Post Your Beard. Vol: #Beardgang

^ does it leave the beard shiny? Sticky? Washing my beard is really drying it out. Hair looks unhealthy per se.
trimmed it down to a 2. no where close to some of yall epic beards...but my asian genes... :lol: my face looks babyish and fat without any facial hair :lol: :wow:

give up? I just don't like the way I look shaved... This is as short as I wear it. I always let it grow for like a month before I trim...

just bought that JBCO... will be applying it about every other day. will post regular updates...

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two weeks later. 3 weeks of growth. JBCO 3-4 times a week.

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should I keep going? thinking about trimming it to stubble... :nerd:


so I like totally quit after these pics :lol:

but then I shaved in July and I look so ugly clean shaven (I'm already ugly :nerd: ) so I decided to grow a beard and lasted 3 months.

10 weeks in.

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11 weeks.

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Things I learned/experienced with a beard:

1. I have a weak *** mustache.

2. A beard requires a good amount of maintenance. I bought a brush and brushed it with JBCO oil 2-3 times a week after not touching it at all the first month. It was a lot of fun trimming and maintaining the beard though. The JBCO worked in my opinion. Some of my bald patches starts started filling in. If it wasn't JBCO, I don't know what else it could've been.

3. People do look at you differently (both positively and negatively) with a beard. With the beard, I felt more intimidating. As soon as I cut it off, I instantly felt more friendly/approachable.

4. Believe it or not, I did get compliments on my beard when I went out. :lol: Had some bro moments with my fellow bearded brethren.

5. Most importantly, did the yambs dig it? Some did, some didn't. Their opinions don't matter much. >D

Haven't shaved since I trimmed it down to a 2 two weeks ago... I think I might start it up again...
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^ does it leave the beard shiny? Sticky? Washing my beard is really drying it out. Hair looks unhealthy per se.
Leaves it healthier looking for sure, a little more shine to it but not over the top. A lot softer too even after just a few days use. Doesn't make it sticky or leave any residue, but I've read if you use too much it can be a little messy.

I have their beard soap coming in soon as well. Used to just use regular shampoo and conditioner but as its gotten longer I noticed it was getting dried out and frizzy.
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Let me bump this thread after 1.5 months in
Been following since the beginning but just now started growing.
My girl and my family don't like it. But whatever I'm more curious to see my appearance with a beard. Always clean shaven.
I can't recall seeing nothing like this in real life, I see dudes with grey in their beard but not a completely different color. I was wolfing for bout 2 months tryna figure out something different to do and ended up cutting my ****
You look younger with a haircut fam....What style were you going for?
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Idk bro I like it when my beard and everything is thick and dark but my hair starting to thin out at the top so i can't really just go get it lined up like I used to...That's why I was considering dying some of the goatee with the trimmed shorter beard and cut just for a different look
View media item 1228283
Let me bump this thread after 1.5 months in
Been following since the beginning but just now started growing.
My girl and my family don't like it. But whatever I'm more curious to see my appearance with a beard. Always clean shaven.
photoshop. We all know Asians can't grow facial hair.

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Idk bro I like it when my beard and everything is thick and dark but my hair starting to thin out at the top so i can't really just go get it lined up like I used to...That's why I was considering dying some of the goatee with the trimmed shorter beard and cut just for a different look
Oh ok I feel you on that..Have you tried using any growth products to help out with the thinning? I think the way you have it cut now would be smooth even with a thicker beard..It'll actually make the beard stand out even more...
Y'all gotta help me out , one side of my face is growing but the other side is full of patches and is barely connected .
some of you NTers with beards 
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