Pope Francis Excommunicates the mafia.....Also makes exorcisms official catholic practice.

So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

An easy answer to this question is a lot of catholics are IGNORANT to the atrocities the Catholic commits. Now whether or not ignorance absolves them from blame is debatable.

So are ALL Americans responsible for all the innocent people the military has killed in the middle east?
Being American isn't a choice though (not counting ppl who apply for dual citizenship).

The way this argument is being framed is from the viewpoint that being Catholic is a specific type of Christianity you choose to become a part of, knowingly taking on everything that comes with being Catholic. Hence, one would assume you're aware of the Catholic churches teachings, attitude, and history.

Like the previous examples of the KKK or a criminal gang, hell the very mafia this pope is condemning. If you willingly become say a Nazi you're attaching yourself to a bunch of genocidal yes men. So granted you may not have committed any of those acts you become complicit in them because you willingly joined. You've sided with them so you're just as worthy of blame.

In a case like that it isn't the actions of a few damning the many. They are acts condoned by the entire group, it's apart of their way of life and doctrine. They don't regret their actions they simply pray for those they've murdered.

This is why I don't get why ppl try to compare this type of heinous **** to things like science or atheism or a damn nationality. If I join a gang of murderers and rapists and am aware of it on a daily basis why shouldn't I be held responsible for their actions along with everybody else that joined but didn't part take.

What is what people love to say when people complain about the country, "If you don't like it, don't live here". So you can renounce your citizenship and move somewhere else, in fact, people have done so. Nobody is forced to live in the US. So being a citizen by birth isn't a choice, but maintaining your citizenship IS.
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My argument is valid. So you're saying there weren't Germans who defected their country during WWII because of the heinous acts their country commited?

You guys see why it's silly to place blame on ALL Catholics for what the church has done? Just because they're apart of the denomination does not mean they condone their actions.

Or like I said, we can start blaming the citizens of countries that commit horrible crimes.
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You sound indoctrinated as hell by a ******** religion :D ..oh, but because they gave you an education, everything is all good and we should all accept the Jesuits into our daily lives.. **** outta here

Lmao, you have yet to provide anything proving that the Jesuits are evil. All you're giving me is conspiracy BS. So before you start attacking me, **** and do your research
It is perfectly acceptable to generalize all catholics. They support the church. They are members. They do not speak out against the evils the organization commits. I've said it before, all Catholics are guilty. Just like all people that supported the Nazi's in WW2, were guilty, whether they killed anyone or not. All KKK members are guilty whether they lynched anyone or not. When you willingly join up with corrupt criminal organization then you endorse their actions.

Did you just compare Catholics to Nazis and the KKK? Like what? So the organization with people that do arguably the most charity work in the world and have tried to be good to people in need are comparable to the KKK and Nazis? Wtf? Usually an atheist gives me a good argument, but this is borderline idiotic, no offense. Explain the evils that the Church commits today please...
Is this exorcist stuff real?
Like are there really folk with demons in em? How we know they just not crazy?

The devil is a LIE = there's no such thing as the devil

I love my God, and I love Jesus. But at the end of the day, I really hate how some churches operate..like they'll give you the word, but at the end they'll say that you MUST contribute money or the blessing will not come to you.

Can someone school me on what the Pope does?
You not even sure what you wanna believe in?  Why don't you google and read up on Roman Catholic, or take a course on religion.  Perhaps Theology as well.  You will find many, many similarities between different religions and realize that the fabrication of the human mind is quite amazing.
If a boy scout leader rapes one of his scouts, and the organization pays that scout off, and transfers that scout leader to a different group and then this information comes out and people still continue to support it, them yea you can blame the whole organization.

Like I said in an earlier post, all Nazi's supportees are guilty whether they murdered a new or not. All Klan members are guilty whether they lynched someone or not. I hold Catholics on that same level. Even though it's not fair to Nazi's and the KKK to make that comparison the Catholic Church is far more heinous.

An the whole ignorance argument holds no water. If you've own a TV or took any level history class you know exactly what the Catholic Church has done and continues to do. It's willful blindness at this point, which I'd crime in itself.
Such matters occur at any level, and with any social group.  Corruption and scandals occur at work, between friends, countries, etc.  So what makes the Catholic Church any different?  It's  human behavior, and human interaction and such re-occurrences is what they call 'history'.  Now, I don't necessarily agree with the Nazi and Catholic Church comparison, because it makes no sense at all.  You are severely looking at the extreme end of the Catholic Church, but fail to draw logic at what the Nazis did.  

