Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

I like millis better but I dont have that type of money. And like Tdot said just for the summer only, not everyday would I wear white. I had a white no namebrand pair of sunglasses 2 summers ago. lol
Just to add (and this is my personal opinion) if this Spring/Summer you see just as many if not more people wearing the White's than the Black's thenpeople are getting it more of the name as oppose to the look or any other "valid" reason.
Originally Posted by tha23greatest

Originally Posted by McFlyyy


what's going on with those?

I'm gonna have to go with fake. Q, Tre, anybody else have opinions?
Someone made a thread in the General Forum and personally I think they're fake. I can't that big LV on the middle of any Sunglasses and Rick has nodamn status that LV would do that for him IMO.
Looks like a custom pair of Millionaires to me and I don't think that LV made them for him.
They are kind of nice though.
Looks like a custom pair of Millionaires to me and I don't think that LV made them for him.
They are kind of nice though.
Even IF (and that's a super big IF) they did customize them for him, they'd never claim it. That big LV in the center looks so gaudy and canalstreet-esque it's ridiculous.

btw, anybody by any chance know someone with a size 90 monogramoflauge belt?

I totally slept on the whole collection and I saw my boy with it yesterday and started regretting not copping that joint.
picked these two items up today

finally got the scarf after holding off on it since the release, thought that %%$% wouldn't be sold out from my local LV

I have a pair of those gucci shades that dro is wearing.. Love them to death...

On another note.. what kind of vest is CB wearing? and dont say a wifebeater
Nice pickup on the gucci shirt.
Yeah, that vest is def polo, saw it on monday, its pretty nice.
White millionaires were easily my fav colour, and my chances now are slim to none, white evidences are a no brainer. its not like i probably won't buyanother pair of black framed sunglasses anyways.
im glad i could never do millioanires with my head shape -white evis look proper cause of the gold...and the shape-

but i don't think id get enough wear outta of them to justify keeping em...ima go get mines and if i like i'll keep BUT if prices are anywhere nearthat auction they are gonnnnnne

i might even sell em off then wait for the hype to die down and grab a pair later....i just envisioned rocking them on ocean drive with



dont ask me why that joint came out sideways
The new Evidence's look like the fakes that have been out for a while:

Please don't tell me Rick Ross sacrileged a pair of black Millionaires...

Edit: The local LV store told me that the Millionaires are not re-releasing... I kind of hope they're wrong.
Originally Posted by S Dizzel

I have a pair of those gucci shades that dro is wearing.. Love them to death...

On another note.. what kind of vest is CB wearing? and dont say a wifebeater
Hahaha thats soo messed up lol
i tried taking my 2 pairs home on the 24th, but they said i can't take them until the 2nd of March because France is delaying them for one day
.I'll post receipts up later.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

im glad i could never do millioanires with my head shape -white evis look proper cause of the gold...and the shape-

but i don't think id get enough wear outta of them to justify keeping em...ima go get mines and if i like i'll keep BUT if prices are anywhere near that auction they are gonnnnnne
word? whats with the prices? I checked ebay last night and people tryna flip em of $1500?
we wont see forreal until they drop and people start buying em up - i mean they would have to be super limited ad super hyped to hit 1500! but who knows now adays...


The new Evidences are not that limited. I think that they will be fairly easy to buy. The people who spend 1000.00 for them on ebay are crazy!
I know that they are only releasing the 2 colors one time and they will not be released again but they also made alot of them , so worries.
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