Pope Francis Excommunicates the mafia.....Also makes exorcisms official catholic practice.

You don't have to, but people do. I don't have to drive a nice car for yambz...but it's why I drive a nice car(I don't drive a nice car but literally the only reason I would drive a 'nice' car) ...I don't have to do a lot for a lot, but doesn't make the reason I do it any less valid.

And, that whole 'religion is responsible for great atrocities' is so shallow, We didn't drop the nuke be side of religion, Negroes weren't slaves then 2nd class citizens because of religion, WWI, Vietnam, Manifest destiny etc. people do things generally for economic gain, you just need the support if the church to get anything major done in history, good or bad.

Like I said, judge away, but call it what it is, prejudice, maybe stop being so perfect and admit y'all are prejudice against the religious.
You don't have to, but people do. I don't have to drive a nice car for yambz...but it's why I drive a nice car(I don't drive a nice car but literally the only reason I would drive a 'nice' car) ...I don't have to do a lot for a lot, but doesn't make the reason I do it any less valid.

And, that whole 'religion is responsible for great atrocities' is so shallow, We didn't drop the nuke be side of religion, Negroes weren't slaves then 2nd class citizens because of religion, WWI, Vietnam, Manifest destiny etc. people do things generally for economic gain, you just need the support if the church to get anything major done in history, good or bad.

Like I said, judge away, but call it what it is, prejudice, maybe stop being so perfect and admit y'all are prejudice against the religious.

The entire Middle East has had wars based around religion since the creation of religion... It's not just Christianity/Catholics, the vast majority of religion have had violence associated with them at some point in time...

And I'm very happy to admit my prejudice against religion... I personally find it to be a dumb thought... It's the only thing in this world that is acceptable to believe in, with a complete lack of evidence...
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So..you prejudice against religion? That's what I want y'all to acknowledge. I mean, y'all generalize throwing every religious indiscretion on every religious person (I'm agnostic btw)...which means you judge every religious person as somehow a 'sheep' or 'ignorant' pre getting to know them..so y'all are prejudice against religion... Say that and I'm out the thread, I gots no more comments after someone admits that.
Nice to see some of the same people bashing the church. I don't follow any religion but still don't like to see negativity towards those that do follow.
The entire Middle East has had wars based around religion since the creation of religion... It's not just Christianity/Catholics, the vast majority of religion have had violence associated with them at some point in time...

And I'm very happy to admit my prejudice against religion... I personally find it to be a dumb thought... It's the only thing in this world that is acceptable to believe in, with a complete lack of evidence...
race, religion, and revenue.... the three r's that all wars, evils, devastation and destruction stem from... Many will use the whole well its not all ppl and its what ppl do/use it as/for.... but the same can be said about guns, but at the end of the day how much worst/better would the world be without them? 
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And Stalin did not use his atheist views to suppress others.

Aware me bruh.

Last I checked Stalin wasn't championing atheism to do what he did.

Your quote proved nothing...as we have stated, Stalin did not let his atheist beliefs act as a motive to kill others.

And your pic is cute, but obviously you're frustrated that you can't refute what we're arguing.

Are you serious? My "quote" proved nothing? I literally give you a cited academic source that states that Stalin's state-sponsored atheism killed millions and you say I can't refute what you're arguing?  Am I in Bizarro-world?


None of it was based on his atheism.
Did you not read what I posted? I guess you missed the part where Christians were persecuted and murdered as a direct result of Soviet state-sponsored atheism. They were killed because religion was not allowed in the Soviet Union, not because they were dissenters, homosexuals, whatever.

But no it wasn't because of atheism. He killed plenty of atheists so that totally invalidates his religious persecution, right?

Basically what you're telling me is that "Stalin killed other people for other reasons so lel your argument is invalid".

You keep saying state sponsored atheism :lol:

Point to me the atheism ideal that all religious ppl should be put to death? Sounds more like Catholics burning heretics to me. Seems more like Stalin killed those ppl cuz he wanted to not cuz he was an atheist. Son could've been a satanist and did what he did.

There was no Atheist manifesto Stalin read or wrote that he referred to when he did what he did
Aware me bruh.

