POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Fingerprints on the outside of a window is enough to get ghost arrested ??? no murder weapon, no fingerprints inside, no motive (FBI doesn't know he's ghost ) . Also Stupid of Sandoval to put phone in gregs house .. how could he be the leak when he was in the car with lobos and the call came from the inside the office ?

Definitely enough to get him arrested off the strength of Angie. But not strong enough to hold up in court, hence I see Ghost out next season (probably by ep 6).

But yeah this ep had issues for me. The fingerprint situation was completely laughable. Completely unbelievable from someone as meticulous as Ghost. Dude planned out an elaborate scheme to kill a Mexican Cartel boss, then shortly after an elaborate scheme to kill an Eastern European mafia boss....and decides to touch the glass AFTER he makes it out of the apt?!? :smh: Just seemed way too forced.

Tommy just makes a deal with the Eastern connect, and seemingly looks like he's in charge now? (Even though there's a good chance he's just gotta break them off with bread), that just makes no sense. Didn't Milan say earlier in the season that if he dies, someone else just takes his place?
Tommy just makes a deal with the Eastern connect, and seemingly looks like he's in charge now? (Even though there's a good chance he's just gotta break them off with bread), that just makes no sense. Didn't Milan say earlier in the season that if he dies, someone else just takes his place?

Milan's right hand felt some type of way when Milan started to treat Tommy like his successor.

I took it like that dude was gonna run point for Tommy with the Serbians.

Since he was probably next in line if Milan got capped anyway.
Also, Tasha is getting annoying. She out here getting angry cause she's left outta the loop (the argument with Tommy about Ghost helping with Holly)...but Tasha's best friend is layin the dirt somewhere and she don't eem know it. :smh: Ol girl wants to act like she's still knee deep in the game, but really all she doin is drinkin wine and helpin with Raina's homework :smh:
Tommy just makes a deal with the Eastern connect, and seemingly looks like he's in charge now? (Even though there's a good chance he's just gotta break them off with bread), that just makes no sense. Didn't Milan say earlier in the season that if he dies, someone else just takes his place?

Milan's right hand felt some type of way when Milan started to treat Tommy like his successor.

I took it like that dude was gonna run point for Tommy with the Serbians.

Since he was probably next in line if Milan got capped anyway.

Yeah I definitely remember him feeling some type of way when Milan punked him in front of Tommy when Milan was sharpening that blade. But still, if dude is second in line, he's gonna suddenly run point for Tommy? Nah, I would think dude would use/murk Tommy and keep it pushin....either way that dude would NOT be takin orders from Tommy.
Yeah I definitely remember him feeling some type of way when Milan punked him in front of Tommy when Milan was sharpening that blade. But still, if dude is second in line, he's gonna suddenly run point for Tommy? Nah, I would think dude would use/murk Tommy and keep it pushin....either way that dude would NOT be takin orders from Tommy.

Son prolly felt the same way that Bugaloo felt when Birdie punked him infront of his crew :lol:
(Above the Rim reference)
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Tommy just makes a deal with the Eastern connect, and seemingly looks like he's in charge now? (Even though there's a good chance he's just gotta break them off with bread), that just makes no sense. Didn't Milan say earlier in the season that if he dies, someone else just takes his place?

Milan's right hand felt some type of way when Milan started to treat Tommy like his successor.

I took it like that dude was gonna run point for Tommy with the Serbians.

Since he was probably next in line if Milan got capped anyway.

Yeah I definitely remember him feeling some type of way when Milan punked him in front of Tommy when Milan was sharpening that blade. But still, if dude is second in line, he's gonna suddenly run point for Tommy? Nah, I would think dude would use/murk Tommy and keep it pushin....either way that dude would NOT be takin orders from Tommy.

I meant that he'd be the Euro connect. So he'd kind of take Milan's place. He knows how Milan's business runs and ultimately, Milan was the supplier.

He and Tommy cut some type of deal. Whether they're "partners" or one is in charge, they're on the same page for now.

Probably be trying to kill each other midway through next season though :lol:
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Again, the fact that Ghost is not the same - makes people want to dislike the writing.

I will say this .. At the end of the day, Ghost care about Ghost more than anyone!

