity when they're the target. Putting a meaningless prefix in front of it doesn't make a difference, it's as transparent as Saran Wrap, b. And the name calling isn't even the point, it's the consistence ignorance.

Really kind of sad, starting not to expect anything more, though...
"I think you might be a bigot. Woah dude calm down I didn't call you one I just said you're probably one. If you're not one then why get upset? It's not like I'm making an inflammatory accusation or assaulting your character or anything like that."
Look at these punk *** cops

What's the story behind this? What did she do? You say, "Look at these punk *** cops" yet what about those punk *** disobedient wild up citizens? Did you just search up a video about cops being ***holes and thought, "those punk*** cops" no matter what? I understand you don't like the cops here, but you have to realize, they were being outnumbered, harassed and it gets to the point where you're the cop here, no more patience, you have to start controlling these people, that's your job. Cops are humans too and get frustrated as we do. We pay our taxes for law enforcement to provide a more safe environment. Because in the end, these same citizens can be in front of your house, acting crazy, starting fights, yelling, etc etc etc or in any other public area to disturb you. You think they wanted to beat the hell out of that girl? How about a life's lesson? She had her amendment rights, take her in, and get a lawyer and handle it in court. Not all cops are bad man. And there's a couple or a few skipped sections on that video.

You want to know why it's more crazy at other countries? Because of their lack of a good economy, a lack of money, and the U.S has an economy, has the money and can pay law enforcement to take control and stop the chaos. That's why in other countries, you can get away with more crimes. Not all cops are bad man and it's best to go by facts, not skipped edited videos and wild up pissed citizens.

*Awaits the calling me SWS nonsense stupid comments that are irrelevant*
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Yeah I'm sure that 14 year old girl is a little thug and provoked the cop to touch her.

**** outta here boy.

Oh you think 14 year olds are all innocent? You know the girl? You sure she ain't in a gang or selling drugs to kids? lol wow did the cop hit her though? Last I checked, if a suspect is resisting, force may be the resort. You don't have to be a thug to be a suspect. You're **** clueless minded. Get more educated man.
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Let's be real, if she really did something to warrant getting arrested they woulda arrested her. Dude kept getting in and out the car cuz he knew what he was doing. The b**** *** cop just wanted to flex his muscle, but the people wasn't having it. Salute to them and **** coward police.
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Let's be real, if she really did something to warrant getting arrested they woulda arrested her. Dude kept getting in and out the car cuz he knew what he was doing. The b**** *** cop just wanted to flex his muscle, but the people wasn't having it. Salute to them and **** coward police.

Dude, did you read the damn title of the video? "The community doesn't allow it". I'm sure they did want to take her in. But they got crazy group of people surrounding them, they got a man recording. If they indeed took her in, wouldn't you be even more angry? That's a hypocrite comment you made about "coward police". They probably chose to get her another day, through her address and everything or backup wouldn't come soon enough.
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BREAKING: Obama bans some military-style equipment provided to local police through federal programs
— The Associated Press (@AP)

May 18, 2015

Very happy about this.

To me it's sickening how amped up these cops get when they get to play fake solider against their own community. They're insecurity and desperation is almost childish.

Supposedly these guys are hired to be ambassadors of the community, to bridge the gap between the citizens and their local government by enforcing its laws, but their ambition is to dress up in riot gear and point assault rifles at unarmed people, to promote their own fragile self-worth.

Terrible that law enforcement was allowed to evolve to this, but great that the fed government is trying to counteract it.
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I agree you guys and Obama for this. They should only carry some sort of taser, or some sort of Tranquilizer. No more of these lethal weapons.
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