Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

Originally Posted by spottiswood

The new Evidences are not that limited. I think that they will be fairly easy to buy. The people who spend 1000.00 for them on ebay are crazy!
I know that they are only releasing the 2 colors one time and they will not be released again but they also made alot of them , so worries.
wait so in comparison to the black/gold that popped up periodically then stable supply how will the whites be?
I don't know how many were made, LV wouldn't give me the exact number but they didn't say that you needed to be on a waiting list or be a VIP tobuy them. I think that they made alot of them for one shot and then that's it. I think that they will be more limited than the black and golds because LVkept producing more and more, but they certainly won't be like the Millionaires.
Originally Posted by spottiswood

I don't know how many were made, LV wouldn't give me the exact number but they didn't say that you needed to be on a waiting list or be a VIP to buy them. I think that they made alot of them for one shot and then that's it. I think that they will be more limited than the black and golds because LV kept producing more and more, but they certainly won't be like the Millionaires.
yea thats what i figured- somewhere inbetween

and the whole millionaire thing was blown up because of the collabs and stars involved...

evi > milli as glasses
milli > * as far as hype goes
Russ - I agree they look different, I didn't even know there were fakes out.

As for the numbers I remember being told the same BS about the Black/Gold's but as the year went on they kept restocking and restocking, it's a regularat the shop now.
tre..ive been meaning to ask you but always long ago did you buy the LV sweater with the big LV logo on it? and what was the retail?
Yeah, if the White and golds are in demand then they will probably be made again and again.
Just goes to show that you should buy something because you love it and not just to make a profit.
I wish that they would re-release the Raymundos!
Originally Posted by spottiswood

Yeah, if the White and golds are in demand then they will probably be made again and again.
Just goes to show that you should buy something because you love it and not just to make a profit.
I wish that they would re-release the Raymundos!
Originally Posted by spottiswood

Uh, what's QFT?

quoted for truth my man

edit: good looks tre

millis are ill, but I like evis for more practical not so flashy but still flashy look. If I make sense...........

o yea subtle......damn I love that word.
Originally Posted by The Rat Pack Is Back

picked these two items up today

finally got the scarf after holding off on it since the release, thought that %%$% wouldn't be sold out from my local LV


What is the overall name of this style button down?
Originally Posted by S Dizzel

has anyone purchased from

100% legit.

My sis has ordered from them plenty of times Guccis, Dior............, Ive ordered some marc jacobs from them back in the day myself. I actually still getemails from them, they always have 2 days sales or % off codes etc.
Shoutout my N___s Dre & Trev in LA.

The Grey's.......and I must say now seeing good pics Grey > White.






Gotta harass my SA now to see if he can get the greys, cause they def. lookin better than the whites, even with that glitter stuff.

Tint on the lenses
It's Grey/Silver..... apparently in the pics they're too dark in person it's lighter.
c'mon my dudes

of course grey>white. hell you wouldnt even need to see pictures of either to place a bet on that.

since we on shades, the young homie cb again.

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