Post real stories nobody will ever believe.

So i was sitting there in my philosophy class trying to crack my back in my chair, and this hot girl saw me. I am talking really, really hot. I kind of had a thing for her for a couple of months, and we smiled at each other and stuff but she sat pretty far away so we didn't say much more than "hi".
Anyway she saw me doing that and it was before class actually started so we could move around and stuff, so she came up and offered to crack my back for me, and i thought it was kind of weird, but i accepted. So, I stand up and she crosses my arms in front of me and she stands right behind me and sort of picks me up onto her and bounces me (have you ever seen people crack backs this way? i have seen it, but it is weird to explain) anyway, it wasn't working, so she tried a huge bounce.
Something popped really loudly, but then when she set me down i couldn't feel my legs it was like they were totally asleep. So I collapsed in a heap on the ground, my legs going off in weird directions. then i heard a loud farting noise and proceeded to diarrhea in my pants, i was so embarrassed and i looked up at her face and she was just disgusted and everybody was like what the hell is going on.
So i tried to get up and run away, but my legs didn't work. I couldn't move, and over the next thirty seconds or so my colon emptied really loudly. My teacher was mad and thought i was just being a freak ****ting on the floor, but after a while they realized i wasn't kidding around and they called an ambulance so i went to the hospital, and it turns out when she cracked my back somehow my spinal cord got pinched in between my vertebrae and they straightened it out with some emergency surgery.
Now i'm completely fine so...i never went back to that school
:rofl: I'm dying over here.
Long story short! Was playing the wigi board with some kids! We asked if your real show us a sign your around, 10 seconds later a big *** white dog is standing behind us! And just starts barking like crazy!!!! I'm native American so this type of stuff was off limits, we all swore to never talk about it! S$&@ was mad creepy! Dudes was traumatized for days!!!!!

lol what happened to white dog???

ill post my story later when i get off werk...
btw i believe all of you nters...
i listen to alot of paranormal podcasts...the storys are very similar(almost exact) to the ones in here. and this is from ppl from all around the world. :nerd: we not alone here bruhs..
Another 1. I was sitting on a bench last summer down at the beach. I was really thirsty but I didnt feel like going back to my hotel room and I didnt have any dollars on me. I thought to myself, " i could really use some water right now" and not 10 seconds later, a beautiful golden retriever randomly walked up to me with a water bottle in his mouth. I was really puzzled, so I just said no thanks and hand gesture and it walked away. Also this was at like 8pm and the avenue I was on was pretty empty
So i was sitting there in my philosophy class trying to crack my back in my chair, and this hot girl saw me. I am talking really, really hot. I kind of had a thing for her for a couple of months, and we smiled at each other and stuff but she sat pretty far away so we didn't say much more than "hi".
Anyway she saw me doing that and it was before class actually started so we could move around and stuff, so she came up and offered to crack my back for me, and i thought it was kind of weird, but i accepted. So, I stand up and she crosses my arms in front of me and she stands right behind me and sort of picks me up onto her and bounces me (have you ever seen people crack backs this way? i have seen it, but it is weird to explain) anyway, it wasn't working, so she tried a huge bounce.
Something popped really loudly, but then when she set me down i couldn't feel my legs it was like they were totally asleep. So I collapsed in a heap on the ground, my legs going off in weird directions. then i heard a loud farting noise and proceeded to diarrhea in my pants, i was so embarrassed and i looked up at her face and she was just disgusted and everybody was like what the hell is going on.
So i tried to get up and run away, but my legs didn't work. I couldn't move, and over the next thirty seconds or so my colon emptied really loudly. My teacher was mad and thought i was just being a freak ****ting on the floor, but after a while they realized i wasn't kidding around and they called an ambulance so i went to the hospital, and it turns out when she cracked my back somehow my spinal cord got pinched in between my vertebrae and they straightened it out with some emergency surgery.
Now i'm completely fine so...i never went back to that school

We need more stories from this man :wow:
Not as crazy as yall stories.

When I was like 19(7/8 years ago) I worked 2nd/3rd shift security at the NRA headquarters in VA, so I got off at like 3am. I lived in Stafford at the time so it was a pretty solid drive.  I was real sleepy too. Maybe I did it off memory or just blanked out, but I literally dont remember a solid 10 minutes of my drive...not sure if a fell asleep or what.  Came to right outside Stafford while driving like 

But somehow I didnt crash and kill/hurt myself.  Possibility of what could have happened still scares me....or maybe I did die and I just believe I'm alive.
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Was in Pittsburgh.
Me and my man were talking to hoop. A pit (dog) comes around us curious. Sniffs us a few times and then runs up the hill. Approximately 100+ yards.
30 seconds later he comes back with another pit. They chase us, we jump on cars.
I was smacking one of them with my gym bag, then he grabs my bag with his mouth.
I start stealing him (punching in face for you suburban dudes).
He starts foaming THEN I start worrying.
A police car drives by, I jump off the car and then got him his car.
My man got his flip flop bit off.
The underlined part is the most unbelievable part.

