\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Waiting on my front lip from NIA Designs to come through.

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This is what you've been getting all them tickets in? You must be pushing it hard cause they slow slow

Lol, not super fast but I’ve beat every car on the streets in my class and I don’t even have any performance mods. Only car I’ve ever lost to was cars way out my league or tuned. But yes I drive fast and hard ever light because it’s fun so my tickets mainly due to that more than how fast my car is.

But don’t worry when I’m finished saving up for the GT-R or Audi R8 I’ll flaunt my speed more. Until then I’ll keep grinding and having fun in my “slow” car.
The bike story really makes my blood boil! Dad was a mechanic since a kid. Made a living doing it at a garage. At 81, he's still fixing classic and antique cars that are in his AACA group. Man has more energy than I do (at 43). Smartest man I know.

Where I'm going with this is that him being a life long car guy, taught me to ALWAYS respect other peoples property. Never touch without asking. People who do this (take a car for a spin, and damage it and walk away without any recourse for the owner just discusts). Having a nice car that I used to take to car shows on the regular, I ran into LOTS of people who just PI$$ED me off! Worst was while at a local car show in the middle of town (streets shut down) with about a dozen other Mustangs, we all walk the show to see all the other cars.

Come back to our cars and we see some A-holes actually sitting in one of our cars! SERIOUSLY?!!! Didn't ask, just did it. We walk up and ask them to please get out, and they insist it's a car show and they are just "trying it out for size and comfort"! YOU. GOT. TO. BE. KIDDING. ME. We proceed to tell them these are NOT dealer cars but cars OWNED by people. Didn't faze them in the least. UNREAL!!

Personally, I let anyone and everyone sit in my car back in the day (when the 2005+ Mustang came out, it was CRAZY owning one. Everyone wanted a look) as long as they either asked me or just showed general interest. But to blatantly sit in someone's car without permission? People aren't being taught proper manners and respect for other people's property today.

On a good note, took my car to the Radnor Hunt Concourse show this past Sunday before football

The show is exclusive of 100 cars that are invited and judged. But they have a parking lot called the Motorsports Park for cool cars who attend (only pay an extra $10 so why not). Took my car and parked next to a rather unique car.

Yup, that is a 92-93 (not sure as I didn't see the owner to ask, which btw car had dealer tags) Lancia Delta Integrale. THE hot hatch of it's day. Now officially legal thanks to the 25 year rule. Was super cool to see one in person. Such a unique car.

Some of the other cars that day in the Park were AMAZING (these were cars driven there to see the actual cars in the show:







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Dude, really? Have you ever gone before? It's not the cheapest ($50-60 a ticket), but if your into these type of cars, its so worth it.
Nah I haven’t gone before. I saw the mclaren and Porsche dealers had a lot of stuff up there and was thinking of stopping by on Sunday but was busy with wife and kid. :lol:
Where have you been, man? I haven't seen you post in ages.
lotta life stuff man, felt it was best to step back . Moved out, the moved across the country . Im pretty much settled in now :lol:. Gotta project car that ill post eventually.
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