Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I agree you guys and Obama for this. They should only carry some sort of taser, or some sort of Tranquilizer. No more of these lethal weapons.

I am pretty sure the military equipment wasnt given to police so that it can be used when people peacefully protest with cardboard signs in the afternoon.

Blame the local police for misusing the military equipment, not the federal government.
This thread does nothing but raise my blood pressure. Ferguson got some more explaining to do.
What's the story behind this? What did she do? You say, "Look at these punk *** cops" yet what about those punk *** disobedient wild up citizens? Did you just search up a video about cops being ***holes and thought, "those punk*** cops" no matter what? I understand you don't like the cops here, but you have to realize, they were being outnumbered, harassed and it gets to the point where you're the cop here, no more patience, you have to start controlling these people, that's your job. Cops are humans too and get frustrated as we do. We pay our taxes for law enforcement to provide a more safe environment. Because in the end, these same citizens can be in front of your house, acting crazy, starting fights, yelling, etc etc etc or in any other public area to disturb you. You think they wanted to beat the hell out of that girl? How about a life's lesson? She had her amendment rights, take her in, and get a lawyer and handle it in court. Not all cops are bad man. And there's a couple or a few skipped sections on that video.

You want to know why it's more crazy at other countries? Because of their lack of a good economy, a lack of money, and the U.S has an economy, has the money and can pay law enforcement to take control and stop the chaos. That's why in other countries, you can get away with more crimes. Not all cops are bad man and it's best to go by facts, not skipped edited videos and wild up pissed citizens.

*Awaits the calling me SWS nonsense stupid comments that are irrelevant*

I read on another site that she was walking a 7 year old and the little kid pressed the button on an emergency call pole that goes to the police. IF (don't know for sure) that is true, the behavior of the police is completely out of line and the people who prevented her from being arrested did the right thing.
I agree you guys and Obama for this. They should only carry some sort of taser, or some sort of Tranquilizer. No more of these lethal weapons.
So everyone should have a gun BESIDES the police? Do you know why you can look at those stats for other nations and see low amounts of cop killings? Their gun laws. Gun aren't so easy to come by in those nations so the average cop doesn't need to carry one. No fear of getting shot results in less shootings. Police training in this country is so damn gung ho with their shoot to kill mentality because the threat of running into someone with a gun is high and contrary to what many people on this site have stated, police are NOT expendable, so they're trained to:

A. Always assume a suspect might be armed.

B. If threat to life is apparent shoot to kill.

A makes sense, but B too often translates to, "If scared then shoot.", which due to the social stigma of the dangerous black man, leads to too many of us getting shot.

But change the gun laws and watch the police change too. When they no longer have a reason to be afraid, we will no longer have a reason to be afraid. They'll no longer "need" guns. Tasers would be a legitimate alternative. Will cops start loving poor, predominately black communities? Doubt it, but the rates on cop shootings will definitely go down. But alas, tis but a pipe dream. Americans love their guns too much to ever tamper with them.
I agree you guys and Obama for this. They should only carry some sort of taser, or some sort of Tranquilizer. No more of these lethal weapons.

So everyone should have a gun BESIDES the police?

Well according to this thread, yea, we should only trust citizens with guns.

Nah but in reality, even though I'm still in the 20s, I like to pretend I came from the time where man only used his fists. I don't think anybody should own a lethal weapon in this country unless you are in the military.

But I also want to add, why do police carry lethal weapons? Well it's because of us citizens who do carry lethal weapons.
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weird how that works...kill a young man then give him a memorial after you disgrace him and his family...
Well according to this thread, yea, we should only trust citizens with guns.

Nah but in reality, even though I'm still in the 20s, I like to pretend I came from the time where man only used his fists. I don't think anybody should own a lethal weapon in this country unless you are in the military.

But I also want to add, why do police carry lethal weapons? Well it's because of us citizens who do carry lethal weapons.

The issue isn't with Police carrying lethal weapons, the issue is with their fragile egos and their propensity to use their lethal weapons without considering any other options. A lot of police forces around the world carry guns, the vast majority don't use them. The fact that Police in this country shoot people while running away, standing still, or just sitting in a car is ridiculous.

Fact is if you can't take down an average sized man without reaching for your gun you shouldn't be on a police force. We have way too many out of shape, unintelligent cops who think every situation needs to escalate to pointing their gun at someone.
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The issue isn't with Police carrying lethal weapons, the issue is with their fragile egos and their propensity to use their lethal weapons without considering any other options. A lot of police forces around the world carry guns, the vast majority don't use them. The fact that Police in this country shoot people while running away, standing still, or just sitting in a car is ridiculous.

Fact is if you can't take down an average sized man without reaching for your gun you shouldn't be on a police force. We have way too many out of shape, unintelligent cops who think every situation needs to escalate to pointing their gun at someone.


The UK doesnt look like a warzone to me... their beat cops dont carry guns
Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...
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Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

If you want to support and show the good things cops do cool, go make your own thread. This thread is about bringing attention to police brutality on black men which is a serious issue in America and we don't need somebody tryna throw it off track with a condescending tone. That's why you and posters like you get called trolls.
Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

C'mon man that's multiple times now you've attempted to troll this thread.

Lame as hell :smh:
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Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

you do realize you came into a thread titled "Police kill unarmed teen"...?

they shot 2 more unarmed men yesterday for shoplifting...
here is audio from dispatch...


