Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

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I've owned Noir arenas since back in 2011, and thought it was time to get a new pair of blacks.  So i ended up grabbing onto the new seasons black, and realized I don't need them...anyone want to take it off my hands--they're brand new, I haven't even tried them on. size 43. 
inri inri those Visvims look really good there. I saw when they put those up but passed because I was unsure about them being leather but in that photo they look really nice!

Unfortunately, I can't help with the super supple leather issue. Water might be a problem and I'd imagine they'd probably crease significantly too, huh?
Entry level from ssense


Did you get hit with duties?
Need your guys' opinion on these.  

I picked up this Folk Shaman on the website a few weeks ago.  I didn't realize they were leather when I bought them (raced to check out since size 12s are pretty hard to get).  The leather is unbelievably soft.  I guess I'm worried if a drop of water gets on it that it'll stain or something.  I don't know how to explain it since I've never owned a shoe with this type of leather before.  

If anyone has a similar experience with this shoe and material in particular, I'd love to hear it.  Thanks.

Just wear them and enjoy them, leather is a really durable material. If they stain I'd say that adds character. If they were jeans you'd pay more for the stains
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echau echau
Anyone know where I can get these Balmain jeans

Also any idea what to do with these raw Dior denim jeans? I never wear I was wondering if there is a wash service or something to do with them
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echau echau Repped for dropping info on Railcar Fine Goods. Gonna take some jeans their to get tapered.

Yeah, likewise. I've heard of them before but forgot. I'll be sending a couple pairs there myself. I'm sure they'll have to do a better job than my cleaners. Last time the tailor there messed my denim up real good.
Margiela trips-velcro-hi's are 60% off at MMMs webstore too. My size in black sold out as usual :smh:


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Thanks for the heads up!
Wanted black but bought white since they didn't have my size available.
What the difference between mmm Velcro and the replica??? And I'm a 44 43.5 in sl10h
What size should I grab?
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Damn I thought someone had posted about that sale. it was up for a good 2 days. I snagged the grey ones.

As far as sizing in the triple straps man idk :smh:. I got some that are 42.5 and 42. The greys I just bought I bought both sizes and will return the one that doesnt fit properly.
What the difference between mmm Velcro and the replica??? And I'm a 44 43.5 in sl10h
What size should I grab?
I've had both and would say the velcro and replicas are pretty much the same sizing.  They've got pretty much the same outsole.
Fit is similar last I tried them on, as sated because of use of the same sole.

Only thing is if you have a high-instep, it will provide less adjustability with the straps in comparison to laces. it might feel tighter than usual but it'll stretch and conform to your feet.
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