\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

So you paid in the 40's...but wanna make the point its a $48k car.

If thats not frontin I dont know what is.

Im done with this. 
 Enjoy the Ferrari.

The engine, interior, transmission, etc... they're almost 15 years old. The car came out at the beginning of LAST decade. It doesn't matter if he's buying an 06 (which is just a leftover 05) or an 01 - it's pretty much the same damn thing and it's going to feel dated.
Sounds like budget balling to me. Not very impressive if you ask me.
hahaha you guys are just butt hurt because I called your cars lame.  Get over it and stop driving your $25000 cars like you are in the F1 that is all I am saying.

Anyways, back to the topic.
lol funny how back in October you said "but yeah 335i is too sexy. Timeless design IMO"...328 is pretty much the same exact body as a 335, just slower and it doesn't have the dual exhaust in the back.  Other than that they pretty much look the same. 
I never said anything about the design.

Im talking strictly performance my last few replies and the notion that youre bragging about spending $40k on a $48k 328i. Not to mention the brand whoring youre doing with the Jordan talk and downplaying anything that isnt German. You need to get your priorities in check cause flashing Jordans and driving real low in a 328i isnt gonna get you far.

Youre not a car enthusiast, youre just one of those guys who badge floss and come off as annoying.

And the 335i and 328i have enough subtle aesthetic difference to differentiate the two, just to throw that out there. 
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I never said anything about the design.

Im talking strictly performance my last few replies and the notion that youre bragging about spending $40k on a $48k 328i. Not to mention the brand whoring youre doing with the Jordan talk and downplaying anything that isnt German. You need to get your priorities in check cause flashing Jordans and driving real low in a 328i isnt gonna get you far.

Youre not a car enthusiast, youre just one of those guys who badge floss and come off as annoying.
First of all I am part German and the part of Germany my ancestors were from was Bavaria so that is part of the reason I like BMW. 

German cars are better.

Being a car enthusiast doesn't make your car any cooler. 
Thats not the point of being a car enthusiast, but theres no sense in me explaining that.

German cars are better...at? Again, generalized statements.

If fine you like German cars, I like German cars as well.

Theres just no need to come off as an asshat when speaking of other cars.
I can't get over the fact that son is in a 328 and trying to **** on other people lol

grow up man
You only respond to the comments that you think you can make a case for.

Everything else anyone (myself included in the last couple posts) has said that has made sense, you simply ignore.

If you can apparently **** out $12k, you can afford insurance for a 335i.
This thread always takes a turn for the worst...

When dude said the E46 was 15 years old, I saw it and thought about telling him that not all of them are that old, but I decided not to because I knew it would cause an argument. When another dude was talking about his 3 series or whatever, I thought about saying something but I didn't, because it wasn't worth my time.

If y'all see something you don't agree with you don't HAVE to respond to it. Just ignore it and keep on going. Were all in here because we love cars (at least I am), period. Learn to appreciate all types of automobiles and stop being narrow minded.
You only respond to the comments that you think you can make a case for.

Everything else anyone (myself included in the last couple posts) has said that has made sense, you simply ignore.

If you can apparently **** out $12k, you can afford insurance for a 335i.
I've had the car for a couple years now, I got it when I was 20 and was still in college.  Now I'm making money, so at the time I couldn't.   
the guy was just saying that the e46 would feel dated since it had the same features/feel/technology in the 2006 models that it was using when the car was first released in 2001...at least that's what i got from it and i agree with it. my boy has an '06 m3 and it just feels like an old car when you sit in it compared to the newer cars out. since the guy was comparing an e46 to a brand new camaro, i think the argument was valid (albeit, i don't know much about the current camaro interiors).
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