Simply put, churches around communities do more good for people than any Nazi camp.  

Use your logic, and morals to make decisions.  You don't need the Bible to teach how you should live.
Just to clarify I'm not some bible thumper. I belong to no school of belief.

I have little love for organized religion and don't believe the bible is the unadulterated word of God.

I just believe, like any intelligent human being would, that blaming the many for the actions of the few is simply ludicrous.

Especially when those actions aren't even a fundamental belief of the organization that those few are a part of.

Jesus never said "Kill anyone that doesn't believe in me and make people pay to get into heaven."

All those things the catholic church did were started by the men in the highest positions of power within the church.

They abused their power and influence and used it to further their own goals.

Should I blame the nuns at my 2nd grade catholic school for their actions?

Man I should've never ever posted in here and gotten caught up in this foolishness

Respond all you want guys because I won't. I'm done.
So I guess someone is going to tell me why I can't hold all catholics responsible for the atrocities the church still commits today?

An easy answer to this question is a lot of catholics are IGNORANT to the atrocities the Catholic commits. Now whether or not ignorance absolves them from blame is debatable.

So are ALL Americans responsible for all the innocent people the military has killed in the middle east?
Being American isn't a choice though (not counting ppl who apply for dual citizenship).

The way this argument is being framed is from the viewpoint that being Catholic is a specific type of Christianity you choose to become a part of, knowingly taking on everything that comes with being Catholic. Hence, one would assume you're aware of the Catholic churches teachings, attitude, and history.

Like the previous examples of the KKK or a criminal gang, hell the very mafia this pope is condemning. If you willingly become say a Nazi you're attaching yourself to a bunch of genocidal yes men. So granted you may not have committed any of those acts you become complicit in them because you willingly joined. You've sided with them so you're just as worthy of blame.

In a case like that it isn't the actions of a few damning the many. They are acts condoned by the entire group, it's apart of their way of life and doctrine. They don't regret their actions they simply pray for those they've murdered.

This is why I don't get why ppl try to compare this type of heinous **** to things like science or atheism or a damn nationality. If I join a gang of murderers and rapists and am aware of it on a daily basis why shouldn't I be held responsible for their actions along with everybody else that joined but didn't part take.

What is what people love to say when people complain about the country, "If you don't like it, don't live here". So you can renounce your citizenship and move somewhere else, in fact, people have done so. Nobody is forced to live in the US. So being a citizen by birth isn't a choice, but maintaining your citizenship IS.
Yeah so what's wrong with that? You're assuming the person you're talking to doesn't like it.

If a person chooses to not leave I'm sure they have their reasons and specifically Americans, do not care about w/e label or baggage you're tacking on to their nationality or maybe they agree with the military killing in the middle east and disagree that they should be blamed if someone tries to blame them.

Of course I don't think you believe every person that thinks cuz they're American that they're responsible for military killing in the middle east that would leave America is as practical as no longer being Catholic or a Nazi or a member of the KKK.
My argument is valid. So you're saying there weren't Germans who defected their country during WWII because of the heinous acts their country commited?
No. There were Nazis who defected to America and other countries to duck punishment cuz of what they did and what Nazis in Germany did to Jews.

I'm not aware of the Germans who left Germany after WW2 solely because of what the Nazis did. I'm sure many left during for life threatening reasons but simply cuz of the new association and that alone? Aware me.

Mind you you're trying to swap out German for Nazi which is the core of your straw man argument.
You guys see why it's silly to place blame on ALL Catholics for what the church has done? Just because they're apart of the denomination does not mean they condone their actions.

Or like I said, we can start blaming the citizens of countries that commit horrible crimes.
Nah not really.

I assume Americans like Catholics who don't leave their country (religion) simply don't care or agree with it. Aint nothing wrong with recognizing some of the blood on your hands due to your nationality (religion) but that's where some blame comes in.
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Did you just compare Catholics to Nazis and the KKK? Like what? So the organization with people that do arguably the most charity work in the world and have tried to be good to people in need are comparable to the KKK and Nazis? Wtf? Usually an atheist gives me a good argument, but this is borderline idiotic, no offense. Explain the evils that the Church commits today please...

I already acknowledged it was an unfair comparison. The Catholic Church has killed far more people.