Where were you in Pittsburgh? Born and raised here and I'm just curious lol
It's crazy because I remember one time seeing a big white dog walking home from school years ago, it followed me the whole way..nobody else seemed to notice it. Didn't growl, bark or anything though..just quietly followed me. As soon as I got to the door it kinda just looked at me and sprinted off into the woods. Never saw it again.

Was kinda scared to go back outside that day :lol:
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usually the dog that follows you like that is a black one. look up the black shuck. it steals your souls.

well damn. :wow:

Maybe the white one I saw was like the complete opposite or it protects you from something.

I don't know..kinda got me curious about this now :lol:
So i walked in on my girlfriend taking a shower last night . She said hey now that your here wanna see my vagoo? Turns out she put her penis between her legs and said hey now you here wanan

see my fruit cup? She does a 180 and bends over said "see it looks like two berries and a banana "
-When I was little, I woke up from a bad dream and I swear on everything, a dragon came out of my sock drawer, spit fire and the flames lit the room up. I could see everything. I got up quicker than I ever remember moving and ran to my parents room :lol: I didn't even tell them what happened. I just went there and stayed. :lol:

^First story: you're asian right? lol. "Lien" = chinese name. i guess only asians will believe you. it's a culture thing. if you tell other asians stories like that, majority of the time they believe it, but when it's a different race they just look at you all weird. right ATLien?
'Bout 1AM, I'm chilling in my living but I start to feel tired so I head upstairs to sleep. I go into the room, turn on the a.c. and t.v. and start relaxing until I drift off. About 15 minutes pass and I start to feel thirsty, so I get up, open the door and turn to head down the stairs. We got this plant in the corner on the hallway right by the front door, and that joint was shaking like mad. I literally stood at the top of the stairs watching that plant shake until it slowly stopped. I then spent the next minute or two trying to get it to shake again. I slam the door hard as possible, I run down the stairs, I run past the plant as fast and forceful as I can, at most it shakes for like...5 or 10 seconds.
So I'm paranoid as !@#$ wondering why this houseplant was shaking like mad. I go downstairs, check all the closets and bathrooms trying to see if someone snuck into the crib, though the alarm should've went off if they did. Absolutely nothing or nobody.

To this day no one believes me when I tell them this, telling me its just from me walking pass the plant. 15 MINUTES HAD PASSED from the time I went upstairs. That was some next @%$@.
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Me and my boy were chilling in his car in some random *** parking lot waiting for the other homies to show up. I casually ask yo what time is it and we both looked at the clock and it was 12:12 (am). so we kickit there, smoked a couple of cigs and just chillled. our homies were lagging so after awhile i was like "yo didnt we TELL them not to lag" and all i hear is "what the f6%&?" and i turn around and my friend was starring at the clock with a confused face, i look at it and it was STILL 12:12, and turned 12:13 RIGHT after we looked at it. We were both tripping OUT because it for sure was more than A MINUTE since last time we checked, i mean we smoked 2-3 cigs in the time span... To this day no one believes us hahahah
Me and my boy were chilling in his car in some random *** parking lot waiting for the other homies to show up. I casually ask yo what time is it and we both looked at the clock and it was 12:12 (am). so we kickit there, smoked a couple of cigs and just chillled. our homies were lagging so after awhile i was like "yo didnt we TELL them not to lag" and all i hear is "what the f6%&?" and i turn around and my friend was starring at the clock with a confused face, i look at it and it was STILL 12:12, and turned 12:13 RIGHT after we looked at it. We were both tripping OUT because it for sure was more than A MINUTE since last time we checked, i mean we smoked 2-3 cigs in the time span... To this day no one believes us hahahah

I remember i was younger and my dad was driving me to school. I live a 3 minute car drive and a 5 minute walk from the school. Im sitting in the back seat its 7:12 AM i look out the window, look back at the clock and its 7:15.. :stoneface: never understood that..
So here's a story that I personally did not believe, but now do out of experience.

About 5 years ago, I took a grave shift security job at a hospital (more like a clinic though) It was the only job I could find at the time, so I took it even though it was like 50 mile drive.

So my first night there, we were doing a shift change... the swing shift dude tells me to NOT open the banging door! "I'm like WT...F? :rolleyes"

Around 11pm we have to shut down all the hall lights and lock the perimeter exit doors. Then from there, we do a patrol every 30 minutes in each section/hallway

It's around 3am now and doing my patrol on the last hallway (never forget the hallway name... Hallway BL-16) As i'm walking towards the back, I start hearing bangings on the exit doors.

I'm like "Oh hell naww"... So I kinda slowly creep towards the door, it's still pounding. I look through the peep hole and see NOTHING! Just red. Bright red. Like the stop light.

So the next day, I see the same dude and was like "Ha-ha good one bro"... he looks at me like what the hell you talking about? And i'm like the knocking and banging on the door!

