Post your most embarrassing sexual encounters Vol. 2012

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by AMdoctor

mine happened last week. so this girl was giving me dome and i was feeling her butt so i was rubbing all over her butt everything was going good then she grab my hand and slubs all over my two finger im looking like %!@ than she moves my hand towards her "back hole" and shoves it in. Idk what to do so i just leave my fingers in there. It gets worse she continues to give me dome i dont like to pull out so i just go ahead and bust BADDD IDEAA shorty jumps up and spits it all over my shirt! she keep doing this weird thing where she was like gagging but not throwing anything up the noise was soo freaking annoying! its like she wanted to throwup but nothing would come out it continued for like 30mins! all that keep playing in my head was lil wayne verse when he said "stick my finger in her butt when im getting brain"

dude thats nasty, why you let her put your finiger in her booty hole? Just nasty shun. You know what kind of feces in her? I'm down with the farts and all, but booty play is a no no

This guy.
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by AMdoctor

mine happened last week. so this girl was giving me dome and i was feeling her butt so i was rubbing all over her butt everything was going good then she grab my hand and slubs all over my two finger im looking like %!@ than she moves my hand towards her "back hole" and shoves it in. Idk what to do so i just leave my fingers in there. It gets worse she continues to give me dome i dont like to pull out so i just go ahead and bust BADDD IDEAA shorty jumps up and spits it all over my shirt! she keep doing this weird thing where she was like gagging but not throwing anything up the noise was soo freaking annoying! its like she wanted to throwup but nothing would come out it continued for like 30mins! all that keep playing in my head was lil wayne verse when he said "stick my finger in her butt when im getting brain"

dude thats nasty, why you let her put your finiger in her booty hole? Just nasty shun. You know what kind of feces in her? I'm down with the farts and all, but booty play is a no no
i dont know what trolling means but dude if you were in my situation with the girl i had you wouldve just sat there too trust me. SHOOT i was just happy to get an AKA
Originally Posted by AMdoctor

i dont know what trolling means but dude if you were in my situation with the girl i had you wouldve just sat there too trust me. SHOOT i was just happy to get an AKA

i feel you bro. just couldnt do with the booty play. I know im getting the hate bout my fart fetish, but booty play just see ams out the norm for me. Hey at least you got some sex shun. More props to you.
Originally Posted by AMdoctor

mine happened last week. so this girl was giving me dome and i was feeling her butt so i was rubbing all over her butt everything was going good then she grab my hand and slubs all over my two finger im looking like %!@ than she moves my hand towards her "back hole" and shoves it in. Idk what to do so i just leave my fingers in there. It gets worse she continues to give me dome i dont like to pull out so i just go ahead and bust BADDD IDEAA shorty jumps up and spits it all over my shirt! she keep doing this weird thing where she was like gagging but not throwing anything up the noise was soo freaking annoying! its like she wanted to throwup but nothing would come out it continued for like 30mins! all that keep playing in my head was lil wayne verse when he said "stick my finger in her butt when im getting brain"

Originally Posted by JKomorowski09

.my old girl
.hitting from behind
.bringggg that luuummmmbbaaaa
.slipped out
.got it back in instantly
.wrong hole
.she cried
.i convinced her to let me finish
.i did so
.she was still crying


had the same experience.. she didnt let me finish tho 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

ME and a old friend was chillin and she brought her frien with her. Anyways fast forward, me and the friend exchange numberss and talk. A week later she comes over. We chill on the couch watch some MTV jams, then she talks talkin bout how good I look and of course i compliment her the same way. She then leans closer to me and we kiss. I'm touching her down there and things getting hot. So she takes her pants off and I lye down on my back and she sits on my face and begins to somther my face and i'm loving it. Hopping she would let one rip, she did just that(kinda like soraya carioca movies) and I was in heaven. She was so embrassed though and she got off my face. I' was super pissed and was trying to hold back that I was mad that she got off my face after she farted which I enjoyed. She sensed I enjoyed it and she was creeped out. She said sorry for farting and I was like its ok, then she was like did you actually enjoy that? I was like yeah, she was like What the hell is wrong with you. Called me a perv and she bounced.

I could have told me friend the story, but it would have mad both of us look weird....

