\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Someone on nasoic had a clean beige wrap done on their 2015 rex. I liked it, man. I would probably do the same thing, same color, if I had 2500 to throw around.

That said, I'm going to use that kinda money on winter tires first.
Where in NY are you Amel?

I had to go like 15mph from the city to Yonkers once in my LOWERED Si in terrible snow. It was a pain going home that slow but I was taking 0 chances. :lol: I avoided every hill possible.
I live in Long Island, bro

I need winter tires because the tires I have right now aren't all season

Dear God, driving like that must be a pain Lol
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Need some help guys. I have a 2005 TSX. Having some issues with my headlights. When I switch them on, occasionally both will come on, other times only 1 side will come on and in some cases, neither will come on. I switched out the bulbs and still having the issue. Is this a sign that I need to switch out the ballast?
I have a 2004 TSX and I had the same problems as you. The low beams would just flicker and not turn on. While the high beams worked just fine.

It's the ballasts that you need to change. This is a common problem on the 1st gen TSX. Make sure that you get brand new ballasts. You don't want to take a risk buying any used electric or mechanical parts.
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Got my test-pipe in the Evo yesterday and I'm lovin' it. The ETS V2 exhaust made it sounded great as-is, but with this on, the sound is absolutely perfect. That smell tho.. :lol:
*paging Racer Greg*

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Where in NY are you Amel?

I had to go like 15mph from the city to Yonkers once in my LOWERED Si in terrible snow. It was a pain going home that slow but I was taking 0 chances. :lol: I avoided every hill possible.

Damn, bro. I could only imagine how horrible that was. :lol:

I live in Yonkers and we've got the craziest hills second to SF. :lol:

Yo this JERK OFF ran a red and almost tboned me, I saw him last minute, broke HARD and swerved into an open one way to get out if his way.

I was scared not only to hit him but there was a guy on the corner sidewalk that I woudve ran over if I didnt break so damn hard. I was so dumbfounded he did that that I thought I was the one who ran the light but naw it was him, looked at my mirror and people behind me were still going.

I wanted to curse him the hell out. And I shoudve.
Yo this JERK OFF ran a red and almost tboned me, I saw him last minute, broke HARD and swerved into an open one way to get out if his way.

I was scared not only to hit him but there was a guy on the corner sidewalk that I woudve ran over if I didnt break so damn hard. I was so dumbfounded he did that that I thought I was the one who ran the light but naw it was him, looked at my mirror and people behind me were still going.

I wanted to curse him the hell out. And I shoudve.
damn man, glad you avoided that.

i'd be so heated
I don't have a story quite that dramatic but I was pulling out of my parking space and I almost hit a guy speeding in the parking lot yesterday.

I didn't see him, but there was a huge blind spot with a big truck parked next to me.

He had the nerve to flip me off. You don't want to almost hit people, don't be speeding in a parking lot, buddy.
Yo this JERK OFF ran a red and almost tboned me, I saw him last minute, broke HARD and swerved into an open one way to get out if his way.

I was scared not only to hit him but there was a guy on the corner sidewalk that I woudve ran over if I didnt break so damn hard. I was so dumbfounded he did that that I thought I was the one who ran the light but naw it was him, looked at my mirror and people behind me were still going.

I wanted to curse him the hell out. And I shoudve.

Post to username ratio going crazy. Glad you're good though.
I don't have a story quite that dramatic but I was pulling out of my parking space and I almost hit a guy speeding in the parking lot yesterday.

I didn't see him, but there was a huge blind spot with a big truck parked next to me.

He had the nerve to flip me off. You don't want to almost hit people, don't be speeding in a parking lot, buddy.
I love how that's peoples go to response when THEY have ****** up, they flip you off :smh:. Had some lady pull out in front of me to make a left turn at the last moment 2 days ago, and she did it so slowly I had to hit the brakes to avoid hitting her. So I layed on the horn, and she flipped me off like I was the *** hole.
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