They found one burner phone - Have you guys forgotten who has the other burner phone?????

They can write that **** in so smooth and bye bye Angela .....
Ain't even think of it but very possible. They're probably already closer than he was with Sean.

His face was priceless when ol girl said let's get the money and kill the kid. He wasn't feeling that at all and I don't think that was his plan on giving Ghost a history lesson.

Next season has great potential. Anybody catch the teaser for next season with Tasha calling Ghost phone and texting him then him asking to answer it because it might be important?

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Milan could have pulled Ghosts card. It's not like we gonna have a shoot out in the club with his guests there. That's the part that has bothered me the most about the finale. Milan just gives up? Ok.
Milan didn't know that his foot soldiers turned on him. So even if he wanted to have a shoot out, he was going to be the only one shooting. You saw how easy Milan's guys gave up.
Milan didn't know that his foot soldiers turned on him. So even if he wanted to have a shoot out, he was going to be the only one shooting. You saw how easy Milan's guys gave up.
But that would have ruined Ghost's plan. If Milan did some type of Serbian tactical move on ghost, he wasn't going to shoot, and would have had to tell Dre's folks to calm down.

Milan didn't know he was betrayed at all. Maybe in conversation when they killed him but that whole club scene was stupid. 
But that would have ruined Ghost's plan. If Milan did some type of Serbian tactical move on ghost, he wasn't going to shoot, and would have had to tell Dre's folks to calm down.

Milan didn't know he was betrayed at all. Maybe in conversation when they killed him but that whole club scene was stupid. 
come on man. The entire series is about shut like this.

Example Dre being a ***** and not killing Kanan. Sandoval being a hitch and not killing Hugo but he kills Knox. Etc.

You want Milan to just come out and do shut just cause? He has a gun on him, plenty of movies and real life have you seen a bad *** person became mad humble ***** like when a gun is on them. Is not far fetch.
I don't think we ever saw Milan use his hands did we? We don't even know he can get busy like that.

Nice with the gun doesn't always = nice with the hands.
Also, I wonder how legit is that search. If that's not a conflict of interest for Angela I don't know what is.

You going to book a man you was ******* that left you for his wife n then you go back to the dude that you left and has been after you religiously and it's all legit?

Yeah light ...

Being that James St Patrick is involved in a love triangle murder investigation .. I don't see how any legit business person would want to associate with him. So it's probably back to hustling again.
Again, the ex special forces was never really proven. Dude said that as part of an enormous lie about having a security company.

When Ghost is on his A game he put in work and he's not ex military.
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He's not a "street dude" or "gangbanger" though. He's top of the food chain. Same as Ghost.

Guys who get there usually do through a lot of practice that doesn't always include the military.

So it's not really "clear". Tommy was putting hands on 5 of them dudes up drunk. That would NEVER happen with special forces.

There is no right answer here. Fact is, when Milan said it, he was lying about who he was. So you can't assume it was 100% fact.

I know a few dudes out West and in FL that are very good shots just from all the time they spend at the range.
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He's not a "street dude" or "gangbanger" though. He's top of the food chain. Same as Ghost.

Guys who get there usually do through a lot of practice that doesn't always include the military.

So it's not really "clear". Tommy was putting hands on 5 of them dudes up drunk. That would NEVER happen with special forces.

There is no right answer here. Fact is, when Milan said it, he was lying about who he was. So you can't assume it was 100% fact.

I know a few dudes out West and in FL that are very good shots just from all the time they spend at the range.
I'm pretty sure Milan has both time and money. And a lot of practice :lol:

Which is why I'm stressing that he's top of the food chain. You don't have to be ex military to be very good with firearms.

Like I said, there is no right answer. I'm not saying I'm right, or you're wrong. We just don't know for sure.

He was lying about who he was when we all believed he was ex military. We all believed he was an ex military security dude when he lit up the Jamaicans. So we believed that was military training in action.

But a good part of that was a lie so potentially all of it was.

If you want your fraudulent top flight security company to sound legit, "ex special forces" will pretty much do it.

I said many pages ago I wasn't 100% convinced that was true so I'm still not.

Fam, why your posts so hard to quote though?
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