Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

Alright, I have to chime in on something I’ve seen throughout this thread. I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been in the high-end fashion industry for 15 years, working in NYC, LA and Milan primarily as a production manager and doing pattern making, cutting and grading - both freelance and for some notable companies. I’m no longer in the industry but still pay attention to a lot of things and still know/talk to a lot of people.

Anyway, from both knowing someone closely related (but mostly from observing) here’s what must be said about a brand I see mentioned on here:

Amiri (by Mike Amiri). When you combine the complete lack of credibility behind this guy + the lack of originality + the exorbitant prices + sprinkle a boatload of tackiness on top = it’s by far the most fraudulent, biggest travesty of a “brand” as you will ever come across.

Leather/suede/silk/cashmere/velvet/snakeskin/etc.. - just because you use one of these fancy textiles, or a combination of them in a super generic constructed garment, then add some fraying/distressing or some zippers — does not make you a “designer” or the owner of a “luxury” brand all of a sudden. That’s exactly what this is. For pure narcissistic reasons, this guy wants to claim he owns a luxury brand and pretentiously price it super high in order to fuel his own ego and feel like he’s on par with the real brands he’s so derivative of (SLP, Haider, Balmain).

Look at the styling for the lookbooks and campaigns: throwing on 6 layers of different tees, shirts, hoodies, jackets, topped off with another shirt tied around the waste. #FASHION #LUXURY. And unnecessary zippers all over the place on a variety of pieces. #DETAILS. It screams “lazy styling by a talentless hack” to anyone with a moderate taste.

In case you couldn’t tell, this brand only came about by force feeding it through variety of celebrity stylists - whether it be by befriending them or paying & begging them to have the celebrity wear it. The connection to Buscemi (one of the most tacky sneaker brands + a lawsuit waiting to happen via Hermes) is the only reason it’s gotten into stores like Barneys. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you, but when you have to desperately resort to constant celebrity endorsement in order to sell clothing, it’s pretty telling. Totally makes up for the lack of originality.

And those $350 shotgun pellet tees he sells? He sends them to a brand who’s been doing it for years and who makes their own tees for something like $50, among other things.

This is not actual “designer” clothing. Mike Amiri is not a designer, nor a creative director in the slightest form. The entire thing is an illusion.
Alright, I have to chime in on something I’ve seen throughout this thread. I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been in the high-end fashion industry for 15 years, working in NYC, LA and Milan primarily as a production manager and doing pattern making, cutting and grading - both freelance and for some notable companies. I’m no longer in the industry but still pay attention to a lot of things and still know/talk to a lot of people.

Anyway, from both knowing someone closely related (but mostly from observing) here’s what must be said about a brand I see mentioned on here:

Amiri (by Mike Amiri). When you combine the complete lack of credibility behind this guy + the lack of originality + the exorbitant prices + sprinkle a boatload of tackiness on top = it’s by far the most fraudulent, biggest travesty of a “brand” as you will ever come across.

Leather/suede/silk/cashmere/velvet/snakeskin/etc.. - just because you use one of these fancy textiles, or a combination of them in a super generic constructed garment, then add some fraying/distressing or some zippers — does not make you a “designer” or the owner of a “luxury” brand all of a sudden. That’s exactly what this is. For pure narcissistic reasons, this guy wants to claim he owns a luxury brand and pretentiously price it super high in order to fuel his own ego and feel like he’s on par with the real brands he’s so derivative of (SLP, Haider, Balmain).

Look at the styling for the lookbooks and campaigns: throwing on 6 layers of different tees, shirts, hoodies, jackets, topped off with another shirt tied around the waste. #FASHION #LUXURY. And unnecessary zippers all over the place on a variety of pieces. #DETAILS. It screams “lazy styling by a talentless hack” to anyone with a moderate taste.

In case you couldn’t tell, this brand only came about by force feeding it through variety of celebrity stylists - whether it be by befriending them or paying & begging them to have the celebrity wear it. The connection to Buscemi (one of the most tacky sneaker brands + a lawsuit waiting to happen via Hermes) is the only reason it’s gotten into stores like Barneys. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you, but when you have to desperately resort to constant celebrity endorsement in order to sell clothing, it’s pretty telling. Totally makes up for the lack of originality.

And those $350 shotgun pellet tees he sells? He sends them to a brand who’s been doing it for years and who makes their own tees for something like $50, among other things.

This is not actual “designer” clothing. Mike Amiri is not a designer, nor a creative director in the slightest form. The entire thing is an illusion.
what's your opinion on robins jeans?
Nothing wrong with em to me

Just want to say Gucci stuff lately has been amazing to me but..............

cant do it lol. I can spend HE on shoes but not clothes, I'll stick to JE/Acne/SUpreme etc.

Here's to hoping some stuff hits the sales
Alp, I know you have your own style but I worry that all the stuff you think is dope now isn't going to look right in 5-10 years. I went through it myself over the years as my tastes changed. I know you got resell money coming in now but there will be a time when that drys up or your get a career that prevents you from camping out and stalking online releases.

I'm not saying don't be yourself, just get some less out their pieces that are a little more timeless. There are things that 20 year olds can wear that will look ridiculous in 5-10 years. Just a tip from someone who's own style evolved over time. No shade thrown my ninja.
Alp got that sauce to floss...

Alp my G, do you homie

At least it's a different color jogger and not just grey :lol:
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Alp, I know you have your own style but I worry that all the stuff you think is dope now isn't going to look right in 5-10 years. I went through it myself over the years as my tastes changed. I know you got resell money coming in now but there will be a time when that drys up or your get a career that prevents you from camping out and stalking online releases.