Buddy is trolling like Zyzz
Originally Posted by KMante

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

ME and a old friend was chillin and she brought her frien with her. Anyways fast forward, me and the friend exchange numberss and talk. A week later she comes over. We chill on the couch watch some MTV jams, then she talks talkin bout how good I look and of course i compliment her the same way. She then leans closer to me and we kiss. I'm touching her down there and things getting hot. So she takes her pants off and I lye down on my back and she sits on my face and begins to somther my face and i'm loving it. Hopping she would let one rip, she did just that(kinda like soraya carioca movies) and I was in heaven. She was so embrassed though and she got off my face. I' was super pissed and was trying to hold back that I was mad that she got off my face after she farted which I enjoyed. She sensed I enjoyed it and she was creeped out. She said sorry for farting and I was like its ok, then she was like did you actually enjoy that? I was like yeah, she was like What the hell is wrong with you. Called me a perv and she bounced.

I could have told me friend the story, but it would have mad both of us look weird....

Buddy is trolling like Zyzz

Originally Posted by mrkittles20

Ok, so when I was younger my best friends house was a haven for girls and drugs. Their mom started dating some dude and lived with him, so she only came through once every other week to drop off groceries. Anyway, the eldest brother had a best friend that was the county supplier for all things illegal, so there would be these crazy !@# parties there every night.
So I'm like 14 and had just recently started to get down and didn't really know much beyond what I had heard and what little I did.
So me and this town %%@%! go into a bedroom in the basement where the party is going on and I'm hitting it from the back.
She had a really nice bottom, so I had it palmed and pushed apart as I'm doing the young buck jack rabbit.
I'm going way too fast and my D comes out and she simultaneously queefs on me REALLY loud.
(*At this time I should side bar and say that I had always had a deep seeded fear of female bodily functions and thought that periods and farts/poops from a girl was about the most disgraceful thing God ever did).
So I make this terrified face and my whole body got stiff and, without realizing what I'm doing, proceed to do a super fast slap/jab to the back of her head. She wasn't ready for it, so she jumps forward and hits the wall with her head/neck at a weird angle and falls off the bed and her back/shoulder hit the edge of the nightstand and she starts making these weird gurgle/scream/groan noises and her eyes are sluggishly darting all over the place.
I'm just a drunk/high 14 year old that doesn't know a damn thing about a damn thing, so I think I paralyzed this girl. I look around assessing the situation and did the only thing I could think to do, which was run buck naked out the house and into the woods and I ran back to my house through the woods (It was like 1/8 of a mile shortcut through the woods of the neighborhood to my house).
I get home and sneak in through my window and get into the bathroom to take a shower and kind of just want to fall down and cry because I thought I was gonna be going to jail any minute. I look down and the condom in just kind of half dangling from my junk and I take it off and finish up.
I was so worried about going to jail that I got dressed, went back out of my window and slept in the back up my parents pick up truck that had a cap on the bed of it.
Woke up the next morning and went back to my friends house and they just laughed at me and told me that everyone there just laughed at me for a few minutes and then a bunch of grimey dudes went in the room and half the neighborhood ran a train on this girl.

ppl just really missed that...
Originally Posted by remix

Originally Posted by mrkittles20

Ok, so when I was younger my best friends house was a haven for girls and drugs. Their mom started dating some dude and lived with him, so she only came through once every other week to drop off groceries. Anyway, the eldest brother had a best friend that was the county supplier for all things illegal, so there would be these crazy !@# parties there every night.
So I'm like 14 and had just recently started to get down and didn't really know much beyond what I had heard and what little I did.
So me and this town %%@%! go into a bedroom in the basement where the party is going on and I'm hitting it from the back.
She had a really nice bottom, so I had it palmed and pushed apart as I'm doing the young buck jack rabbit.
I'm going way too fast and my D comes out and she simultaneously queefs on me REALLY loud.
(*At this time I should side bar and say that I had always had a deep seeded fear of female bodily functions and thought that periods and farts/poops from a girl was about the most disgraceful thing God ever did).
So I make this terrified face and my whole body got stiff and, without realizing what I'm doing, proceed to do a super fast slap/jab to the back of her head. She wasn't ready for it, so she jumps forward and hits the wall with her head/neck at a weird angle and falls off the bed and her back/shoulder hit the edge of the nightstand and she starts making these weird gurgle/scream/groan noises and her eyes are sluggishly darting all over the place.
I'm just a drunk/high 14 year old that doesn't know a damn thing about a damn thing, so I think I paralyzed this girl. I look around assessing the situation and did the only thing I could think to do, which was run buck naked out the house and into the woods and I ran back to my house through the woods (It was like 1/8 of a mile shortcut through the woods of the neighborhood to my house).
I get home and sneak in through my window and get into the bathroom to take a shower and kind of just want to fall down and cry because I thought I was gonna be going to jail any minute. I look down and the condom in just kind of half dangling from my junk and I take it off and finish up.
I was so worried about going to jail that I got dressed, went back out of my window and slept in the back up my parents pick up truck that had a cap on the bed of it.
Woke up the next morning and went back to my friends house and they just laughed at me and told me that everyone there just laughed at me for a few minutes and then a bunch of grimey dudes went in the room and half the neighborhood ran a train on this girl.