Last I checked Stalin wasn't championing atheism to do what he did.
You keep saying state sponsored atheism

Point to me the atheism ideal that all religious ppl should be put to death? Sounds more like Catholics burning heretics to me. Seems more like Stalin killed those ppl cuz he wanted to not cuz he was an atheist. Son could've been a satanist and did what he did.

There was no Atheist manifesto Stalin read or wrote that he referred to when he did what he did
lol yeah obviously he did it because he wanted to.

read a book son I'm not with it anymore

I already gave quantifiable evidence but all I'm hearing is the same thing over and over again from you guys.

I offered a few topics of research earlier in the thread. Gone head and Google them

Happy reading
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Aware me bruh.

Last I checked Stalin wasn't championing atheism to do what he did.

You keep saying state sponsored atheism :lol:

Point to me the atheism ideal that all religious ppl should be put to death? Sounds more like Catholics burning heretics to me. Seems more like Stalin killed those ppl cuz he wanted to not cuz he was an atheist. Son could've been a satanist and did what he did.

There was no Atheist manifesto Stalin read or wrote that he referred to when he did what he did

lol yeah obviously he did it because he wanted to.

read a book son I'm not with it anymore :smile:
It's a shame you held so closely to your link.

It's kinda like you don't know what atheism is. Using Stalin as your example would be no different if he was a nihilist and killed ppl. There's a leap in logic you're using to make your argument that you refuse to acknowledge or are purposely ignoring since you don't want to believe otherwise.

I had a similar discussion with Meth awhile back when he brought up the ppl who killed and committed heinous acts in the name of science (wait for you to tell me that's a religion too or compare it to one) and I'll say the same thing I said then now. Science does not have some allegedly infallible text that preaches hate. Neither does atheism. There are key fundamental differences between those things and religions.


I like how you went from "Stalin never killed for religious reasons" to "OK but that was just one example"  :rofl:
Atheism isn't even a religion though. What have you been reading to believe any of this? :smh: :x :rolleyes
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It's a shame you held so closely to your link.

It's kinda like you don't know what atheism is. Using Stalin as your example would be no different if he was a nihilist and killed ppl. There's a leap in logic you're using to make your argument that you refuse to acknowledge or are purposely ignoring since you don't want to believe otherwise.
Atheism isn't even a religion though. What have you been reading to believe any of this?
I never called atheism a religion. What?

And you're trying to bait me or whatever, but I don't really care. After seeing this I realized that any attempt at using logic and reasoning in this thread was pointless.
It is perfectly acceptable to generalize all catholics.
It's a shame you held so closely to your link.

It's kinda like you don't know what atheism is. Using Stalin as your example would be no different if he was a nihilist and killed ppl. There's a leap in logic you're using to make your argument that you refuse to acknowledge or are purposely ignoring since you don't want to believe otherwise.

Atheism isn't even a religion though. What have you been reading to believe any of this? :smh: :x :rolleyes

I never called atheism a religion. What?
Any religious reasons Stalin killed for weren't because that's what atheists do or that's what's atheism is about.

Atheism is not a religion.

And you're trying to bait me or whatever, but I don't really care. After seeing this I realized that any attempt at using logic and reasoning in this thread was pointless.

It is perfectly acceptable to generalize all catholics.
Must be nice to selectively quote ppl and run with it all condescending like.
Who said anything about a debate? You asked and I answered.

I didn't really expect you to rebut with anything of worth given your previous posts on the topic. I just found some of it absurd enough to respond myself.

You can go back to being ghost now.
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?
Comes in here to see what's being said about the Pope and the Mafia.

Sees people are debating about Stalin.

Scratches head.

Leaves thread.
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

An easy answer to this question is a lot of catholics are IGNORANT to the atrocities the Catholic commits. Now whether or not ignorance absolves them from blame is debatable.

So are ALL Americans responsible for all the innocent people the military has killed in the middle east?
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It's not that they are ignorant, but it wasn't that specific catholic that caused the crusades, just like it wasn't that specific white dude that caused slavery...unless of course I can go around TKO'ng white dudes...then I'd accept all this.
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?
Brb. Holding you responsible for the atrocities America still commits today, ever committed and ever will commit.

