President Obama Bows to Saudi "King" Abdullah

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by FoShizzle

BREAKING NEWS: The King shakes Obama's hand! A King does not shake hands (A western greeting) with anyone, for he is the King. His royal people are already trying to cover up this gigantic mistake, calling it a muscle spasm/arm twitch.
haha. You drinking too much salt water? You're getting mad.

Yeah he sounds INFURIATED.


+*%# outta here....this is a BS thread.

Looks like you have too much salt in your diet as well. Can't take the O-man gettin heat I see.
That explanation was "absurd," the conservative Weekly Standard said. And the caption attached to the Getty Images photo said the president was bowing.
Oh the irony.
he def. bowed but y make a fuss about it.
Originally Posted by SickWitIt

Wow. Who gives a @!+!? Just a sign of respect.
Exactly. The sign of respect in your avy is much more questionable than Obama's bow. CG getting dunked on and giving Kemp dap for itafterwards???
i feel like its a sign of humility.

im sure there is a lot of angry christian conservatives getting all hot and bothered about this.

did jesus not wash his own disciples feet?
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

jeenewed wrote:

Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?
Seriously?!?! Maybe because he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and (obviously this title is up for debate and is outdated, etc... etc... but) THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

So, if Obama had diarrhea from his dinner, you'd be crazy over it???

Anyway, why is this sucha big deal???
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

i feel like its a sign of humility.

im sure there is a lot of angry christian conservatives getting all hot and bothered about this.

did jesus not wash his own disciples feet?


silly christians. they need to start putting in practice what they "read" in their bible (we all know they don't know read the bible)
Fox News Developing Story:Barack Obama texts other officials with the phrases: LOL and BRB? we'll BRB indeed.
Gotta love how this turned into bashing Christians.

Maybe if you can take off your Obama blinders, you would realize that he is the President of the USA. President's don't bow to other World Leaders. Ifyou can't understand that, USA is in some serious trouble with the new youth.
i cant believe how many people are blinded by this dude ... do you know no president in teh history of the united states has EVER bowed to ANY leader from ANYwhere ... period

we dont do that **@# ... we are not pledging allegiance/subservient to any other country or leader ...
He was just showing respect visiting another country, if you think this is a sign of inferiority you're just a clown.

LOL @ dudes getting heated over this.
3 Months in an Republicans already are b-----ing and moaning about the most insignificant things. Bowing, gifts the the queen & the British PM, picking asports bracket and etc..... Its the total definition of a soar loser and ofcoure the public isn't buying into it because Obama's approval ratings arestill at 60 or above.
3 Months in an Republicans already are b-----ing and moaning about the most insignificant things.

Its because they are LOSING, they supposed to be *****ing.
yall really dont get the world wide view of bowing like that ... hey heres a thought IF IT WASNT A BIG DEAL, WHY IS THE WHITE HOUSE ACTING LIKE HE DIDNT BOW? oyeah because he didnt ... okie dokie
Because they'd figure people like you would over-react to the situation.

Point is you republicans nitpick everything the guy does on a day to bay basis, its not like he bowed to him here in the STATES, he did that overseas visitingtheir respective country and culture.

Its really is not that serious, same with that I-Pod bull %*#$.

I will stick to worrying about more important issues rather than his greeting.
If the Saudi Arabian King bowed to Obama the same when during the exchange there would be no problem. However, Obama bowed without the same exchange meaning heis a subordinate to the King.
at least cru understand how the world views it ... yall need to educate yourselves ...

and ps... its funny how its wrong for everyone to nitpick obama, but it wasnt for bush ... LOL ... ANY president gets nitpicked pull your skirts down
I find it hilarious how you Obama haters will try to find anything to bicker about. I mean seriously I can't believe this is even a topic.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...

Word. When in Rome, don't be an American pompous, sel absorbed, holier than thou %%$ hole... just do as the Romans do.

Reading is fundamental kids. When in Rome???? If you read the article you would have seen that this wasn't at some royal palace in Riyadh, it was in LONDON for the G-20 Summit. The "When in Rome"/"follow your boy's rules in your boy's crib" argument has no merit here.
logic is fundamental. courtesy is relative to your culture, not your location. Checkmate.

I aint trying to pick a fight, but I still stand by my point that the When in Rome argument which you tried to use and now defend is still wrong. Thatphrase/idiom whatever you want to call it is commonly understood to mean When you are in a visiting land/country/whatever you should follow the local customsand act as the locals do. Therefore it does have to do with location, atleast in this example.

I mean I'm openminded. If this was in Saudi Arabia during a royal function at the palace or something, I might see where Obama might think that itwould be courteous and respectful to acknowlege his peer in that manner. But during a photo op in London at the G-20 summit with a buncha other world leaders? He slipped up for sure, and his administration is trying to do damage control.
Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm sorry if you guys can't grasp the importance of him bowing... but he ****** up.

his administration is going out of their way to say HE DID NOT BOW.... wonder why?? cause he ****** up. If it isn't a big deal why would he hide the fact that he bowed?

I am an obama fan but you guys need to hop off his ****. Our presidents are not the subordinate to the king of saudi arabia. He is not a subject of the king, you do not bow.
If he would've just bowed his head it would've been ok, but... He leaned over. I don't have a problem with it, but I can see how it might upsetsome.
No U.S. president has ever bowed to another World leader blah blah blah...look where that "superior" attitude got us, the majority of the World hatesus....wouldn't want to change that now would we? Never! We are superior! We are the great U.S. of A!
I don't see the big difference, it's just showing respect.

like with some asian people who expect you to take off your shoes when you walk in the house.

How stupid is this?

1st it was the TERRORIST Fist Bump

Then it was his connections to TERRORIST Ayers

Next it was about Obama not wearing a flag lapel pin

Now its about Obama bowing to a King Abdullah?

%%*%%@! hillarious.

If you want to bash Obama, bash him for requesting 200 billion to fund the wars in Iraq/Afghan

Bash him for giving stimulus money to failing banks.

Bash him because he failed to recognize the Armenian genocide when he had a chance to as he originally promised...

But to make a big deal because of how he greeted Abdullah?

Thanks for the Good Friday JOKE!
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