ppl just really missed that...
U forgot to bold that part too, but 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I got a pretty good story I don't think I ever told lol. Back in like 04-05 I was in Puerto Rico for Spring Break with about a half dozen of my homies from school. We were out there for a week wildin every day and night. Alcohol, beach and whatever women we could get our hands on. After a weeks worth of debauchery we were all pretty much yolo'd out. Saturday rolls around and we're just taking it easy trying to recover because we have a 630am flight back to the states Sunday morning. We in the neighborhood near our hotel in San Juan when we bump into this one BAD brownskin PR bitty that don't speak a lick of english. My spanish is pretty good but not fully conversational. Luckily we had another shorty with us we had met that was bi-lingual who could translate. The bad shorty was really feeling my homeboy. She thought he looked like Chris Tucker
So this chick is showing him mad love. We agree to meet her when she gets off work and hang out. We meet her later that day and she has her homegirl with her. This anorexic gargamel in the face looking girl
I'm talkin 5ft 9in, 60lbs of ugly. Obviously no cake or !#!+ to speak of. The friend was obviously trying to come up on one of us and it was just my luck that she chose me. I'm looking at my homie like
and he's lookin at me like you know what you gotta do
So we all decide we're gonna go to the club that night. We leave the chicks and meet up with them later so we can all go to the club together. We hop a taxi and head out to party in Old San Juan. Party is live af. The bad shorty is all over my boy. He comes over to me and tells me you she ain't got no draws on. I'm like how the hell you know? He turns around and pulls up her skirt from the back and I'm like well damn
He tells me that she wants to come back with him but she will only do so if her homegirl can come. This lifesize stick figure was trying to dubb on me all damn night but I'm a slim dude myself and lemme tell you it was like she was tryin to use me to light a fire word to... 
Spoiler [+]

I was totally and utterly not into this chick. And its not like I was desperate for play cause I had already came up on a right shorty the night before. But at this point my boy is pleading with me to not f this up for him so I know I'm gonna have to man up and play my role. All my other boys is laughing cause they know I'm bout to take an L. Whatever. We get back to the hotel at like 4 in the morning. Only dudes who had somethin to smash were me, my homie with the bad chick, and my homie who had been smashing the bi-lingual translator chick from earlier. Our non-smashing homies conveniently disappear and we split into adjoining rooms to get it in. I'm in the same room as my homie with the bad chick and my other homie in the adjoining room. Not even 5 minutes passes before we hear the headboard banging the wall from the other room
So my boy starts to do what he do. Two beds in the room. Bout 5 feet apart. So I get this chick in bed and I'm like damn maybe I should just smash but my penis hit me with a
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]
combo. I was so abhorred by her presence that I didn't even think to ask for head. To break the awkwardness of sitting there and doing nothing I start fingering her. That got played after bout 10 minutes. Meanwhile my boy over in the next bed is going full on Brian Pumper. The only thing muffling her screams was the soundtrack of repeated and thorough ar$e clapping against thigh
Ol' girl in bed with me looks over and looks back like damn is this _ gonna smash or what lol. Mind u she doesn't speak much english either. So this awkwardness continued for like 30 minutes. My penis would not have it. She tried to give me a handjob, no go. So she just made me spoon her and we kinda watched the show goin on under the blankets in the other bed lol. My homie finishes smashing and there's like 45 seconds of silence. At this point I'm thinking at least we can call it a night now. Then all of a sudden we hear more smashing and moaning. Shorty in bed with me says out loud "AGAIN!?" in clear English lol. I'm like
My dude is ravaging this girls insides (no pun intended) and it was like it would never come to an end. In total isht went on for at least an hour. I think we fell asleep by like 5 something but we had to be up by 530 so that we could catch a cab and get to the airport in time for our flight at 630am. I think my eyes closed for all of 10 minutes before I had to get up. So we get up, dismiss the chicks, gather my homies who slept on chairs by the pool, pack our bags and hop a taxi to the airport. No showers. My homie reeked of sex lol. We caught our flight and all have a good laugh before dudes pass out from exhaustion one by one. I felt sorry for whoever had to sit next to my homie who stunk of sex on the flight. I leaned back to catch some z's myself. Not too much before the flight was about to land I had leaned over to prop my head on my hand and that's when it hit me. I hadn't washed my hands since fingering that chick. My fingers smelled like raw sewage. Isht woke me right the hell up like 
  I couldn't even get up to go wash my hands cause the flight was descending. I didn't get to wash my hands until we were in the airport lol. Even I had to laugh at the series of events that took place that last day. Good times. 

