\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

GTI bit the dust tonight boys. And what blows me is that i was just driving normally :lol:

come on over to #hemiboys
u may need to confront him
ala rockdeep style :lol:
I'm all about doing things in a respectful adult manner but if my respect is met with straight arrogance & a big F you I go from mature adult to savage villager under 1 second real quick. MakeNTGreatAgain MakeNTGreatAgain nice ride got dented & dude responsible didn't even look back or apologize. **** here with that nonsense. Given it's not the worse kind of damage but it's the principal of it
Reminds me of a story. In 2011 my cousin had a bbq @ his place, invited many friends & family. My other cousin decided to invite his close friend without asking my cousin who was having the bbq for his permission if it's ok to bring along his friend. Music bumpin, hookahs on deck & the grill was lit. My cousin didn't make a big deal as he was playing host & had lots to tend to. About 2 hours into the bbq, my cousins cousin from his dads side rolls up in his Honda Pilot & has a brand new motorcycle hooked on the flatbed. Not sure of the brand/model but it had a beautiful matte black paint finish. Not a wrap, an actual matte factory paint job which I'd imagine to be an expensive option. So, everyone's checking out the bike taking turns sitting on it etc. My cousins uninvited friend asks bikes owner if he can take it for a spin around the block. Bike owner is a chill, easy going person & says ok sure. Uninvited guest takes it around the block, brings it back & it's all good. 10 mins later uninvited guest decides he wants a 2nd around-the-block ride, this time he doesn't even ask bike owner if it's ok. He speeds down the street takes a hard corner @ speed & we all hear a loud CLANK, CLANK, SCREECHHH! He dropped the bike while taking the turn. Everybody rushed to see the bike & that beautiful matte paint job now has multiple deep scrapes, scratches & paint chipped ripples all on the left side. This univited guest walks away, never says sorry doesn't even bother to look back. I go back to the deck & I see his ***** *** downin a burger smokin the hookah & chillin with 1 leg on top of the other like NOTHING happened. My cousins boys were ready to F him up right there but my cousin didn't want no residential drama + all our aunts and uncles were in attendance. I, till this day, have NEVER seen such blatant disrespect, arrogance & stupidity at full display in my life for another's property. His brother told him right in front of my face & I quote word-for-word as I will never forget these words "Bro, it's all good man, it's just black magic. You're good & you did nothing wrong". NT fam, I was baffled, this was beyonddd me! They left & man oh man my cousin who invited his uninvited friend HEARD IT from my cousin throwin the q. And dude who owned the bike put it back on the bed with a very sad look on his face & left.
Reminds me of a story. In 2011 my cousin had a bbq @ his place, invited many friends & family. My other cousin decided to invite his close friend without asking my cousin who was having the bbq for his permission if it's ok to bring along his friend. Music bumpin, hookahs on deck & the grill was lit. My cousin didn't make a big deal as he was playing host & had lots to tend to. About 2 hours into the bbq, my cousins cousin from his dads side rolls up in his Honda Pilot & has a brand new motorcycle hooked on the flatbed. Not sure of the brand/model but it had a beautiful matte black paint finish. Not a wrap, an actual matte factory paint job which I'd imagine to be an expensive option. So, everyone's checking out the bike taking turns sitting on it etc. My cousins uninvited friend asks bikes owner if he can take it for a spin around the block. Bike owner is a chill, easy going person & says ok sure. Uninvited guest takes it around the block, brings it back & it's all good. 10 mins later uninvited guest decides he wants a 2nd around-the-block ride, this time he doesn't even ask bike owner if it's ok. He speeds down the street takes a hard corner @ speed & we all hear a loud CLANK, CLANK, SCREECHHH! He dropped the bike while taking the turn. Everybody rushed to see the bike & that beautiful matte paint job now has multiple deep scrapes, scratches & paint chipped ripples all on the left side. This univited guest walks away, never says sorry doesn't even bother to look back. I go back to the deck & I see his ***** *** downin a burger smokin the hookah & chillin with 1 leg on top of the other like NOTHING happened. My cousins boys were ready to F him up right there but my cousin didn't want no residential drama + all our aunts and uncles were in attendance. I, till this day, have NEVER seen such blatant disrespect, arrogance & stupidity at full display in my life for another's property. His brother told him right in front of my face & I quote word-for-word as I will never forget these words "Bro, it's all good man, it's just black magic. You're good & you did nothing wrong". NT fam, I was baffled, this was beyonddd me! They left & man oh man my cousin who invited his uninvited friend HEARD IT from my cousin throwin the q. And dude who owned the bike put it back on the bed with a very sad look on his face, a look I can't forget because man I felt for him & just wanted to hug him. He worked soo hard for that bike and to witness it go to **** right in front of his eyes my heart ached for him.
Smh dude that owned the bike say or do anything to the guy who fd it up?
Sadly bro he didn't. He isn't the confrontational type. Everybody was raisin hell & ready to give uninvited guest a very well deserved block beat down, there was like 40 of us to do it for him but bike owner didn't want any trouble & just picked up the bike & left.
Sadly bro he didn't. He isn't the confrontational type. Everybody was raisin hell & ready to give uninvited guest a very well deserved block beat down, there was like 40 of us to do it for him but bike owner didn't want any trouble & just picked up the bike & left.

