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Originally Posted by simpliSD

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

MW2 + Finals week = bad.

Damn ... trying to level up > trying to study
im suffering as well
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by simpliSD

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

MW2 + Finals week = bad.

Damn ... trying to level up > trying to study
im suffering as well
Hence why I bought the game and haven't opened it yet. 5:30 on Tuesday December 22 it's on like Donkey Kong though.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by simpliSD

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

MW2 + Finals week = bad.

Damn ... trying to level up > trying to study
im suffering as well
Hence why I bought the game and haven't opened it yet. 5:30 on Tuesday December 22 it's on like Donkey Kong though.

Props to you my man... you gotta tell me how you do it, cause even with the game in wraps... I'd probably say eff it and open it up

Anyhow, managed to get a game in before the lag came my way (Time Warner Cable FTL). I guess it's a good thing cause I actually studied.

side note: Javelin glitchers FTMFL.
MW2 + 52 inch TV = dizzy

was testing out my new tv today dizzy playing a around of ground wars ...
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

need for speed shift
anyone got nfs shift PSN: ALCHEMISTQ
hit me up if you got it.
You never on COD for real
. You got a mic?

Dante's Inferno: PS3 Exclusive "Divine Edition"

Visceral Games, an Electronics Arts studio today announced Dante's Inferno "Divine Edition" exclusive for the PlayStation 3.

The studio also announced that a Dante's Inferno downloadable demo for PlayStation 3 is available for free on the PlayStation Network today. The demo will also be available on Xbox LIVE on December 24, 2009.

PS3 Firmware 3.15 Full Change List

As mentioned earlier this week, a firmware update (3.15) was coming to fix some issues that had arisen after the 3.10 firmware update. Along with these minor fixes come a few new features such as the ability to play PSP minis on the PS3. Check out the full firmware update details as well as a direct download link after the jump…
  • Bluetooth sync issues fixed
  • Trophy syncing issue resolved
  • PSP Minis now playable on the PS3 (starting December 17th all PSP minis will be playable on the PS3, for now you must go to your download list and re-download any previously purchased PSP minis for them to function on the PS3)
  • XBM Icon Added - Minis Save Data Icon
  • LAN Data Transfer Utility

  • 1. Turn both the current PS3 (A) and new PS3 (B) on and connect them with a LAN cable; PS3 (A) should be connected to the TV. Please note, firmware (v3.15) must be installed on both systems.
    2. On the XMB of PS3 (A), scroll to the Settings category and select [System Settings] and then [Data Transfer Utility]
    3. Follow the instructions on-screen and transfer data
    4. After transferring the data, follow the instructions on-screen, and then connect PS3 (B) to the TV to view the XMB
    5. If content that was downloaded from PlayStation Store was transferred as part of this operation, you must activate PS3 (B) before you can use the data. Log in to the PS3 system as the user who owns the content, and then select (PlayStation Network) > (Account Management) > (System Activation) to activate the system.
If updating from your PS3 is taking too long, you can download the update HERE.
I know some of you guys are wondering where is the PSN Thursday update for today, well my PC crashed last Friday. I had it rebuilt and upgraded so hopefully Ishould get it back today.
Looking forward to Dante's Inferno. Looks ill.

I noticed theres not a lot of PSP/PSP Go news... did anyone even copp the PSP Go? Any decent games dropping anytime soon? I know of Peacewalker, Birth BySleep, when does Persona drop? and anything else?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

I noticed theres not a lot of PSP/PSP Go news... did anyone even copp the PSP Go? Any decent games dropping anytime soon? I know of Peacewalker, Birth By Sleep, when does Persona drop? and anything else?
I'm holding out on the psp Go till next year since I heard a 3rd party is making a external UMD slot for it. Till then my launch psp 1000 willget my play time with dissidia.
^^^ yea my launch PSP is still going strong. I just feel like I'm neglecting it. I gotta pick up Dissidia though, still didn't get around to that...
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