How could you not have forced it? I mean, she wasnt a fatty. My criteria for a chick is, if shes not pretty, at least be skinny and roughly around my age, and I could do it
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I got a pretty good story I don't think I ever told lol. Back in like 04-05 I was in Puerto Rico for Spring Break with about a half dozen of my homies from school. We were out there for a week wildin every day and night. Alcohol, beach and whatever women we could get our hands on. After a weeks worth of debauchery we were all pretty much yolo'd out. Saturday rolls around and we're just taking it easy trying to recover because we have a 630am flight back to the states Sunday morning. We in the neighborhood near our hotel in San Juan when we bump into this one BAD brownskin PR bitty that don't speak a lick of english. My spanish is pretty good but not fully conversational. Luckily we had another shorty with us we had met that was bi-lingual who could translate. The bad shorty was really feeling my homeboy. She thought he looked like Chris Tucker
So this chick is showing him mad love. We agree to meet her when she gets off work and hang out. We meet her later that day and she has her homegirl with her. This anorexic gargamel in the face looking girl
I'm talkin 5ft 9in, 60lbs of ugly. Obviously no cake or !#!+ to speak of. The friend was obviously trying to come up on one of us and it was just my luck that she chose me. I'm looking at my homie like
and he's lookin at me like you know what you gotta do
So we all decide we're gonna go to the club that night. We leave the chicks and meet up with them later so we can all go to the club together. We hop a taxi and head out to party in Old San Juan. Party is live af. The bad shorty is all over my boy. He comes over to me and tells me you she ain't got no draws on. I'm like how the hell you know? He turns around and pulls up her skirt from the back and I'm like well damn
He tells me that she wants to come back with him but she will only do so if her homegirl can come. This lifesize stick figure was trying to dubb on me all damn night but I'm a slim dude myself and lemme tell you it was like she was tryin to use me to light a fire word to... 
Spoiler [+]

I was totally and utterly not into this chick. And its not like I was desperate for play cause I had already came up on a right shorty the night before. But at this point my boy is pleading with me to not f this up for him so I know I'm gonna have to man up and play my role. All my other boys is laughing cause they know I'm bout to take an L. Whatever. We get back to the hotel at like 4 in the morning. Only dudes who had somethin to smash were me, my homie with the bad chick, and my homie who had been smashing the bi-lingual translator chick from earlier. Our non-smashing homies conveniently disappear and we split into adjoining rooms to get it in. I'm in the same room as my homie with the bad chick and my other homie in the adjoining room. Not even 5 minutes passes before we hear the headboard banging the wall from the other room
So my boy starts to do what he do. Two beds in the room. Bout 5 feet apart. So I get this chick in bed and I'm like damn maybe I should just smash but my penis hit me with a
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]
combo. I was so abhorred by her presence that I didn't even think to ask for head. To break the awkwardness of sitting there and doing nothing I start fingering her. That got played after bout 10 minutes. Meanwhile my boy over in the next bed is going full on Brian Pumper. The only thing muffling her screams was the soundtrack of repeated and thorough ar$e clapping against thigh
Ol' girl in bed with me looks over and looks back like damn is this _ gonna smash or what lol. Mind u she doesn't speak much english either. So this awkwardness continued for like 30 minutes. My penis would not have it. She tried to give me a handjob, no go. So she just made me spoon her and we kinda watched the show goin on under the blankets in the other bed lol. My homie finishes smashing and there's like 45 seconds of silence. At this point I'm thinking at least we can call it a night now. Then all of a sudden we hear more smashing and moaning. Shorty in bed with me says out loud "AGAIN!?" in clear English lol. I'm like
My dude is ravaging this girls insides (no pun intended) and it was like it would never come to an end. In total isht went on for at least an hour. I think we fell asleep by like 5 something but we had to be up by 530 so that we could catch a cab and get to the airport in time for our flight at 630am. I think my eyes closed for all of 10 minutes before I had to get up. So we get up, dismiss the chicks, gather my homies who slept on chairs by the pool, pack our bags and hop a taxi to the airport. No showers. My homie reeked of sex lol. We caught our flight and all have a good laugh before dudes pass out from exhaustion one by one. I felt sorry for whoever had to sit next to my homie who stunk of sex on the flight. I leaned back to catch some z's myself. Not too much before the flight was about to land I had leaned over to prop my head on my hand and that's when it hit me. I hadn't washed my hands since fingering that chick. My fingers smelled like raw sewage. Isht woke me right the hell up like 
  I couldn't even get up to go wash my hands cause the flight was descending. I didn't get to wash my hands until we were in the airport lol. Even I had to laugh at the series of events that took place that last day. Good times. 

