\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Picasso needs to take his civic si and park in my driveway, and take the train home. He's too nice for these nyc streets smh

The boyfriend was probably the driver and you didn't eem know
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How does your car fishtail from impact and not get dented. 

You driving an armored vehicle? 
Wait what?

You got rear ended and didn't get their insurance info?

Small update on my poor truck.

Insurance sided with me, dump truck was 100% at fault (not a huge surprise considering what happened, but people lie, so still good to hear). Today I heard that they estimated the damage to it at 10 grand, so they wrote the truck off (again, no surprise there).

Now comes the battle NT fam, waiting to see what they value the truck at. I'm sure it's gonna be low, as they aren't gonna take into account the mods, or the rarity of the truck (try finding a 2000-2006 regular cab, short box Sierra or silverado with a V8, A/C, and power options, it's almost impossible!). Pray for me NT, I'm expecting to get screwed on this :smh:. I'm not gonna go down without a fight though, I know what the truck is worth, it took me almost 3 years to find one like this, took 3 weeks of ownership to get it written off :smh:
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I just bought a brz, and was shopping for cars under $20k, across the country even. Trust me, that is a very bad deal. I saw Hawkeyes for around $16-18k with 100k miles..$19k with that many miles for an 05 is robbery, sorry.

I feel like the blobeyes get charged a lot though, I def didn't see any "deals" on them, but saw Hawkeyes cheaper. I also didn't look at dealers and was buying privately, though. 133k is way too much to be paying $19k, but that's just my opinion. Idk how bad you want the car though. I find it funny people with bugeyes are asking over $7k and have 150k miles though :lol: :smh:
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