PS3 Firmware 3.15 Full Change List

As mentioned earlier this week,
a firmware update (3.15) was coming to fix some issues that had arisen
after the 3.10 firmware update. Along with these minor fixes come a few
new features such as the ability to play PSP minis on the PS3. Check
out the full firmware update details as well as a direct download link
after the jump…

  • Bluetooth sync issues fixed
  • Trophy syncing issue resolved
  • PSP Minis now playable on the PS3 (starting December 17th all PSP
    minis will be playable on the PS3, for now you must go to your download
    list and re-download any previously purchased PSP minis for them to
    function on the PS3)
  • XBM Icon Added - Minis Save Data Icon
  • LAN Data Transfer Utility

  • 1. Turn both the current PS3 (A) and new PS3 (B) on and connect them
    with a LAN cable; PS3 (A) should be connected to the TV. Please note,
    firmware (v3.15) must be installed on both systems.

    2. On the XMB of PS3 (A), scroll to the Settings category and select [System Settings] and then [Data Transfer Utility]

    3. Follow the instructions on-screen and transfer data

    4. After transferring the data, follow the instructions on-screen, and then connect PS3 (B) to the TV to view the XMB

    5. If content that was downloaded from PlayStation Store was
    transferred as part of this operation, you must activate PS3 (B) before
    you can use the data. Log in to the PS3 system as the user who owns the
    content, and then select (PlayStation Network) > (Account
    Management) > (System Activation) to activate the system.

If updating from your PS3 is taking too long, you can download the update HERE.

Finally, I would keep having to delete and reregister my keyboard if I wanted to use it, and my headset would decide to stop working at the worst timepossible.
Starting December 11 Future shop will be selling Fallout 3 GOTY for 29.99 for both Xbox and ps3

Go to best buy and get them to price match it, then the total will be 26 plus tax

will be picking up one for sure even though i wont play it till june haha
[h2]Dante's Inferno 'Divine Edition' heading exclusively to PS3[/h2]
by Ben Gilbert { 1 hour ago }

EA has detailed a special edition of Dante's Inferno, titled the "Divine Edition," which is coming exclusively to the PlayStation 3 next February. For the same $60 the Xbox 360 version costs, EA will give you the "special edition," which includes a developer commentary, a Wayne Barlowe "digital art book," the game's soundtrack, and ... wait for it ... a digitized "complete Longfellow translation of Dante Alighieri's Inferno." That's right, folks -- you can read the classic work on the same system that's being used to tear it apart. The demo is currently available on the PlayStation Network and will land on Xbox Live on December 24th.
Currently Playing: GOW Collection, UC2
Still need: R&C ACIT, Borderlands, Ninja Gaiden Sigma II..

[h1]PixelJunk Shooter Review[/h1]


by Chris Roper


View all 44 images

December 9, 2009 - The PlayStation Network has had quite an amazing year, with spectacular titles hitting the downloadable library month after month. Sony has saved what is easily one of the best for last, however, with Q-Games' PixelJunk Shooter. The studio is no stranger to simple, unique and addictive games, and PixelJunk Shooter not only follows suit perfectly but is also the developer's best work yet.

The concept is very basic. You command a little ship that you fly through caverns, saving endangered miners scattered throughout the levels while fighting various enemies. The control scheme is the now-commonplace dual-analog stick setup -- the left stick moves your ship, while the right stick is used to aim. R1 and R2 shoot, while L1 and L2 use your grappling hook. The whole thing is 2D in setup, making the total package simple to pick up and start playing immediately.

The catch here, and the main gameplay hook that Q-Games built the experience around, is the changing environmental hazards that fill these caverns, most all of which are handled via fluid dynamics. The game starts with a mix of water and lava, both of which accurately flow and splash like you'd expect, while things like flammable gas, ice and more come into play later in the game. The great part about this is the way that all of these things interact with each other. Water will cool lava and turn it into rock that you can shoot, while the gas can explode and send a wave of fire running throughout the cave. In cold areas, the water can freeze and turn into ice, while lava can then melt it and carve a path for you to travel through. In short, it's a stellar and inventive mix of elements that work together fantastically.

Click the image to see the game in action.

