POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

1) Tariq to catch a body in school brawl. Poke that dude that bullied his sister
2) Dre tell Tommy that Kanan is alive
3) Sandoval get caught on tape
4) Angie getting murked

I'm the first 3 episodes? :lol:

And Tariq going from regular kid to killer just like that? :lol:

I agree I don't like how they're dragging out kannan. It's like she wrote for kannan to die in that warehouse but something got changed somehow.
once they find out 50 alive........and dre aint tell them... and he been hanging out with ghost son....and he has been giving 50 and company almost 50 thousand a week ...... they will try to murk dre
My biggest pet peeve is how they dress tommy.

This dude layering long *** capes [emoji]128514[/emoji]

My issue is that one season, kantos gets caught with the ghost cam, but ghost doesn't seem to remember that he has the system in play ?

Juice box character is a waste....that kidnap story line into a "joke" was horrible.

Julio gonna find out dre and kanan running together and dre gonna kill Julio. Tommy gonna be like ok dre, you are loyal.

"Keep pushing that product, you're the new distro"
That's actually one thing I kinda dig with Power, the outfits. Dudes kinda get hood fly now as opposed to other shows with the perpetual 90s wu wear look.
Dre and Julio deff gonna gonna go at it. I think Julio finds out about Kannan and tells Tommy. But Julio been on that soft ish for a minute now and I think Tommy gonna have Dre off Julio....
This thread is crazy. Imagine if this was a round table discussion on YouTube. People ready to jump on each other because their direction for the show doesn't match up. Then the random outbursts from FlyNy that are so left field that everybody just stops and stare at the camera or toss him out the room Jazzy Jeff style. 
Would be better than the show. 
Maybe there should be a post show roundtable instead of ol girl talking like she's the most brilliant writer of all times.
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