Damn :smh::smh::smh:
Tell me about it. The funny thing is about 5 years ago I saw him @ my local halal store by my place. He had just recently became a father & had his newborn with him. We talked for a few...no mention of his epic idiocracy in the past. As soon as we parted, In my heart I made a prayer to Allah that he raises that boy right & teaches him to be responsible in a degree much higher than he was & carry himself the right way. As the saying goes "what goes around, comes around"
Reminds me of a story. In 2011 my cousin had a bbq @ his place, invited many friends & family. My other cousin decided to invite his close friend without asking my cousin who was having the bbq for his permission if it's ok to bring along his friend. Music bumpin, hookahs on deck & the grill was lit. My cousin didn't make a big deal as he was playing host & had lots to tend to. About 2 hours into the bbq, my cousins cousin from his dads side rolls up in his Honda Pilot & has a brand new motorcycle hooked on the flatbed. Not sure of the brand/model but it had a beautiful matte black paint finish. Not a wrap, an actual matte factory paint job which I'd imagine to be an expensive option. So, everyone's checking out the bike taking turns sitting on it etc. My cousins uninvited friend asks bikes owner if he can take it for a spin around the block. Bike owner is a chill, easy going person & says ok sure. Uninvited guest takes it around the block, brings it back & it's all good. 10 mins later uninvited guest decides he wants a 2nd around-the-block ride, this time he doesn't even ask bike owner if it's ok. He speeds down the street takes a hard corner @ speed & we all hear a loud CLANK, CLANK, SCREECHHH! He dropped the bike while taking the turn. Everybody rushed to see the bike & that beautiful matte paint job now has multiple deep scrapes, scratches & paint chipped ripples all on the left side. This univited guest walks away, never says sorry doesn't even bother to look back. I go back to the deck & I see his ***** *** downin a burger smokin the hookah & chillin with 1 leg on top of the other like NOTHING happened. My cousins boys were ready to F him up right there but my cousin didn't want no residential drama + all our aunts and uncles were in attendance. I, till this day, have NEVER seen such blatant disrespect, arrogance & stupidity at full display in my life for another's property. His brother told him right in front of my face & I quote word-for-word as I will never forget these words "Bro, it's all good man, it's just black magic. You're good & you did nothing wrong". NT fam, I was baffled, this was beyonddd me! They left & man oh man my cousin who invited his uninvited friend HEARD IT from my cousin throwin the q. And dude who owned the bike put it back on the bed with a very sad look on his face & left.
couldnt have been me
thats all i can say
So basically just back to Orlando from Tampa with my daughter. Go to pass someone so I downshift into fifth, accelerate, and at around 3200 rpms I hear a pop/bang. EPC light turns on and CEL flashes, it just so happened that I was passing a rest area and immediately pull in there. I manage to coast to a parking spot and notice smoke still coming from the engine bay, so I hop out and pop the hood. I see a small fire in the rear of the engine bay and immediately grab my daughter from inside the car. I ask two people standing by if they can call 911 & also the security guard for a fire extinguisher. They manage to put out the small fire in the rear of the engine bay & Fire Dept arrives to let me know its more than likely oil that spilled on my downpipe (which makes sense since thats where that fire was). They said there wasn't any fire hazards and left. I pull my dipstick while waiting for the tow track since my wife came and got my daughter, I still have the same oil level. I move my downpipe and immediately smell burning oil. I look at the turbo blades on the exhaust housing and see oil. So I'm thinking maybe the turbo went? Highly unlikely though cause these things are ******* tough. I wait for the tow, come home and pull my plugs. Noticed oil on almost all of them. Compression test shows 190, 0, 180, 180. RIP Cylinder #2 :lol:
respect goes a long way
It most def does brother. Sad people don't think like that. Whether its a nice car, nice house, apt...major or trivial item(s), relationships we all gotta be respectful of it. I always tell myself every morning when I wake up thank God for another day in the life & today I will be a better person than I was yesterday. We all have tempers, egos, feelings but one mustn't cross that line where you forget etiquettes or manners. Always gotta pray for our fellow beings & be the best we can be. This world is too full of hate, jealousy & negativity but I never intend on losing my hope for a better tomorrow. Everyone all my NT fam stay positive, healthy & stay blessed to you and your families :smile:
It most def does brother. Sad people don't think like that. Whether its a nice car, nice house, apt...major or trivial item(s), relationships we all gotta be respectful of it. I always tell myself every morning when I wake up thank God for another day in the life & today I will be a better person than I was yesterday. We all have tempers, egos, feelings but one mustn't cross that line where you forget etiquettes or manners. Always gotta pray for our fellow beings & be the best we can be. This world is too full of hate, jealousy & negativity but I never intend on losing my hope for a better tomorrow. Everyone all my NT fam stay positive, healthy & stay blessed to you and your families :smile:
like real talk
a my bad
i apologize
would suffice but folks be acting too proud
So basically just back to Orlando from Tampa with my daughter. Go to pass someone so I downshift into fifth, accelerate, and at around 3200 rpms I hear a pop/bang. EPC light turns on and CEL flashes, it just so happened that I was passing a rest area and immediately pull in there. I manage to coast to a parking spot and notice smoke still coming from the engine bay, so I hop out and pop the hood. I see a small fire in the rear of the engine bay and immediately grab my daughter from inside the car. I ask two people standing by if they can call 911 & also the security guard for a fire extinguisher. They manage to put out the small fire in the rear of the engine bay & Fire Dept arrives to let me know its more than likely oil that spilled on my downpipe (which makes sense since thats where that fire was). They said there wasn't any fire hazards and left. I pull my dipstick while waiting for the tow track since my wife came and got my daughter, I still have the same oil level. I move my downpipe and immediately smell burning oil. I look at the turbo blades on the exhaust housing and see oil. So I'm thinking maybe the turbo went? Highly unlikely though cause these things are ****ing tough. I wait for the tow, come home and pull my plugs. Noticed oil on almost all of them. Compression test shows 190, 0, 180, 180. RIP Cylinder #2 :lol:
Damn, atleast you & your daughter are ok. I'm sure you'll have the ride fixed in no time
Was pumping gas tonight and someone next to me had a straight piped coyote :sick:, joint sounded so loud and amazing lol. I thought my straight pipe was loud, his car made my 3.7 engine sound like child play. He lucky I was still gassing up, I would’ve ask for a race to see if his car as fast as it sound.
So basically just back to Orlando from Tampa with my daughter. Go to pass someone so I downshift into fifth, accelerate, and at around 3200 rpms I hear a pop/bang. EPC light turns on and CEL flashes, it just so happened that I was passing a rest area and immediately pull in there. I manage to coast to a parking spot and notice smoke still coming from the engine bay, so I hop out and pop the hood. I see a small fire in the rear of the engine bay and immediately grab my daughter from inside the car. I ask two people standing by if they can call 911 & also the security guard for a fire extinguisher. They manage to put out the small fire in the rear of the engine bay & Fire Dept arrives to let me know its more than likely oil that spilled on my downpipe (which makes sense since thats where that fire was). They said there wasn't any fire hazards and left. I pull my dipstick while waiting for the tow track since my wife came and got my daughter, I still have the same oil level. I move my downpipe and immediately smell burning oil. I look at the turbo blades on the exhaust housing and see oil. So I'm thinking maybe the turbo went? Highly unlikely though cause these things are ****ing tough. I wait for the tow, come home and pull my plugs. Noticed oil on almost all of them. Compression test shows 190, 0, 180, 180. RIP Cylinder #2 :lol:

