Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by M4rioL

Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Marsâ€. The most recent image (bottom) I think would silence even the most faithful believers. The image shows a remnant massif, thought to have formed from landslides and an early form of debris apron formation, but no face in sight.

NASA even admitted that it always tampers with pics and filters all info before releasing it to the public. So i wouldn'twrite anything off just yet
the 2nd one is for the dudes talking about life after death
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by M4rioL

Someone brought up about the Mars Face? should clarify


The Cydonian region on Mars attracted a great deal of attention because one of the hills in that region looked remarkably man made. The region was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 orbiter, which was launched in 1975. Several images were taken by the Viking, including one taken in 1976 showing that one of the Cydonian mesas had the appearance of face. Scientists dismissed the face as a trick of light and shadow, but then a second image also showed the face at a different sun-angle. This caught the attention of organizations interested in extraterrestrial intelligence, and some talk show hosts who believed the Face was a long-lost Martian civilization. Most scientists still held the belief that the face was just a consequence of viewing conditions. In 2003, when the European space agency launched Mars Express, it was able to combine data from a high resolution stereo camera and create a 3D representation of the “Face on Marsâ€. The most recent image (bottom) I think would silence even the most faithful believers. The image shows a remnant massif, thought to have formed from landslides and an early form of debris apron formation, but no face in sight.

NASA even admitted that it always tampers with pics and filters all info before releasing it to the public. So i wouldn'twrite anything off just yet
the 2nd one is for the dudes talking about life after death
Sorry I disappeared guys, I didn't think anyone would legitamately find anything warranting in my perception of the Lucifer/Satan story, But to the person who asked for me to go on, that is pretty much it.

After having gone through some things in my life and judeo-christian beliefs always trying to hand that trial and tribulation crap on me and seeing how the world is effected by things/people/cicrumstance I tryed finding something to believe in. After failed attempts as being spiritual I realized the best thing for me was to be the best I can and not subscribe to any model. Through doing so I began questioning what "God" really was and the stories you are related and intended to read when you attend Christian services. As a somewhat rebellious teenager this made a whole lot of sense to try and justify or challenge what was printed and retold ad nauseum but the longer and older I have gotten and can honestly say I can't buy any of what christianity sells with the continuous back pedaling, two facing, and double standarding it does.

I, in no way am trying to bash what anyone else believes because people are free to do themselves. But as like minded adults I felt it was a perfect place to see who else may agree or at least see where I was coming from with my prospective on the issue of Satan, God, and the overall concept of "evil" and "good" which happen to be extremely grey terms and concepts in themselves.
Sorry I disappeared guys, I didn't think anyone would legitamately find anything warranting in my perception of the Lucifer/Satan story, But to the person who asked for me to go on, that is pretty much it.

After having gone through some things in my life and judeo-christian beliefs always trying to hand that trial and tribulation crap on me and seeing how the world is effected by things/people/cicrumstance I tryed finding something to believe in. After failed attempts as being spiritual I realized the best thing for me was to be the best I can and not subscribe to any model. Through doing so I began questioning what "God" really was and the stories you are related and intended to read when you attend Christian services. As a somewhat rebellious teenager this made a whole lot of sense to try and justify or challenge what was printed and retold ad nauseum but the longer and older I have gotten and can honestly say I can't buy any of what christianity sells with the continuous back pedaling, two facing, and double standarding it does.

I, in no way am trying to bash what anyone else believes because people are free to do themselves. But as like minded adults I felt it was a perfect place to see who else may agree or at least see where I was coming from with my prospective on the issue of Satan, God, and the overall concept of "evil" and "good" which happen to be extremely grey terms and concepts in themselves.
Originally Posted by FOG

Originally Posted by LAFitted 818

-FACEBOOK was created by the CIA, a new way to track people, what better way
i say that is google. androids anyone? got rid of mine
my theory. netflix and comcast are the same company. why would comcast always say netflix on ondemand?
Originally Posted by FOG

Originally Posted by LAFitted 818

-FACEBOOK was created by the CIA, a new way to track people, what better way
i say that is google. androids anyone? got rid of mine
my theory. netflix and comcast are the same company. why would comcast always say netflix on ondemand?
Originally Posted by LAFitted 818

-FACEBOOK was created by the CIA, a new way to track people, what better way

-food and all its deliciousness is used to destroy us.and contaminate our bodies

michael jackson the greatest performer of all time in my opinion..was used through his music and later in his career rebelled against the illuminati calling Tommy Mottola Satan..

keep postin your theories while i light this CALI K

Fluoride in toothpaste
Aluminum Zirconium in deodorant
Depressants in food......
and the list goes on.......
Originally Posted by LAFitted 818

-FACEBOOK was created by the CIA, a new way to track people, what better way

-food and all its deliciousness is used to destroy us.and contaminate our bodies

michael jackson the greatest performer of all time in my opinion..was used through his music and later in his career rebelled against the illuminati calling Tommy Mottola Satan..

keep postin your theories while i light this CALI K

Fluoride in toothpaste
Aluminum Zirconium in deodorant
Depressants in food......
and the list goes on.......
There has to be a cure for cancer but drug companies don't want to introduce it to the market, because of the profit.
There has to be a cure for cancer but drug companies don't want to introduce it to the market, because of the profit.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

There has to be a cure for cancer but drug companies don't want to introduce it to the market, because of the profit.
But I believe it's mainly for population control.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

There has to be a cure for cancer but drug companies don't want to introduce it to the market, because of the profit.
But I believe it's mainly for population control.
Photos from NASAs database. Got these a while ago.

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Photos from NASAs database. Got these a while ago.

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Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

  at the size of those pictures and what they are. Could you explain them a little further please?
  at the size of those pictures and what they are. Could you explain them a little further please?
James youre gonna have to resize those ninjahood size pics brah
James youre gonna have to resize those ninjahood size pics brah
I have no idea what they are but I know what they appear to be. The pics were lifted directly from NASA's database via FTP. Their directory is/was open. Its a storage of photos BEFORE they are photoshopped and released to the public, and a few of them have some interesting stuff in them. The pics are in spoilers cuz theyre huge, resizing them will take away from what's pictured. Seeing the detail is awesome.
I have no idea what they are but I know what they appear to be. The pics were lifted directly from NASA's database via FTP. Their directory is/was open. Its a storage of photos BEFORE they are photoshopped and released to the public, and a few of them have some interesting stuff in them. The pics are in spoilers cuz theyre huge, resizing them will take away from what's pictured. Seeing the detail is awesome.
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