This elemental catch makes up pretty much all of the puzzles that you'll encounter in PixelJunk Shooter. If there are a couple miners trapped below some lava, you may need to get a water source to the lava to turn it into rock, and then blast your way through to them. There are sections where ice blocks your path in every direction, and you need to manipulate mirrors that are reflecting lasers in order to melt the spots that you need to pass.

This whole time you're dealing with your ship's heat level. When you're near lava (and certainly when you're touched by it), your heat level rises, and if it gets too hot, you lose control of your ship and you come crashing down in a fiery wreckage. If you can happen to land in water to cool off then you'll be saved, but that's not exactly easy to pull off.

What's really cool is that you won't always need to watch out for heat affecting your ship. Without spoiling too much, I'll just say that PixelJunk Shooter mixes things up a few times throughout the experience, and what was once detrimental may begin to help you, and vice-versa.

Again, the whole setup is very simple, but figuring out how to approach a situation correctly is always interesting. If you go around shooting everything in sight, you'll inevitably take out some rocks that'll send lava (or something else equally bad) onto the miners that you need to save. It's never too difficult to figure out how to get by a section, but it's always rewarding, and that fine design touch is what makes PixelJunk Shooter shine.

While you're required to "deal" with all of the miners in a section to move on (either by saving or killing them), you'll also be on the hunt for hidden diamonds (retrievable with your grappling hook) and hidden passageways that contain more goodies, including special miners that tell the game's story (which is simple but finishes up brilliantly at the end). This collection element helps extend both your interest in exploring as well as the replayability for PixelJunk Shooter, as you'll undoubtedly want to head back to previous sections to find all of the miners and diamonds that you've missed (the interface does a nice job of telling you what you're still missing). If you ran through the game, getting to the end credits wouldn't take incredibly long, though for a downloadable title it's certainly within reason. But when you go back to collect everything, your playtime can double in total length, and it remains fun the whole time.

There are three main chapters to PixelJunk Shooter, all of which end in a big boss fight of some fashion. Each of these are designed like what you'd find in the heyday of shooters in the SNES era of gaming, with weak spots you need to find, patterns that you need to figure out and plenty of attacks to dodge. The second boss in particular is fantastic and is now one of my favorite PSN gaming moments thus far.

The elemental fluid dynamics are the star of the show.

Like in Q-Games' past titles, you can play with two players cooperatively through the game (locally; online is only for leaderboards). The coolest part here is that if one ship overheats and begins to plummet, the other player can grapple them and keep them safe while they recharge. Other than that, it's exactly the same as the single-player game (and even uses the same save), but it's great fun to head into the caverns with a buddy and work together to save the miners.
Closing Comments
PixelJunk Shooter is a brilliantly simple and addictive title, which is basically what we've come to expect from Q-Games. The mix of elements and the way they're handled is nothing short of fantastic, and all of the collection mechanics make for an experience that you can really dig in to. Absolutely do not miss this.

IGN Ratings for PixelJunk Shooter (PS3)

[table][tr][th=""]Rating[/th] [th=""]Description[/th] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]out of 10[/td] [td]click here for ratings guide [/td] [/tr][tr][td]8.0[/td] [td]Presentation
Very simple but wholly effective in terms of both the interface and story.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8.0[/td] [td]Graphics
The art style isn't incredibly inspired, but it works very well. The fluid dynamics really take the cake here.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9.0[/td] [td]Sound
Fantastic soundtrack fills out most of the audio spectrum with simple but appropriate sound effects for everything else.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9.0[/td] [td]Gameplay
Great controls and fantastic level design. It's the awesome use of the environmental bits, like water, lava and ice, that makes PJ Shooter stand out.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7.0[/td] [td]Lasting Appeal
It's not the longest game ever made, but you'll want to go collect everything because it's so fun.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9.1
Outstanding[/td] [td]OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table]

Another great game in the PixelJunk Series..Might have to check it out.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

@ 13 getting a 39

A lot of you will be disappointed. I'll drop bombs in a day or two since the JP release is about to happen.

Nah, man. Don't say that.

