PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

My dream announcements from Capcom

2) DMC4 back to being a PS3 exclusive (yeah i know it wont happen)
3) Megaman 9, or Megaman 2 Powered Up & Megaman Maverick Hunter X2
We're SUPERION to you​
Friday Night Lights is the best show on TV​
Let's cross our fingers for Capcom to have something good. Off topic now; I have a question is there any way to use pictures off your PS3 HD as your gamerpic for PS3 online? Or is that going to come in another update?
Courtesy of thesimexchange.comSony has new SKU being tested by FCC
The Sony PlayStation 3 community lit up yesterday as word of a new model for the high-end console spread fast. The buzz is that the new SKU is currently being tested by the FCC and is called CECHG01.

No details as to what features this version of the PS3 will have were revealed, but industry insiders have a popular guess in the form of a 40GB unit which will cost US 399.

Analyst Michael Pachter is among those who believe that a 40GB PS3 is in the works and is part of a big Sony effort to lower prices on all its current hardware to compete better with rivals Nintendo and Microsoft.

With deals materializing between Sony and partner firms ASUSTeK and Hon Hai, the chances of a lower-priced PS3 model become even more feasible, making the unit more attractive to the more budget-conscious crowd.

While its still unclear when Sony will make a formal announcement of the new SKU, Pachter says that it might be a good idea to do it in this months Tokyo Game Show where Bungies Xbox 360 exclusive FPS Halo 3 is expected to display fireworks.

My Take:
Patcher was right, 40GB $399.99 PS3 confirm?! Well, I'm not sure if it's gonna be 40GB, but indications point to it. Thank god it won't be a gimp PS3 like the 20GB, this version will :wow:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
man, IHB, that's all i've wanted to hear the last 2 months. with all the big news aside from leipzig and all, WHERE'S MY DAMN RUMBLE CONTROLLER! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i desperately need extra controllers but i refuse to invest in controllers if i know rumble is coming.

Anybody got Yellow Dog Linux on their PS3 ?
Did the Pilgrims keep America after they found it? Yes they did and also beat the crap out of some Indians too.​

I would LOVE to expand my nextgen console selection with a 40gb PS3 this winter. My 360 gets lonely sometimes.
Any confirmations on the rumors of a pricedrop on the 80 GB model? I read in another thread that the 40GB model was coming out and in fact seems to be true. Now the other rumor was that there was going to be a price cut on the 80 GB...making the 80GB $499 for the holidays. :nerd:
Cotdamn Dual Shock 3

I just bought 4 more SIXAXIS controllers last week. :lol:

Go Warriors: It's a great time out
SF Giants in 2007
Niner Nation
San Francisco
well they still got ps2 to help them out. that and the new psp.
Team Otaku​
Still needs to be less. $400 is still kind of steep. Maybe another $50 more. Plus I think people, mainly early adopters, will be upset about this. Plus the much needed return of rumble will upset early adopters. Sony should offer some sort of rebate for people with launch consoles. The system is still not even a year old.
^ steep according to what?

for what you get with it $400 is cheap. you've gotta be pretty tight with money to consider that steep.
^Why have they made so many different configurations if it isn't too steep? Each new "version" has included a price drop, minus the 80gb. Even the 80gb is rumored to drop to $500. Must not be selling that much or well for Sony since they keep coming up with new packages. It's not that I'm tight with my money, I just want to make sure that there will be one configuration that suites me, which would include a rumble controller and a price point around $350, to lay down MY money.
well they still got ps2 to help them out. that and the new psp.

Yeah people tend to forget about Sony's other system. The PS2 still makes waves in the market, in the range of 220k - 250k a month. The PSP goes anywhere from 150k - 220k a month and the PS3 hella fluctuates from 130k - 190k a month. So even if we did the latter sales for Sony there gaming market bring in 500k console sold every month, that's still money, even if it's not soley next gen system sold.
Still needs to be less. $400 is still kind of steep. Maybe another $50 more. Plus I think people, mainly early adopters, will be upset about this. Plus the much needed return of rumble will upset early adopters. Sony should offer some sort of rebate for people with launch consoles. The system is still not even a year old.
"but 360 has better games right now and Live"but
We're Feeling Lucky.​
Still needs to be less. $400 is still kind of steep. Maybe another $50 more. Plus I think people, mainly early adopters, will be upset about this.

i paid $650 for a 60 GB when it first came out.

i don't have a problem with the price reductions that have taken place to accomodate those on the fence, but i do sorta have a problem with people continuing to ask for price reductions or all kinds of perks and freebies after all this time has passed and still being on the fence. that's just being self-centered imo.

