PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

Courtesy of trmk.comNew Mortal Kombat title to be tied up with another franchise?
Marvel Vs. Capcom. Capcom Vs. SNK. Namco x Capcom. What will be the next versus game that will pit two well-known franchises against each other? According to the rumors going around recently, there are talks of a next-gen versus title that will make Mortal Kombat go against a yet-unnamed well-established franchise.

Sounds a bit too incredible? We don't blame you. However, Mortal Kombat resource site TRMK states that their sources have confirmed that the latest Mortal Kombat title to hit the next-gen consoles will be indeed a versus title. But what could the other franchise be? Some say that it will be the DC Universe, but that idea may be a bit too farfetched what with Mortal Kombat known to be a bit too bloody for its own good.

This mystery Mortal Kombat title is slated to be released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 late next year, according to series co-creator Ed Boon.

Certainly an interesting news from the rumor bin. Will this turn out to be true? Stay tuned for details.

My Take: :smh:

Courtesy of the lateste Famitsu MagazineSquare-Enix: PS3 Hardware Can Make "All Visions Come True"
Japan can't get enough of Square-Enix, which is why Famitsu interviews S-E members so darn often. In the latest issue, the country's biggest gaming publication interviewed Tetsuya Nomura, who doesn't like anything more than talking about his beloved Final Fantasy franchise. Well, usually.

Nomura is definitely psyched about his next FF projects, and while he's a mainstay of the legendary franchise, he said he's never been "as deeply involved" in any installment as he is right now with Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII Versus. Furthermore, while most all of us expect those two games to look superior to any other entry in the franchise (they'll be on the PS3, after all), Nomura said in regards to the visuals, they're "close to perfection." Oh yeah? Sweet, give us a look with a demo!

Perhaps one of the most encouraging comments came during the visuals discussion. Nomura said that with the help of the PlayStation 3's super powerful hardware, "all visions can come true." Clearly, this is one of the reasons both these epic projects are exclusive to Sony's next-gen platform. He said it's definitely a big advantage for his team to concentrate on one console, even if that means they can't reach the biggest possible audience. This is all good news for the future concerning the PS3; if other developers get this excited about working with Sony's new hardware, we can probably expect some pretty stunning titles in the future.

My Take:

boost - thanks for keeping NT up to date with the PS3 news... i definatelly appreciate it

and from that last post about SE... that picture alone looks amazing.. can't wait for FF..
So, I'm thinking of buying the 60gb, what is the difference between the 60 and the 80 besides the obivious memory and backward compatability?

Also, are the 60gbs that are on sell now, do they have a GOOD backward compatability when compared to the "OG" 60?


Metal gear demo will be crazy..

Has anyone received the updated Madden patch?

All that ff7 talk got me playing the psx version since I never finished it..

psn id... justreason
that would be kick if it was mortal kombat vs killer instinct but probably no way of happening...
oh man, yeah it would

and like i said i'd pay 15 bucks for the mgs4 demo. i was listening to the kojima productions podcast and what they said was even though people at tgs were only allowed to play 15 minutes at a time, there really is like an hours worth of stuff in the demo.

also has anyone seen video of what it looks like when snake dies? i heard it's handled alot cooler, but i haven't really been able to find a vid. if anyone knows where i can see it, hook it up
It will have USB ports, just two instead of four. If you need more ports, just buy a USB hub, there pretty cheap.

But what about the card reader? How many people actually use that?

Cuz I always thought it was an over-rated feature on laptops. But I realized that it truly does make life a LOT easier to have a built-in card reader.
gotta love Thursdays right guys?
Checked the PS store, no update yet.


n1ke drawer x proFRESH x quWESTlove x widmarklesNYC​
I can only imagine what the MK VS will be.
EzCode Parsing Error: size=5]EzCode Parsing​
any ff7 remake news updates?

last i heard during some convention there was a "hidden ff room" -

any updates? sry if im really late but the 48 pages of this post looks REALLY intimidating
Being a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, I'm not sure how many people on this board are Kingdom Hearts fans but here is a Nomura interview from Famitsu magazine about the new PSP KH entry.

Nomura Interview - Birth By Sleep (PSP):

Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit about the development of Birth By Sleep?
Nomura: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is being worked on by the same team that created re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep's development had originally started before the development of re: CoM, but production was stopped to complete re: CoM. At first it felt a bit weird starting the project again. I believe this project started before the other two of the Kingdom Hearts games, and I also believe it will be the last to hit the market.

Interviewer: The game still relates to Birth By Sleep? [KH2: FM+'s secret ending]
Nomura: The secret ending [from KH2: FM+] is actually a scene from Birth By Sleep, therefore the title of the game is also the same. However, because it is difficult to express such a violent battle as playable content, the secret ending [from KH2: FM+] is an image (scene?) of the end.(Is he hinting that this is how Birth by Sleep will end or something else?)

Interviewer: How much talk was put into it, as it seems to be a game taking place in the past.
Nomura: This game goes the farthest back in the Kingdom Hearts timeline, about ten years before the original Kingdom Hearts. There is a screenshot of two children playing on the beach, and I believe the fans can understand what that means. [Sora and Riku as children?]