How could you not have forced it? I mean, she wasnt a fatty. My criteria for a chick is, if shes not pretty, at least be skinny and roughly around my age, and I could do it
Man I did not have a say in the matter. My penis did not find her attractive.
I'll pit this joint like this. IF my meat aint liking where its going, it will become frail. I cant just have sex with somebody im ne. vot attractive too. Thats how real men beha. dogs have sex with anything moving and i aint no dog shun . probs for u being a good friend taking the l
So here's mine...

About 3 years ago I had a chick I worked with that was like the most annoying human I've ever worked with .... So one night out the blue she calls me like if I feel like I'm feeling right now u gonna get it .. So I'm confused but if she gonna just give it up ... Imma pummel Dat box ... So then she shows up at my door and her clothes flew off .. I immediately pounded her doggy on the living room couch and slapped the cheeks extra hard ... Come to find out she likes it after 10 mins of me beating it up crazy shes like she wanna ride me... She got on top and started to convulse so while I'm watching her climax her hands slip up to my neck and lights out !! I woke up to her laying on top of me and I was swinging frantic lmao smh ole girl choked me out ... That was the Last time we spoke lol I'll never gut something out that I work with .....
Originally Posted by remix

Originally Posted by mrkittles20

Ok, so when I was younger my best friends house was a haven for girls and drugs. Their mom started dating some dude and lived with him, so she only came through once every other week to drop off groceries. Anyway, the eldest brother had a best friend that was the county supplier for all things illegal, so there would be these crazy !@# parties there every night.

So I'm like 14 and had just recently started to get down and didn't really know much beyond what I had heard and what little I did.

So me and this town %%@%! go into a bedroom in the basement where the party is going on and I'm hitting it from the back.

She had a really nice bottom, so I had it palmed and pushed apart as I'm doing the young buck jack rabbit.

I'm going way too fast and my D comes out and she simultaneously queefs on me REALLY loud.

(*At this time I should side bar and say that I had always had a deep seeded fear of female bodily functions and thought that periods and farts/poops from a girl was about the most disgraceful thing God ever did).

So I make this terrified face and my whole body got stiff and, without realizing what I'm doing, proceed to do a super fast slap/jab to the back of her head. She wasn't ready for it, so she jumps forward and hits the wall with her head/neck at a weird angle and falls off the bed and her back/shoulder hit the edge of the nightstand and she starts making these weird gurgle/scream/groan noises and her eyes are sluggishly darting all over the place.

I'm just a drunk/high 14 year old that doesn't know a damn thing about a damn thing, so I think I paralyzed this girl. I look around assessing the situation and did the only thing I could think to do, which was run buck naked out the house and into the woods and I ran back to my house through the woods (It was like 1/8 of a mile shortcut through the woods of the neighborhood to my house).

I get home and sneak in through my window and get into the bathroom to take a shower and kind of just want to fall down and cry because I thought I was gonna be going to jail any minute. I look down and the condom in just kind of half dangling from my junk and I take it off and finish up.

I was so worried about going to jail that I got dressed, went back out of my window and slept in the back up my parents pick up truck that had a cap on the bed of it.

Woke up the next morning and went back to my friends house and they just laughed at me and told me that everyone there just laughed at me for a few minutes and then a bunch of grimey dudes went in the room and half the neighborhood ran a train on this girl.

ppl just really missed that...

hang on, a train was ran while she was knocked out/seizing? isn't that rape?
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