\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Accumulated 24 points on my license at one point and had it revoked for 1.5 years. Also spent a night in jail getting caught at a check point. Fun times.
Why is this guy saying the Aston is a salvage? I need back story now.
From what I'm reading he says his dad bought it with a salvage title two years ago and it got totaled last year... And he's "flossin" with the old pics
That's the claim but in all honestly why does it matter so much why does it bother you even if it's true. You guys do know there's a "block" feature [emoji]128529[/emoji]
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One of the doctors at work has a 2013 911. I keep asking if he wants to trade cars for a day but he keeps saying no.

Idk why he wouldn't want to drive a subie for a day :frown:
I've only gotten a ticket for running a red light. There was no way to fight it since the camera caught me fair and square.

I seen the thread jump and I came in here expecting shenanigans. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

My dude Yeah is an experienced NT detective

If that's WCIS in that pic, dude is looking mad sus
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How come the new people in this thread always have their opinions but never post their cars?
Talking about me fam? Or in general?
I haven't took a picture of my car since I've gotten it and haven't tooken one yet cause it's dirty and tbh honest my lazy, been busy at work lately.
I gotz a white teggy tho will post pics later
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Hope these dudes bragging about degrees out of nowhere at least went to good schools, have a feeling that's not the case :lol:
Are those photos of WhatCanISay that keeps on getting posted the last two pages? :lol:

If so, I can't tell if you're hispanic or asian, man. You must be filipino. :lol:

Didn't know you had an M5 too, nice!

Where the exhaust clips tho?
Didn't ya know?

No one posts exhaust clips

I asked wcis for exhaust clips then he complained about his plate being shown when he can just throw a towel over it ..

That's cool :lol:

The 250 caddy had that cammed gmc I wanted to here... Then he sold it :lol:

250 you got another gmc make it right mane, and post more pics :smile:

The amount of sodium contained in one human being :lol:

Get well, friend :wink:

The lengths people go to for validation :lol:
:lol:. Relax folks we talkn bout cars here
Speaking of cars my power steering and brakes went out last weekend and I almost hit this suv in my work parking lot :smh:

Can't wait to get my van out the shop man, might throw some slight mods at it to make it more fun to drive :lol:

#racevan :pimp:
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Never got a speeding ticket, speed all the time though

Funny story though

Had a friend of mine do me a favor to pick up some shoes for a raffle he entered for me, on the way there he sped past this jetta and a cop on the other side of road hit that u-turn and got stuck in between two cars trying to pull him over and my boy went full WOT on that man and got away 
 , v6 camaro if anyone cared 
I received only 1 ticket and it was while living in San Antonio back when I was 17. I have cool parents so occasionally they would let me drive their cars for no reason. So one night I was going to a few parties I got invited to and my mom let me drive her Benz. After leaving the first party I needed directions to the 2nd one so my friend was giving it to me over the phone. At the time there was a person driving extremely slow in front of me so I moved over to the left lane, hit the gas a little not paying attention to how fast I was going, and signaled and moved back to the right lane when I saw the car was a far distance behind me. Right when I started to slow down I saw a police officer on the side of the road waiting to give someone a ticket. He pull me over for going 52mph in a 35mph street even after explaining to him that I was just passing someone and was in the process on slowing down when I moved over but I guess he didn't believe me or didn't care :smh:

Anyway, that was my first and only ticket and it was in my mom's car I was in a very bad mood the rest of that night. I went to the second party and had girls trying to talk to me and I blew them all off, and even had one girl from my high school that I had never spoken to before prior to that night invite me to a small "private party" at her friends house and I didn't even go :smh:. I stayed at that 2nd party for about 30 mins and left to go home trying to think of a way to explain to my mom how I got a ticket in her car. Before I knew it I was pulling in the garage at 2:30 in the morning and my mom was standing at the garage door. I immediately told her sorry I got a speeding ticket in your car but she didn't even care. She just asked if I had fun and how was the party lol. She even payed for my court cost, I paid for the ticket and we went half on my defensive driving class. Man I love my moms lol.

On a different note, I cannot seem to get a ticket since I've been living in the DFW area for the past 5 years no matter how many laws I break. I speed every single day to work on a 4 lane highway going 65-75mph when the speed limit is only 60. Police officers fly past me going 80+ so much or just ignore me speeding in general that I don't even slow down anymore when I see them, especially since other drivers around me are driving the same speed or faster.

Just Friday I was heading to a waterburger around 1am in the very left lane needing to make a uturn to get there. There were 2 signs stating no uturns, 1 sign on a pole in the ground and 1 connected to the actual street light. I usually don't do this, but decided to ignore those signs because turning left I would of had to make a uturn anyway. Right when the light turned green and I made the uturn and saw the person behind me continue going straight and I saw a police car behind that person's car make a uturn following me. I knew I was going to get a ticket due to those 2 big no uturn signs and thinking the police wouldn't blatantly break the law to go to waterburger too. So I pulled into the waterburger parking lot getting ready to stop for the police and the police car went right past me and parked closer to the entrance. The 2 officers got out of the car went directly into the waterburger ignoring me. So I walked in there too to order my food since it was like 7 cars in the drive thru. Though they ordered before me, being a vegetarian my fries and chocolate chip cookies arrived before their food. So I got my food and turned around to head to my car when I saw both police officers staring at my RC then at me. So I gave them a friendly smile and they both smiled back and everything was cool. It seems like I can't do any wrong living here :lol: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Damn I'm on my phone so I didn't realize I had wrote a paper lol
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