To answer your question, they rape children.
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Such matters occur at any level, and with any social group.  Corruption and scandals occur at work, between friends, countries, etc.  So what makes the Catholic Church any different?  It's  human behavior, and human interaction and such re-occurrences is what they call 'history'.  Now, I don't necessarily agree with the Nazi and Catholic Church comparison, because it makes no sense at all.  You are severely looking at the extreme end of the Catholic Church, but fail to draw logic at what the Nazis did.  

Simply put, churches around communities do more good for people than any Nazi camp.  

Use your logic, and morals to make decisions.  You don't need the Bible to teach how you should live.

Well the comparison isn't meant to compare the atrocities of each group. The comparison is solely based on two evil groups and the people that willfully participated. We vilify ALL Nazi's whether they ran a death camp or not. I'm just putting Catholics I'm the same boat.
I already acknowledged it was an unfair comparison. The Catholic Church has killed far more people.

To answer your question, they rape children.

You realize that the Catholic Church hasn't killed even close to the amount of people that the Nazis did. Most of the Church's killings came from the Inquisition and Crusades, even then it is arguable if the Church has over a million killings from that. Your bias and ignorance is showing, the Nazis were probably the most evil group in modern history. The comparison makes no sense because Nazis only did acts of evil while the Catholic Church seeks to help people and if you can't see that then you're delusional. Also the child abuse is a small part of the church and yes I agree that the Church should've done something about it, but you seem to focus only on the flaws of the Catholic Church. If you focus on only the flaws of anything, you can make the thing look evil. That's why you have to look at pros and cons of the organization before passing irrational judgement
^Seems you're just arguing over mission statements now.

All the Nazis did were evil and the Catholics did some good in-between their public burnings. I mean damn you think the Nazis were just doing what they did for the sake of evil? I'm sure in their twisted minds they would've gotten around to "doing good" like the Catholics did if they ever reached the type of widespread dominance Catholicism wielded and got to justify their crimes by doing them in the name of a deity.

Trying to downplay what the church did by making this a #s game is pretty ****** up too. On some these mass killings aren't as bad as these mass killing. Hey at least these murderers tried to do some good a.k.a. robbing and raping cultures while providing the good word.
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Catholic Church was founded in early AD. It's estimated the Nazi's killed about 6 million people. The Catholic Church has passed that number. I tried to find some kind of estimation online but was unable to.

Of course I'm going to focus on the bad things. No amount of good deeds is going to wash away the blood the Catholic Church has on its hands. No food drive, community center,couple counseling is gonna unrape those little boys.

An what makes it worse is these hypocrites got the nerve to tell people how to live good lives. Imagine a known rapist and murderer coming up to you and trying to give you life advice? The audacity.

An some people benefited from the Nazi occupation, so since you want to go there, the Nazi's did some good to.
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Yeah I know. I'm usually better than that but I guess no one wants to do the research on how many people the Catholic Church has killed.
DNR any of the post in here.  

My main gripe with the leaders of Christianity is that they should know who and where the Israelites are located now.   

But instead they'd rather recreate Jesus image into what we see now.  thus making it even harder to find the righteous souls of the world.

not sure if I'm srs or not.  
First thread to support prejudice. Not eem mad.
I don't agree with a majority of your posts at times but I commend you for some you've made in this thread tho. The prejudice and ignorance in this thread is truly baffling. What's the point of even continuing the debates in this thread if people are prejudice? It's just a waste of time
You realize that the Catholic Church hasn't killed even close to the amount of people that the Nazis did.


I'm pretty sure directly and indirectly the catholic church has caused more mayhem than the Nazis.

It's probably pretty close - the people starved to death over centuries in Europe, the South Americans persecuted by "missions" and the amount dying because of AIDS/population in Africa will certainly add up. The
Nazis have them beaten on deaths per year though but weren't in power nearly as long.
Prejudice is judging people for no real reason. I laid out exactly why I hold all catholics guilty. An no one has given any real answer as to why I can't. All of us judge people who are apart of dubious organizations. I think that just because I've grouped catholics in with these kinds of organizations, I'm suddenly wrong.

It's not prejudice if there's a clearly defined and reasonable reason. And there is no ignorance in this thread, just a bunch of people who are willing to hold a terrible group of people accountable for things that they willingly condone.
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I'm not even gonna argue it's worthless and you can't even generalize ALL Catholics. That makes 0 sense whatsoever and right there I take my que to leave
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