He laughs and tells me "I told you so... just don't open it!!!!" As he walking away, I say to him "How about the red glare thingy?" He stops immediately and turns around and just :smh:

So again around 3am... the banging starts again, ofcourse I didn't want to go back there, but I had to! So I go there and look in the peep hole and again I see nothing but red glare.

The next day, I see dude again and i'm like "Okay man spill it! What is it?"

He looks at me and tells me that it was one the patients that died in that facility... he says he went crazy and tried to kill himself and got a hold of some chemicals that got into his eye, which caused it be red.

My jaw dropped and was like :wow: This whole time, I was looking through the hole to see what's out there... the ghost was looking at me!
It was a hot summer day and I was in my workout room benching 1200 pounds. My abs were flexing and girls within a 10 mile radius were getting wet. Once I was done with my daily 32 hour workout I called one of my girls I know, Jessica. She is really damn hot and looks like a supermodel. SO I got into my Lamborghini Gallardo and reved it up to 40,000 RPM (this is an Italian import with special engine system). I got onto the freeway near my house and threw it into 8th gear, I hit about 600 mph and I could hear the sonic boom as I broke the sound barrier. As I was flooring it on the freeway like a badass, Jessica called me and said she wanted me to have sex. So be it.I came to a full stop from 700 mph in front of her house. These Ferraris have top notch brakes, you know. So she gets out of the house and walks up to my Bugatti and starts eyeballing my crotch. I could tell she was staring at it because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my crotch. Booya.
Flash forward 10 minutes later.
My 30 inch crotch is going inside of her box, hitting them walls. I'm holding her entire body up with my left pinky as I'm having sex with her and she has 30,000 orgasms. She looks me in the eyes and she says "harder." V-TEC just kicked in, yo. I finally finished. There had to have been about two pints of my men everywhere. People say I shoot like a pornstar, I wouldn't disagree with them.
I throw her a towel so she can clean herself up then I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home.
and i didnt even have to use my a-k....ive got to say it was a good day
none of my friends believe that i met brian scalabrine at a nets game in 2005 and that he signed my program 
One night, my two friends and I went to the strip club, sat down, had drinks and was chilling.
We got pretty drunk and decided to each get a private dance.
One of my friends says "I got this" and goes to the stripper, says something to her and points to my direction.
She came over, grab my hand and took me to the backroom.
She, then says "get comfortable and I will be right back".

At this point, I am drunk as humanly possible, and waiting for her return.
She comes back and starts feeling on me, dancing/grinding.
She then says, "why dont you go lay over there babydoll".
As I lay down on the bench, she comes over and dry humps me (It is not uncommon to have sex with strippers at this place)

After about 5 minutes, she stands up, walks behind me, stands over me from behind, and grabs my arms and hands.
She then says, "I am going to tie you up", I went along with it expecting something kinky.
She ties both my arms, then both my feet.
By this point I cannot move anything (arms/feet).

I make a little small talk, "I am so horny, are all girls here as kinky as you?"
I look at her face, as she is standing over me, and her face suddenly becomes angry/insulted.
She then says, Shut up you little *****.
I thought it was protocol, or standard talk so I went along with him.

She climbs on top of me and sits on my chest.
Then she says, "are you ready for my big ****"?
I again thought it was normal, so I said give it your best shot, in a joking manner.

She gets off of me, goes to the corner of the room and opens a table, and pulls out a strap on.
I see her putting it on, and now I am thinking, "what the hell".
I shouted to her, "what are you doing with that".
She shouted back, "shut your little mouth, you *****".
Then, she walks over, pulls down my jeans and boxers, and says, "are you ready for this", while lubing.

I tell her, "No, what is going on? I am not into this type of stuff, untie me now".
She laughs, and says "you are going to love it big boy" and comes closer.
I shout, "STOP, untie me now, STOP, STOP, STOP, sssttooopppp".
She says, "well then say the safe word".
I say, "WTF, what safe word"?
She says, "say the safe word and i'll stop".
We go back and forth for about a minute, repeating the same stuff.

I say, "I do not know the safe word, stop I do not want to play anymore".
She says, "your friend assured me you have a safe word" and then laughs.
At this point, I am heated, trying to rip out the rope that is tieing me down
Then, she puts the strap-on on my *** (doesnt enter, just touches, just touch alittle).

By this point, I am screaming and crying for her to untie me.
Eventually, she says "ok, you are scaring me".
She unties my feet and hands, and I stand up to pull up my boxers and jeans.
Then, I punched her, and call her all type of bad names, as she falls to the floor crying for the bouncers.
Bouncers come in, pulls me off her, and pushes me to the floor and proceeds to call the cops

Police arrive, and favors the bouncers and stripper.
Puts me in handcuffs, and drives me to the station, and puts me in a cell.
I get out about 5 hours later, and my friend thinks it was funny.
Now she is trying to press charges.

This was my worst birthday ever.
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