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Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

If you want to support and show the good things cops do cool, go make your own thread. This thread is about bringing attention to police brutality on black men which is a serious issue in America and we don't need somebody tryna throw it off track with a condescending tone. That's why you and posters like you get called trolls.

If I do that, mods will probably deem it unnecessary and probably will be a troll thread because of some people here, calling the Original Poster out and blasting him. Last time I checked the title of this thread is "POLICE KILL UNARMED TEEN IN FERGUSON", not "RACIST WHITE COPS KILLING INNOCENT UNARMED BLACK KIDS". Some of you are making it a race thing. I don't recall anyone here posting about how a cop beats or kills a white man when in fact it does happen that cops do beat up white people as well as other race of color. It's only news to you if a white cop kills a black man, and that's how your mind is clouded upon and that's why you think it's a serious issue in America. Black men and all colors die every day. You act like the only fatality for a black man is a white racist in America.

Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

C'mon man that's multiple times now you've attempted to troll this thread.

Lame as hell :smh:

To you, if it's not about a white racist cop killing an innocent black man, it's a troll post?

Well, this thread has had too many negative news with the police, why can't I post something different and something positive and humorous the cops actually do in the community that the news media never show? I guess to you guys, it ain't worthy of news if a cop don't kill an unarmed black teen right? You guys need help. And I get called the troll? Damn...

you do realize you came into a thread titled "Police kill unarmed teen"...?

they shot 2 more unarmed men yesterday for shoplifting...
here is audio from dispatch...



I think my post is relevant because it can point out my argument THAT NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can sense the level of intellect here. If you're scared of cops and want to hide than by all means go ahead, but to think they're all killers is absurd.

*Awaits to be called a troll, Uncle Tom, SWS because I know that's all they can argue when it comes to rationality*
I can sense the level of intellect here. If you're scared of cops and want to hide than by all means go ahead, but to think they're all killers is absurd.

what are you even talking about...?


Damn cops even shoot these innocent buffalos, it's probably because they black too :smh:

to remind you of your older contributions to this thread...

and if you find news stories of a cop killing an unarmed WHITE teen...please post it...
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I can sense the level of intellect here. If you're scared of cops and want to hide than by all means go ahead, but to think they're all killers is absurd.

what are you even talking about...?


Damn cops even shoot these innocent buffalos, it's probably because they black too :smh:

to remind you of your older contributions to this thread...

It's called a humor post to eliminate some of the negativity here. Did I get any reps for that post? I don't remember. I mean if that didn't make anyone chuckle for a slight brief moment, then somethings wrong with you and you don't have enough fun in your life or think the world is over with all these cops. But nice of you to do all that effort to look through pages of post for that though even though that was old though. Like I said, I can't make a humor post to even make fun of cops that you dislike, but get labeled a troll?

I mean, not one of you guys took a look at my initial positive/humor link post and reacted positively? Not one of you even looked at the original person who posted the video on FB and titled it "NOT ALL COPS IS ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE OR DOING WRONG IN THE STREETS [emoji]8252[/emoji]️" even though the original poster was as colored? Not anyone mentioned some of the comments in that video of colored people with positive attitudes? I guess all those colored people who posted positive comments on FB are all trolls, Uncle Toms and SWS? Instead of this I get called out. Lol Some of you (not all) really have to think first before your finger tips press the "Submit" button prior to posting. I'll tell you guys this, log into FB, and comment about that link I sent , tell them all your rants about Police, this and that, and see if you get anything back from anyone in that comment section.
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Yeah, this dude is a clown. Pointless to even debate him.

^ Like I said before, I'll keep anticipating for the troll comments like these, the SWS and Uncle Tom insults for being rational because there's nothing else you guys can say. Can't argue with facts and logic, I understand, just carry on man. Just keep looking for vicious cops killing innocent people news articles. Thanks for proving my point.
Can't argue with facts and logic

what facts are you talking about...?

you came in a thread where a cop killed an unarmed teen and your 1st thought is to post a "humor post" about cops killing buffalo because they are black...
i don't find that humorous at all sir...pretty disrespectful...this thread isn't about making light or poking fun of racial tension between the african american community and police...i'm sure the parent's of Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray and any other person of color being killed by the police thinks your humor is spot on...

there is a new topic button that you can make useful and put all your racial jokes of cops and african american in that thread instead of trying to derail this one...

get your fix for the attention though...last time i will respond to your immaturity...
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Can't argue with facts and logic

what facts are you talking about...?

you came in a thread where a cop killed an unarmed teen and your 1st thought is to post a "humor post" about cops killing buffalo because they are black...
i don't find that humorous at all sir...pretty disrespectful...this thread isn't about making light or poking fun of racial tension between the african american community and police...i'm sure the parent's of Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray and any other person of color being killed by the police thinks your humor is spot on...

there is a new topic button that you can make useful and put all your racial jokes of cops and african american in that thread instead of trying to derail this one...

That wasn't the facts I was referring to, if you weren't illiterate you would have realized that that was just a random humor post since there was too many negativity here and should not be used or related to the current discussion. 1st thought? I've been posting in this thread for some time even before that buffalo link, you act like that was my first ever post in here when it wasn't. Just stop man. Please, just stop. Go to another thread and continue adding post count somewhere else. You're bringing unnecessary old topics to a current discussion which isn't a correct way to debate your side.
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