Interviewer: In the story it's said that there are "Three Scenarios by Three Heroes". Is there a relation between each scenario?
Nomura: There are three Heroes: Terra, Ven, and another character in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. We have already prepared a story for each of them. Therefore, in a way you can say three games were made at the same time. (Laughs) It's difficult to zap through the explanation right now, as we are still creating all of the scenarios. However, the beginning will be a bit hard to understand, but by completing all three scenarios, the player will understand the entire story.

Interviewer: Do the names of the three heroes represent something?
Nomura: In Kingdom Hearts, Sora meant Sky, Riku meant Land, and Kairi meant Sea. In this game, the three meanings make a large impact on the game. [Monkey: Wow, we've been speculating this so long and it came out true!]

Interviewer: Do all of the scenarios take place at the same time?
Nomura: All of the scenarios do take place around the same time, however there are also some gaps between the timelines. Also there are times when all three heroes will meet.

Interviewer: Is the playing order [for the scenarios] decided yet?
Nomura: I believe it would be better if we gave the players a freedom of choice. However this is still being talked about, but I believe it would be better to choose whoever you want out of the three.

Interviewer: What is the importance of story?
Nomura: For example, the name Xehanort is bought up in Kingdom Hearts 2. The game will answer several things like, "Why is the elderly person who appears in Birth by Sleep bringing up the same name?" and ,"Why is he wearing the same clothes as Ansem in the original Kingdom Hearts?" Another thing I want to bring up, is ,"Ven has the same hairstyle, face, clothes, and voice of Roxas, but just who is he?

Interviewer: Is the voice actor of Ven the same as Roxas?
Nomura: Yes, it is the same actor. Therefore the player will only look at Ven as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2.

However, are Roxas and Ven really the same character?

Moreover, what about the mystery surrounding the existence of Ven and Roxas?

These are keys that will be revealed from playing Birth By Sleep. You will be able to separate Ven from Roxas with ease; I will hint though by connecting the story between Roxas and Sora, you will understand who Ven is.

Interviewer: May I believe that the one you fight in KH2FM+, and Terra are the same person? Because they both use a very similar kind of Keyblade.
Nomura: If they really are the same person or not is uncertain, though it doesn't matter if you think they are the same person.

Interviewer: In Birth by Sleep, after all three are divided, the king appears?
Nomura: It may be deeply related to the story, however I cannot tell whether or not that he is a"King" at that current age. This is because the development of Birth by Sleep will contain a very serious story.

Interviewer: In Birth by Sleep, is the gameplay done by choosing action commands lined up in command list?
Nomura: I believe it is necessary to say first, The Command Menu that was shown to the public [A.K.A scans, and video] has now changed. A system close to that of re:COM has been created, feeling like a command deck. However, the present screen shots show it was a bit too close to the idea of re:COM. The battle screens you see in the images now, have already been changed. However the operating sense is similar to that of the Kingdom Hearts series. The gameplay has slight influence from the DS game "It's a Wonderful World". [Monkey note: I love that game, sadly It's a Wonderful World was released in Japan only].

Interviewer: Are there any features for the Growth System? (Leveling System)
Nomura: A new Growth System has been added into the game, in which you have to match four obligations with the scenario (?). We tried this variously because it was a bit hard with the PSP. However we made the best use of its Analog.

Interviewer: Are there new enemies you can confirm that are not shown in the screens?
Nomura: The new enemy is not a Heartless, or a Nobody, because the story takes place before even they appear. I can only give out more information, little by little, as time passes: an example being like the Shadow enemies that are heartless, and the Dusk enemies that are nobodies.

Interviewer: With the PSP, will it be possible for two people to communicate through a connection method?
Nomura: It's too early to answer that, however, there will be some features that will be taking advantage of the PSP. [Monkey Note: I believe they are discussing the possibilities of things like wifi, however, only 358/2 Days has been confirmed to have multiplayer].

PSN ID:Mexi-Rican
Can't wait to get off work and get the 2K8 Demo!
Latest Pick-up: Trainer Dunk High (nwsprnt/aq fl bl-mdm gry-myth)​

i really wanna play jericho :pimp:

PSN ID:THEh8er83​
Hi, everyone. Its time for the PLAYSTATION Store weekly update.

We have two great PS3 demos this week:
Clive Barkers Jericho

We also have a couple more add-ons. The first is a new vehicle for MotorStorm. This vehicle, the Castro Capitano, is not offered in any other MotorStorm bundle, and its only $0.99. Theres also a new Speed Master add-on for Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

As usual, we released more game videos and movie trailers:
NBA 08 Upside Progression System tutorial
Eye of Judgement Overview
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock trailer
Iron Man trailer
We Own the Night trailer


PSN: islands84​
Thanks Boost

One more question, Since the Emotion Engine and Graphic Synthesizer of the 60gb are the same of the PS2 does the 80gb have a NEWER one and is it "better" in the long run when games release in the fututre?~
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
I didn't see the nba 2k8 demo in the store.
"I never brag, how real I keep it, cause it's the best secret..."
Thanks Boost

One more question, Since the Emotion Engine and Graphic Synthesizer of the 60gb are the same of the PS2 does the 80gb have a NEWER one and is it "better" in the long run when games release in the fututre?~

Is the demo for raw vs smackdown going to drop anytime soon? Anything on tha ufc game?
This season will shape the future of this franchise..​
Thanks again Boost probably will pick up a 60 tomorrow.~
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
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