I just want to make sure that there will be one configuration that suites me, which would include a rumble controller and a price point around $350, to lay down MY money.
i put my name on the map through dismantling, embarrassing arrogant cats and battling because their raps ain't astonishing​
Courtesy of to walk around in Rainy Woods?
Another survival horror game, so soon after we revealed the weird sci-fi horror game on its way? It seems so and we couldn't be happier. The more the merrier in this genre of so few original IPs. This time, though, the story doesn't sound that promising unless you were a fan of the movie Identity -- we know you're out there and we don't mind. It was all right.

The game takes place in the American west, with FBI agents and midgets. Rainy Woods is the setting of the story, which are, we presume, woods that are inclined to rain. Awkwardly enough, a murder takes place nearby and people think the "Raincoat Killer" has returned. Rain is a theme. The townsfolk call you in, an FBI agent who has a multiple personality disorder. As you travel the giant city and learn about the murder, you learn that something less-than-human is involved. Expect to chop up and shoot various critters of evil.

My Take: Another Pre-Tokyo Game Show title to break press. Be sure to check back for more info.


Courtesy of famitsu.comFree to play MMORPG headed to PlayStation store
If you love MMO's, anime, and/or not paying monthly subscription fees, you've probably checked out other "free to play" online MMO's like Ragnarok Online or Maple Story. No, neither of those are headed to the PS3, but Q Entertainment seems to be bringing a title named Angel Love to the PlayStation Store, probably in Japan.

The game is supposedly going to be free to download and to play, but microtransactions on items will serve as a means to make money for the developer. No, not every item will require a nickel or dime. If you think back to Maple Story, it's probably like that -- buying funky clothing, super-special items and the like. Angel Love is supposed to land on the PS3 this December, most likely as a free PS Store download. No word on regions yet, though we wouldn't be surprised if it remained Japan-only. Still, it's free to download if you can handle not buying special items ... if you catch our drift.

My Take: More than likely never to hit our shores, but you never know...


Courtesy of ruliweb.empas.comFinal Fantasy Melody XIII for PS3 to be revealed at TGS 2007
Another one? This makes it the 4th FF13 title that's currently in development! Hey, Square-Enix (If that's your real name) why don't you try finishing the games you're currently working on. Or, better yet, get with the FF7 remake you're always tempting us with!

Here's the lowdown: A Korean site claims that a new FF game entitled "Final Fantasy Melody XIII" will be announced for PS3 at TGS 2007. And they even included the logo. Must be legit.

My Take: Hey, the more the merrier, but c'mon square can you please just get on with production of Final Fantasy VII and stop adding to XIII? Anyways, I don't know what this "Melody" version is about, but probably something to do with music?!


Courtesy of khinsider.comSquare Enix TGS Booth Floor Plan; FFVII, Kingdom Hearts at Closed Mega Theater
Well, it looks like Kingdom Hearts is going to make an official appearance at TGS this year. In a recent picture shown to us at the official TGS website, a picture of the map of the building where TGS is being held, there is a room reserved for Kingdom Hearts. Check out the picture below! (The red arrow points to the Kingdom Hearts text)

The text in which the red arrow points to reads as follows: "Kingdom Hearts Character Display/Exhibition" --Thanks to HadesDragon for the translation.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to find out about what will go on inside that room!

My Take: :wow:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
You forget, the hardcore gamers have already bought a PS3,
FS ALL DS Jordan Retro 3, Mars IV, And Retro V $145 shipped Each. DS Kobe All Star 2k5, Lebron 2, Nike Zoom Vick 1 $105 shipped each. ALL SIZE 12
This also puts a bit of pressure on Microsoft because Sony will have a lesser priced PS3 than Microsoft again going into the Holiday season and surely Microsoft does NOT want that. Your Elite is more expensive than a more feature equipped PS3
Team Otaku​
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