I'm not saying don't be yourself, just get some less out their pieces that are a little more timeless. There are things that 20 year olds can wear that will look ridiculous in 5-10 years. Just a tip from someone who's own style evolved over time. No shade thrown my ninja.
Yea I know this, that's why I'm selective with what clothing I buy. At the moment only own one pair of robins and will not buy that many. I like the stuff he does so that's why I mess with it.

Alp got that sauce to floss...

Alp my G, do you homie

At least it's a different color jogger and not just grey :lol:
Yea man, trying to expand my wardrobe

Those jeans with some furry shoes would be LIT. Don't listen to the herbs alpie.

Do you boo boo
I went into a store once and I was like oh that's something ALP would **** with![emoji]128514[/emoji]
Alright, I have to chime in on something I’ve seen throughout this thread. I’ll preface this by saying I’ve been in the high-end fashion industry for 15 years, working in NYC, LA and Milan primarily as a production manager and doing pattern making, cutting and grading - both freelance and for some notable companies. I’m no longer in the industry but still pay attention to a lot of things and still know/talk to a lot of people.

Anyway, from both knowing someone closely related (but mostly from observing) here’s what must be said about a brand I see mentioned on here:

Amiri (by Mike Amiri). When you combine the complete lack of credibility behind this guy + the lack of originality + the exorbitant prices + sprinkle a boatload of tackiness on top = it’s by far the most fraudulent, biggest travesty of a “brand” as you will ever come across.

Leather/suede/silk/cashmere/velvet/snakeskin/etc.. - just because you use one of these fancy textiles, or a combination of them in a super generic constructed garment, then add some fraying/distressing or some zippers — does not make you a “designer” or the owner of a “luxury” brand all of a sudden. That’s exactly what this is. For pure narcissistic reasons, this guy wants to claim he owns a luxury brand and pretentiously price it super high in order to fuel his own ego and feel like he’s on par with the real brands he’s so derivative of (SLP, Haider, Balmain).

Look at the styling for the lookbooks and campaigns: throwing on 6 layers of different tees, shirts, hoodies, jackets, topped off with another shirt tied around the waste. #FASHION #LUXURY. And unnecessary zippers all over the place on a variety of pieces. #DETAILS. It screams “lazy styling by a talentless hack” to anyone with a moderate taste.

In case you couldn’t tell, this brand only came about by force feeding it through variety of celebrity stylists - whether it be by befriending them or paying & begging them to have the celebrity wear it. The connection to Buscemi (one of the most tacky sneaker brands + a lawsuit waiting to happen via Hermes) is the only reason it’s gotten into stores like Barneys. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you, but when you have to desperately resort to constant celebrity endorsement in order to sell clothing, it’s pretty telling. Totally makes up for the lack of originality.

And those $350 shotgun pellet tees he sells? He sends them to a brand who’s been doing it for years and who makes their own tees for something like $50, among other things.

This is not actual “designer” clothing. Mike Amiri is not a designer, nor a creative director in the slightest form. The entire thing is an illusion.

Interesting post, man. I think you're right about most of it. I will say that I met him before and asked him and his head of production about the shotgun tees and they said they really do go into the Mojave desert to shotgun blast them and that sometimes they lose shirts cuz the blast get too much of the tee. Not sure why he'd lie about that part of what you're saying is true.
I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you, but when you have to desperately resort to constant celebrity endorsement in order to sell clothing, it’s pretty telling.





FWIW, I share the exact same sentiments as you--just playing devil's advocate here :tongue:
The difference is SLP was selling well before any celebrities started rocking it. It's only the last year or so it's "blown up". Mike Amari jeans where sitting for months and months and only sold once he gave celebrities free clothes to wear and promote.
Damb NT is consistent.

The turn on SLP is nearly complete.

We Team Gucci now right?
Always been team Gucci and Prada.

Don't come crawling back now
chill papi. team silk shirts i can't afford word to versace and gucci.

blame the Rock and his $500 shirts during his WWF days
FWIW, I share the exact same sentiments as you--just playing devil's advocate here
I know you’re playing devil’s advocate, but I’ve got to add to what was mentioned by @JackStacks .. Saint Laurent is a storied, highly acclaimed fashion house. They have real designers and creatives on board who've paid their dues and learned from some of the best design schools in the world. This Mike Amiri guy has zero fashion education. Saint Laurent is one of several fashion houses who set the trends and popularize the very same classic styles of garments he rides off of. Only difference is he thinks using a fancy fabric alternative + pretentiously throwing big numbers on the price tag = “luxury brand”. Doesn’t work that way, Mikey! He’s fooling himself more than his instagram followers/customers. Honestly, all I see is pure narcissism.

Now I'm not saying it's forbidden or wrong to use social media or celebrity endorsement to build a brand - absolutely not. But this is a case where everything (as I’ve outlined) is just a grand illusion and not respectable or genuine. Especially given the incomprehensibly absurd, self gratifying pricing with total lack of credibility & originality to back it up.
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mikes stuff is like balmain x slp denim . it just doesn't make sense to me . moto patches under rips ? but people like it so whatever 
New pick-up, it's tight in the forearms though, not sure if I will keep it. Too swole I guess.

P.s. Sorry I quoted my post instead of editing the original.
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That SLP shirt is very dope. I still like Saint Laurent. I hope the new designer continues the current aesthetic. Some of the new Gucci is nice too.
Any suggestions for jeans that are in the $50-$150. I've looked at hyper denim and I've looked at represent clo. I also looked at All Saints but wasn't really interested. I know the price is obviously pretty low as far as fashion goes, but I want to save my money for sneakers. At this point, I would feel weird paying a couple hundred dollars most likely even more for a pair of SLP jeans. But I've gotta start somewhere. Thanks in advance!
Just hit the gap or H&M or Uniqlo. Sounds like you want the look. Hit up the fast fashion sites/stores
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