And you thought u were almost done with the car?

Things are just getting started
So basically just back to Orlando from Tampa with my daughter. Go to pass someone so I downshift into fifth, accelerate, and at around 3200 rpms I hear a pop/bang. EPC light turns on and CEL flashes, it just so happened that I was passing a rest area and immediately pull in there. I manage to coast to a parking spot and notice smoke still coming from the engine bay, so I hop out and pop the hood. I see a small fire in the rear of the engine bay and immediately grab my daughter from inside the car. I ask two people standing by if they can call 911 & also the security guard for a fire extinguisher. They manage to put out the small fire in the rear of the engine bay & Fire Dept arrives to let me know its more than likely oil that spilled on my downpipe (which makes sense since thats where that fire was). They said there wasn't any fire hazards and left. I pull my dipstick while waiting for the tow track since my wife came and got my daughter, I still have the same oil level. I move my downpipe and immediately smell burning oil. I look at the turbo blades on the exhaust housing and see oil. So I'm thinking maybe the turbo went? Highly unlikely though cause these things are ****ing tough. I wait for the tow, come home and pull my plugs. Noticed oil on almost all of them. Compression test shows 190, 0, 180, 180. RIP Cylinder #2 :lol:

sheesh id be sad. thats odd how many miles was on the clock?
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Damn, atleast you & your daughter are ok. I'm sure you'll have the ride fixed in no time
Yeah man, my daughter is priority number one and as soon as I saw that I said F the car and just made sure she was good.

And you thought u were almost done with the car?

Things are just getting started
Word! :lol: I was like “Well, that happened sooner than what I wanted”. At least i know the car was fast when it went.

sheesh id be sad. thats odd how many miles was on the clock?
I’m 41 miles shy of 60k. Been on a tune since 30k but been on the hybrid turbo setup for under 5k. I suspect that my piston gave up or probably my ringland failed on that cylinder. Almost all cases of these engines blowing are due to weak pistons/rings. I’m getting my wifeys Camry as a daily and I’m getting her a new car this week. Piecing together parts for a built engine and sending the turbo back to get upgraded to a triple ball bearing hybrid.
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