Post the last movie you watched

Originally Posted by That Kid Daniel

Paranormal Activity.

very disappointed myself
I saw Brick two nights ago via Netflix Instant Watch online. Very good movie.

Anyway, the last movie I watched was


also seen via Netflix Instant Watch last night.
On TV: House of Wax (terrible)
In Theaters: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (good)
On DVD: Reno 911 (bad)
On HBO: Hitman (decent)
the last movie I watched was District 9
......... That was 2 monthsago
. I haven't watched a movie in a while(probably because I'mon the internet most of the time)
I had to watch The Avenging Conscience in my Lit Theory class last week. But other than that, I haven't watched a movie in a while. I'm going to
and watch Coraline in 3-D and blu ray tomorrow.
Cool thread, im proper in to movies as well now, im getting in more and more classics

Mean Girls last night

Twilight the oher night, couldt believe how whack it was, everyone was telling me how great it was! rubbish
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