Also, can you speak on Hereasis XIII at all? Scrapped?
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

@ 13 getting a 39

A lot of you will be disappointed. I'll drop bombs in a day or two since the JP release is about to happen.

Nah, man. Don't say that.

Also, can you speak on Hereasis XIII at all? Scrapped?
I posted a few pages back that it's still in development and it is not a part of XIV
EY JDB, just go ahead and use any hdmi cable. Go into display settings on your system and select hdmi, then the playstation will tell you what formats your tvwill display, then select 720p. You can get a cheap HDMI cable off, or u can get one from best buy for like 20 plus tax
PS store update from the PS blog:

[h1]PlayStation Store Update[/h1]
Posted by Grace Chen // Senior Manager, PlayStation Store

Hi Everyone - It's time for the weekly PlayStation Store Update.

Season's Greetings Collection

Lacking holiday spirit? The PlayStation Store Season's Greetings Collection can help. We've put together lots of seasonal titles and content to winterize your gaming experience!

UNCHARTED: Eye of Indra Motion Comics 2, 3 and 4 Available in Canada Starting Today
($0.99 each)

[h3]Downloadable Games[/h3]
PixelJunk Shooter ($9.99)
Pilot a subterranean exploration vehicle to explore the interior of diverse cave-like complexes. The player must affect the surrounding and dynamic terrain to safely rescue survivors scattered about the cavernous environment. Both environmental elements and eniemies, including bosses will attempt to hamper the player's progress.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 108 MB

Revenge of the Wounded Dragons ($9.99)
Come out with fists blazing in high-energy Kung-Fu style in Revenge of the Wounded Dragons, now on the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system! Your mission is double: Avenge your grandfather's death and rescue your sister from the local mafia boss' hands. Play single player mode or try special cooperative moves with a friend in a raging Kung-Fu battle of fists and weapons.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 119 MB

Frogger Returns ($4.99)
Frogger Returns takes the heart-pounding challenge of arcade Frogger and takes it into the next dimension! Classic top-down 2D gameplay is updated with colorful 3D graphics, a new perspective, all-new levels, new enemies and game-changing power-ups to dodge and use! Local multiplayer lets you race a friend to victory.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 42 MB
[h3]PSone Classics: PS3/PSP[/h3]
Bomberman Party Edition ($5.99)
Have a blast in the party edition of the classic Bomberman game. Can you clear all 50 stages?
ESRB Rated E
File size: 259 MB
[h3]Game Demos (free)[/h3]
topatoi Demo
topatoi for PlayStation 3 brings your screen to life with classic platforming gameplay over a variety of dynamic levels. Dynamic arcade gameplay, nimble enemies, amusing puzzles and Raph's breathtaking adventures await you. Unlockable levels make game progress even more fun!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 92 MB

Dante's Inferno Demo
Dante's Inferno The Gates of Hell Demo - Discover an epic adventure based on the first part of Dante Alighieri's masterpiece, "The Divine Comedy". Playing as Dante, you must defeat Death and arm yourself with his scythe as you prepare to descend into the nine circles of Hell and rescue the soul of your beloved Beatrice from Lucifer himself.
File size: 0.99 GB

Mushroom Wars Demo
Mushroom Wars is a fast-paced, accessible single and multiplayer RTS game with a quaint visual style that brings skirmish gameplay to the forefront. Battles of opposing tribes of Mushroom armies take place in close-quarters maps using simple, straight-forward controls against AI or friends. Short campaigns challenge players to take control of key strategic points. Conquest battles require complete annihilation of opponents.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 101 MB
[h3]Add-on Game Content[/h3]
inFAMOUS Gigawatt Blades Power (free)
This exclusive inFAMOUS power transforms Cole's hands into instruments of sheer destruction. Electric blades extend from his wrists, and a single blow annihilates any foe, sending them to their death. No other melee weapon in the game comes close to matching the ferocity of Gigawatt Blades.
File size: 100 KB

