Post Some Of Your Favorite Books You've Read

My personal top 5:

- Kundera: The unbearable lightness of being
- Dostoevsky: Crime and punishment
- Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain
- F. Scott Fitzgerald: The great Gatsby
- Harry Potter books

(Goethe Faust, Dante and Nietzsche as well, not easy to read, but amazing anyhow.)
Originally Posted by zyr12


cmon really?

Dostoevksy is a really difficult read, and probably a lot to handle for a casual reader.  Wouldnt be my first choice for a recommendation, but thats just me.

Ive been plowing through the A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R.R. Martin the last month.  Currently reading A Storm of Swords (book 3 in the series).  Excellent so far.

Some slightly older books that I really enjoy and (bring back that nostalgia from High School/Middle School)

Where the Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Originally Posted by nocomment6

My personal top 5:

- Kundera: The unbearable lightness of being
- Dostoevsky: Crime and punishment
- Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain
- F. Scott Fitzgerald: The great Gatsby
- Harry Potter books

(Goethe Faust, Dante and Nietzsche as well, not easy to read, but amazing anyhow.)
Faust is dope.
Plan to read that next.
Seems like whenever these threads pop up, people always post their school required reading books rather than personal favorites. It's ok to like something that is not considered a classic. 
some of mine from the past 15 yrs







Kinda stopped reading once the movies came out. The dull and dark imagery of the movie killed my idea of the world the book was set in. plus they took so long to come out because i read the first one when it first came out. So from about 5th grade all the way to 4th year in college is how long it took for all the books to come out. Mind you I cam from the Goosebump book generation where we had sequels and new books every other month. I know they were nowhere near the quality level, but ehh...




I picked this one up to read because a lot of girls were always going on about this one and I was curious

to understand the mind of the females that loved it.  crazy. 


current book
Snuff (and generally anything by Chuck P.)
The Mountains of Madness (H.P. Lovecraft)
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Armor by Robert Heinlen
Brave New World
The Book of Basketball
The Anarchists Cookbook
I, Lucifer
Saint Morrissey
Art of War
Book of 5 Rings
Watchmen (Come at me bro)
Acres of Skin

I have stacks of books mostly centered around serial killers, genetics/science, archeology, and smart/dark/classic fiction.
The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao by junot Diaz.

Bar none my absolute favorite book ever. Ive lost count how many times I've read it and I enjoy it every single time. I try to give it as a gift whenever I can.
Fahrenheit 451
Of Mice and Men
Hunger Games
A Christmas Carol
Animorphs ( I used to love flipping through the pages really fast to see the transformation)
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

serious question, did dave give you his username or are you one of his boys? im askin because the david rice i know is locked up right now

srs question, you never even thought that possibly somewhere on earth there was another person named david rice??
that sounds logical and all, but there's only problem, your original avatar pic was a pic of dave until you changed it, so you can duck and dodge the question all you want but you and i both know your bs'ing.
a few books that have changed my life:

the hobbit
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius
city of god
the once and future king
pillars of the earth
the road
I still think about the questions this book raises TODAY!
Spoiler [+]
Read it in the sixth grade and again in high school, so short yet so powerful; sequels pale in comparison. My kids will read this.

Harry Potter Series
Last few volumes were forced to be more kid friendly, due to the series being a global phenomenon. So many loose end were not tied up. I am disappointed in the second half of the series.

Chronicles of Narnia- Voyage of the Dawn Trader, then Magician's nephew are my favs in that order, it's really a tie for me though, I still got Horse and his Boy, Silver Chair and The Last Battle to go....
OH! almost forgot, coworker from a former job lent me this one:
Spoiler [+]
I enjoyed this one.
Poor, Black & In Real Trouble By Jerome Dyson Wright
A Day No Pigs Would Die By Robert Newton Peck
The Lucifer Effect By Phillip Zimbardo
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
The Old Man & The Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Of Mice & Men By John Steinbeck
Cultural Amnesia By Clive James
The Wu-Tang Manual By The RZA

I'm forgetting some gems.

I swear most of the books I had to read for school I did not enjoy them (Outsiders, Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, Monster, Great Gatsby, etc.) even when I read them again when I was older I laughed that these were required reading material.
of course Catcher in the Rye, but also


not for ayn rand's ideas etc. But the characters are great, the story has tons of drama and the architecture refs are very well done
Originally Posted by blakep267

of course Catcher in the Rye, but also


not for ayn rand's ideas etc. But the characters are great, the story has tons of drama and the architecture refs are very well done
I'm almost done with The Fountainhead. Thing is a brick.
Originally Posted by 4one5

Originally Posted by blakep267

of course Catcher in the Rye, but also


not for ayn rand's ideas etc. But the characters are great, the story has tons of drama and the architecture refs are very well done
I'm almost done with The Fountainhead. Thing is a brick.

I havent read it in years, but it is kinda thick. Some parts I just didnt care for and skipped over some. Like the trial part
Off the top of my head...

Ender's Game
Chronicles of Narnia
Kafka On The Shore
Captain Underpants
The Little Prince
The Giver
The Alchemist
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