POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

:pimp: :pimp:

My blood pressure just raised and my head is aching :smh:

Episode was too much
Way too much
Solid episode.

-Ghost is moves ahead of everyone. Loved how he finessed the meeting.
-Tasha is way too involved for my liking. Why does she need to be in on his plans?
-Last two episodes should deliver.
I'm sure it will be explained. I'm sure ghost caught on to the fact Angie was following him with the phone or in general etc

But woowwwwww crazy ep
I guarantee y'all it's Holly. 
I bet it is Mrs Stern.
The "Only 2 episodes left" always makes things seem way more Dramatic.

These writers though, killed it this season. Man hold up
Anyone else in their feels after this episode? Like damn why it had to go down like that ?

Not to mention the fact that season 3 Is supposed to start in June 2016....thats a whole damn year fam
Damn We gotta wait til June for the next season??? Thank God for NFL and NBA

Ghost slick as hell. I think He caught on with a couple things:
1) the outside noise, siren specifically, when he was in shoe store
2) I believe he hears her clone when she closed the door while he talked to Raina (my daughters name too)
3) her last minute plea to leave "right now" after they finished sexing

I was shocked that she was really open to letting him get caught. It seems like she felt as though since she couldn't save him, she may as well put him away.

Tommy put himself in that Position. He tried bossing up to Ghost and was put in his place. I know they got a lot of trust and love for each other, but this is exactly what Tommy been warning him about for several episodes. He is gonna be times ten what he was with Holly towards Ghost. That attorney gonna have to be better than Levy from the Wire to get him outta there.

It's funny how Ghost finessed Lobos and Tommy once he saw their whole card. Lobos didn't GAF. Once Ghost showed trepidation about taking on more risk, it was off with his neck.

I really feel like Keisha is going to trick to Ghost about Sean. That will put him on alert with dude. Plus I still don't think he got the heart to pull the trigger, love struck or not.

Why does Ruiz and his people all have to be in purple like they're in a 90s video game to show you they're a gang?

How is that Angie sends pics of Tommy to Greg without pushing any buttons besides the capture?

I knew Lobos was gay when he called dude "my love" after getting off he helicopter, but damn why they have to be some same graphic with it? Some things are better left inferred.

I'm tired as **** this morning from watching it back to back just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
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