High Velocity Bowling Ginger Character ($0.99)
It's time to bowl - High Velocity style! Add Ginger from the hit PlayStation Network game PAIN to your High Velocity Bowling roster. Ginger is taking a break from breaking, and healing, bones in PAIN to join the HVB cast and knock down some pins instead. Download includes Ginger's special ball "The Gimp," plus the new Ginger's Triage lane.
File size: 41 MB

High Velocity Bowling Jarvis Character ($0.99)
It's time to bowl - High Velocity style! Add Jarvis from the hit PlayStation Network game PAIN to your High Velocity Bowling roster. Jarvis is ready to knock some pins down for a change, rather than knocking himself out with a giant slingshot. Download includes Jarvis's special ball "The Bruiser," plus the new Crash Pad lane.
File size: 48 MB

High Velocity Bowling Animal Patterns Ball Pack ($0.99)
It's time to bowl - High Velocity style! Spice up your bowling game with this cool pack of six custom "Animal Patterns" theme bowling balls.
File size: 5.25 MB

High Velocity Bowling Winter Holiday Ball Pack ($0.99)
It's time to bowl - High Velocity style! Spice up your bowling game with this cool pack of six custom "Winter Holiday" theme bowling balls.
File size: 5.23 MB

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast Alien Warriors Pack (free)
"Dragon Ball: Raging Blast" Character Pack #2 is now available! The second release is the "Alien Warriors Pack!" This pack contains Vegeta (Scouter), Raditz, Nappa, Zarbon and Dodoria! These wild fighters from outer space join the battles and heat things up! Show your skills in the ultimate battles against the earthlings!
File size: 116 KB

The King of Fighters XII: Classic Pack ($1.99)
BGM Arrangement Packs for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XII now available! 10 tracks of the game's BGM will be arranged in CLASSIC style.
File size: 16 MB

The King of Fighters XII: Dance Pack ($4.99)
BGM Arrangement Packs for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XII now available!
10 tracks of the game's BGM will be arranged in DANCE style.
File size: 15 MB

The King of Fighters XII:Hard Rock Pack ($4.99)
BGM Arrangement Packs for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XII now available!
10 tracks of the game's BGM will be arranged in HARD ROCK style.
File size: 15 MB

The King of Fighters XII: Jazz Pack ($4.99)
BGM Arrangement Packs for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XII now available!
10 tracks of the game's BGM will be arranged in JAZZ style.
File size: 15 MB

Need For Speed Shift: Team Racing (free)
In Need For Speed Shift Team Racing players race together in teams of up to six versus six for the ultimate racing challenge. Look out for five amazing new cars which are available immediately for use online and in quick race, and from tier two in the career mode.
File size: 68 MB

The Saboteur: The Midnight Show DLC ($2.99)
Welcome to the Midnight show! This content allows you to toggle the nudity in-game, opens up new hiding spots, mini-games, and 4 unique cinematics from the Belle de Nuit Burlesque girls.
File size: 44 MB

PAIN: PAINBall Mode ($1.99)
The PAINBall mode challenges you to a slap-happy multiplayer showdown! Throw out everything you learned in typical sports and get ready for a mutant form of competition with new PAINful rules. Select your favorite launchee to slap your friends silly and get in their way of scoring. It sounds simple, but the makers of PAIN have littered the playing field with enough obstacles to make everyone say "Ooch".
File size: 100 KB

Guitar Hero 5
For all song credits please visit
  • "All The Right Moves" by OneRepublic ($1.99)
  • "Everybody Loves Me" by OneRepublic ($1.99)
  • "Mercy" by OneRepublic ($1.99)
  • OneRepublic Track Pack ($5.49) - Downloadable Track Pack featuring "All The Right Moves", "Mercy", "Everybody Loves Me" by OneRepublic. Please Note: Many songs are available both as singles and as part of a Track Pack, so please carefully consider your purchases before downloading.
File sizes: 39 MB - 42 MB (singles), 121 MB (track pack)

