Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

*takes notes intently*

Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.
Don't think you're going from an hourly gig into "ultimate hustler" mode, clocking major bread. Every high profile person you see in any industry has some sort of background history, and has likely worked in it from the bottom to the top. It's a long process.

If you're looking for a career with high visibility (media, music, apparel... lifestyle stuff), you'll never make it outside of a major market. Go to where the action is, and get out of your city that doesn't matter. It's easy to shine in a city of losers.

Enjoy every minute of life when you have the opportunity to live frivolously (high schoo, college for some). Once you get into the "real world," you never can go back.

Realize that working in any capacity, with any job is admirable. Whether you're a garbage man, or high level exec; as long as you're supporting yourself and anyone you're committed to- you're doing a good job. Don't be above work. There's a reason why the US is no longer a powerhouse when it comes to many industries.

Race is arbitrary. We all (for the most part) come from cultures that were impoverished at one time. We're all trying to do better. Stop concentrating on the differences, but focus on our similarities.

Travel as much as you can. It's the most life-altering experience in your life, the absolute BEST way you can spend your money. Tangible, material items eventually weather and go away, or get lost. Travel creates life changing moments and memories you'll never forget.

Learn to save young. You know those people in your family aged 40+ that still can't make ends meet? They didn't learn money management young (most likely). Set aside $100 from each check, throw it into an account, a ROTH IRA if you're focused. You'll thank me in 20 years.
be very observant of your surroundings....if you that dude right now in college but half stepping on the academic/professional end, you are gonna be in for a rude awakening when alot of people you shot the breeze wit have moved on and actually have legit gigs and you wondering why you havent progressed...dont sleep, handle yo bidness.

and making good grades is only half of it, network
Originally Posted by krazy88s

26 y.o.

No one taught me much coming up. And I still have a lot to learn. I'm still learning and growing.

Experience is the best teacher and can give you the best advice. Not me.

not really, fams... i'd rather hear something from someone than have to go thru some stuff....
Originally Posted by krazy88s

26 y.o.

No one taught me much coming up. And I still have a lot to learn. I'm still learning and growing.

Experience is the best teacher and can give you the best advice. Not me.

not really, fams... i'd rather hear something from someone than have to go thru some stuff....
be very observant of your surroundings....if you that dude right now in college but half stepping on the academic/professional end, you are gonna be in for a rude awakening when alot of people you shot the breeze wit have moved on and actually have legit gigs and you wondering why you havent progressed...dont sleep, handle yo bidness.

and making good grades is only half of it, network
All those gucci and Louis V stuff you're spending your whole pay check on is going to become worthless and a waste of money in a year or so (too bad people over 25 years old have not realized this yet)

If you have someone special, hold on to her...or him (pause)

Learn a different language

All those gucci and Louis V stuff you're spending your whole pay check on is going to become worthless and a waste of money in a year or so (too bad people over 25 years old have not realized this yet)

If you have someone special, hold on to her...or him (pause)

Learn a different language

College is like the military, do your time and get out. Don't forget to have fun though.

Never buy a new car unless you can afford to make the 1 time full payment.

As you grow up friends will come and go.
College is like the military, do your time and get out. Don't forget to have fun though.

Never buy a new car unless you can afford to make the 1 time full payment.

As you grow up friends will come and go.
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