People use money to commit heinous acts. I don't blame the money or anyone that uses it, I blame the people.

A boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, I don't blame the entire organization, I blame the man that committed the act of rape.

Someone shoots my mother, I blame the shooter, not the gun and I damn sure don't blame every gun owner in the world.
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

Brb. Holding you responsible for the atrocities America still commits today, ever committed and ever will commit.
People use money to commit heinous acts. I don't blame the money or anyone that uses it, I blame the people.
A boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, I don't blame the entire organization, I blame the man that committed the act of rape.
Someone shoots my mother, I blame the shooter, not the gun and I damn sure don't blame every gun owner in the world.


*Blaming the NRA for all the murders in Chicago*
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

Brb. Holding you responsible for the atrocities America still commits today, ever committed and ever will commit.
People use money to commit heinous acts. I don't blame the money or anyone that uses it, I blame the people.
A boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, I don't blame the entire organization, I blame the man that committed the act of rape.
Someone shoots my mother, I blame the shooter, not the gun and I damn sure don't blame every gun owner in the world.

But if the person who shot your mother... Was told that it was OK to shoot your mother, and that it would better the world... Would you blame the shooter, the person who told him, or both?...
If a boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, and the organization pays that scout off, and transfers that scout leader to a different group and then this information comes out and people still continue to support it, them yea you can blame the whole organization.

Like I said in an earlier post, all Nazi's supportees are guilty whether they murdered a new or not. All Klan members are guilty whether they lynched someone or not. I hold Catholics on that same level. Even though it's not fair to Nazi's and the KKK to make that comparison the Catholic Church is far more heinous.

An the whole ignorance argument holds no water. If you've own a TV or took any level history class you know exactly what the Catholic Church has done and continues to do. It's willful blindness at this point, which I'd crime in itself.
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Brb. Holding you responsible for the atrocities America still commits today, ever committed and ever will commit.

People use money to commit heinous acts. I don't blame the money or anyone that uses it, I blame the people.

A boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, I don't blame the entire organization, I blame the man that committed the act of rape.

Someone shoots my mother, I blame the shooter, not the gun and I damn sure don't blame every gun owner in the world.
not quite the same cause the examples you gave have proven positives and usefulness.... money can be used for evil...its been proven and seen, same with money can be used for good it has been seen and proven, same with boy scouts same with weapons.... there is irrefutable evidence to show the positives and negatives in the examples you listed, while as far as religion goes... the good is only seen by its believers and it is not irrefutable nor is it proven. the evils wrong doings by religion is irrefutable, has be proven and has been seen/effected all ppl. 
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If a boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, and the organization pays that scout off, and transfers that scout leader to a different group and then this information comes out and people still continue to support it, them yea you can blame the whole organization.

And then blames it on being gay... And says that being gay is wrong and a sin... But the raping of the boy wasn't a sin,,,
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

An easy answer to this question is a lot of catholics are IGNORANT to the atrocities the Catholic commits. Now whether or not ignorance absolves them from blame is debatable.

So are ALL Americans responsible for all the innocent people the military has killed in the middle east?
Being American isn't a choice though (not counting ppl who apply for dual citizenship).

The way this argument is being framed is from the viewpoint that being Catholic is a specific type of Christianity you choose to become a part of, knowingly taking on everything that comes with being Catholic. Hence, one would assume you're aware of the Catholic churches teachings, attitude, and history.

Like the previous examples of the KKK or a criminal gang, hell the very mafia this pope is condemning. If you willingly become say a Nazi you're attaching yourself to a bunch of genocidal yes men. So granted you may not have committed any of those acts you become complicit in them because you willingly joined. You've sided with them so you're just as worthy of blame.

In a case like that it isn't the actions of a few damning the many. They are acts condoned by the entire group, it's apart of their way of life and doctrine. They don't regret their actions they simply pray for those they've murdered.

This is why I don't get why ppl try to compare this type of heinous **** to things like science or atheism or a damn nationality. If I join a gang of murderers and rapists and am aware of it on a daily basis why shouldn't I be held responsible for their actions along with everybody else that joined but didn't part take.
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