President Obama Bows to Saudi "King" Abdullah

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...

Word. When in Rome, don't be an American pompous, sel absorbed, holier than thou %%$ hole... just do as the Romansdo.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

If anything he should kissing his feet.
considering the Billions of American debt we should have shined shoes at least
Certain members of the media seemed to make it a big deal when Michelle Obama hugged Queen Elizabeth rather than kiss her on the hand and curtsy to her. Ithink Michelle Obama did the right thing personally. This is the opposite of that scenario.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...

Word. When in Rome, don't be an American pompous, sel absorbed, holier than thou %%$ hole... just do as the Romans do.

Reading is fundamental kids. When in Rome???? If you read the article you would have seen that this wasn't at some royal palace in Riyadh, it was inLONDON for the G-20 Summit. The "When in Rome"/"follow your boy's rules in your boy's crib" argument has no merit here.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by xx Name Brand xx

get the guillotine out.
Lol, that one I def understand because him and Mayor Fenty (Mayor of DC that he's dapping up with, lol) are good friends...but this Kingthing, it looks kinda odd from our American standards, but I'm pretty sure its just a sign of respect. I remember reading an interview with Malcolm Xsaying how when he went oversea's to Mecca, he always bowed to people because it was a sign of respect in their culture so, guess its all along the samelines...
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

We do this in Jujutsu to our peers. I don't see the problem, it's respectful if anything.

No you don't. You can't even spell jujitsu.

On another note, its extremely naive to see how this is not a big issue.

My school has a very traditional strictly Gi master, but thank you moron for correcting my spelling mistake.
And he couldn't even do that; it's Jiu-jitsu
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...

Word. When in Rome, don't be an American pompous, sel absorbed, holier than thou %%$ hole... just do as the Romans do.

Reading is fundamental kids. When in Rome???? If you read the article you would have seen that this wasn't at some royal palace in Riyadh, it was in LONDON for the G-20 Summit. The "When in Rome"/"follow your boy's rules in your boy's crib" argument has no merit here.
logic is fundamental. courtesy is relative to your culture, not your location. Checkmate.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by MisterP0315


In other news, the Dow AND Nasdaq went up today. Post that...Lazy B.
Obama stans getting mad. People on the left and right are upset about this.
How would you even know if I was an Obama "stan"? You know nothing about my position. Fall back.
bowing to "royalty" is not a sign of respect, it is a sign of obedience. Obama is his equal as a world leader. The president screwed up, admit it andmove on.
I don't care what yall say. The president of the U.S. should not be bowing down to anybody, period. And to that one dude who said they do that in japan asa sign of respect. That is not the same thing. What they do in japan is more of a hand shake. Bowing down is reserved for royal subjects, peasants, or slaves
. The president of the U.S. is one, if not the most powerful men in theworld you dont bow down to any foreign leader.

bowing to "royalty" is not a sign of respect, it is a sign of obedience. Obama is his equal as a world leader. The president screwed up, admit it and move on.

don't care what yall say. The president of the U.S. should not be bowing down to anybody, period. And to that one dude who said they do that in japan as a sign of respect. That is not the same thing. What they do in japan is more of a hand shake. Bowing down is reserved for royal subjects, peasants, or slaves
. The president of the U.S. is one, if not the most powerful men in the world you dont bow down to any foreign leader.
BREAKING NEWS: The King shakes Obama's hand! A King does not shake hands (A western greeting) with anyone, for he is the King. His royal people are alreadytrying to cover up this gigantic mistake, calling it a muscle spasm/arm twitch.
Originally Posted by FoShizzle

BREAKING NEWS: The King shakes Obama's hand! A King does not shake hands (A western greeting) with anyone, for he is the King. His royal people are already trying to cover up this gigantic mistake, calling it a muscle spasm/arm twitch.
haha. You drinking too much salt water? You're getting mad.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by FoShizzle

BREAKING NEWS: The King shakes Obama's hand! A King does not shake hands (A western greeting) with anyone, for he is the King. His royal people are already trying to cover up this gigantic mistake, calling it a muscle spasm/arm twitch.
haha. You drinking too much salt water? You're getting mad.

Yeah he sounds INFURIATED.


+*%# outta here....this is a BS thread.

WHO THE F CARES. Dude is president of the United States he can come out tomorrow and say it is Hawaiian Shirt Friday, it is not a big deal. If you want to sayit is a Foreign Policy gaffe fine, but he is miles ahead of Bush in terms of Foreign Policy.

Man conservatives are on him more than they say liberals are, clear deflection syndrome.

It doesn't make us weak either you could ask every country if the U.S. is weak military wise and you would get the stone face.
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