Rock Band
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit
  • "Dreaming of Love"- Lights Resolve (free)
  • "I Am a Rock"- Simon & Garfunkel ($1.99)
  • "The Sounds of Silence"- Simon & Garfunkel ($1.99)
  • "Duality"- Slipknot ($1.99)
  • "Psychosocial"- Slipknot ($1.99)
  • "Sulfur"- Slipknot ($1.99)
  • Slipknot Pack 01 ($5.49)- Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game track pack: Slipknot Pack 01. This pack includes: "Duality," "Psychosocial," and "Sulfur" by Slipknot.
File sizes: 13 MB - 41 MB (singles), 115 MB (track pack)
[h3]Game Videos (free)[/h3]
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves - Behind the Scenes Video 10
File sizes: 237 MB (HD)

UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves - Behind the Scenes Video 11
File sizes: 366 MB (HD)

UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves - Behind the Scenes Video 12
File sizes: 530 MB (HD)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Launch Trailer
File sizes: 66 MB (HD) 109 MB (1080)

Rogue Warrior Cinematic Trailer
File sizes: 72 MB (HD)

Dante's Inferno Game Trailer
File sizes: 97 MB (HD)

Polar Panic Features Trailer
File sizes: 59 MB (HD)

Polar Panic Gameplay Trailer
File sizes: 58 MB (HD)

File sizes: 33 MB (HD)

Revenge of the Wounded Dragons Trailer
File sizes: 20 MB (SD)
PAIN: Elvira Theme (free)
File size: 1.72 MB

PAIN: Flavor Flav Theme (free)
File size: 2.99 MB

PAIN: Smooth Jarvis Theme (free)
File size: 2.19 MB

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deployment Theme ($1.99)
File size: 3.21 MB

Christmas Pinups Theme ($1.49)
File size: 5.13 MB

Off The Beat Theme ($1.99)
File size: 4.99 MB
[h3]Wallpaper (free)[/h3]
Revenge of the Wounded Dragons Wallpaper 1
File size: 118 KB (SD) 485 KB (HD)

Revenge of the Wounded Dragons Wallpaper 2
File size: 116 KB (SD) 494 KB (HD)

Puzzlegeddon Wallpaper
File size: 173 KB (SD) 488 KB (HD)
[h2]PlayStation Store for PSP[/h2] [h3]Downloadable Games (also available from PS3 storefront)[/h3]
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles ($14.99)
The legendary action game Castlevania: Rondo of Blood is reborn on the PSP system with incredible 3D graphics and timeless side scrolling gameplay in Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. The first time Rondo of Blood has been released outside of Japan, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles lets gamers take up the Vampire Killer whip as Richter Belmont as they seek to destroy the maniacal Dracula once and for all in this pivotal piece of the ongoing Castlevania saga. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles also includes the original Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night games, delivering incredible gameplay and value while updating two of the most beloved video games of all time for a new generation of gamers.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 715 MB

Coded Arms ($9.99)
Coded Arms is a visually stunning first-person shooter that places the gamer in the role of a computer hacker who infiltrates an abandoned virtual reality system.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 96 MB

Death Jr. ($9.99)
When Death Jr. accidentally releases the evil Necromancer Moloch and his hoards of deranged demon-beasts to wreak havoc on the town, it's time for some quick-thinking action from the son of the Grim one. Grab your scythe, an arsenal of guns, and your… self-guided C4 hamsters?… to hack, maim and destroy armies of mutant creatures and scavenge the souls of those you so innocently imperiled…and keep yourself out of military school.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 218 MB

Death Jr. 2 Root of Evil ($9.99)
Death Jr. and Pandora return in an all-new twisted adventure as they accidentally unleash Furi, a creature of nature hell-bent on becoming the ultimate evil! In order to stop Furi and her hordes of unnatural minions, DJ and Pandora must travers demented locales like the Toy Graveyard, the River Styx, and the Waffle House, home of the best acid syrup covered waffle in the World.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 510 MB

Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 ($14.99)
Ancient China's greatest warriors have rocked the foundations of heaven and earth for over 2,000 years. Now KOEI's 'Warriors Worth a Thousand' return in a sequel that eclipses the original with an exquisite array of features!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 156 MB

Gradius Collection ($19.99)
A shooting fan's dream come true! Gradius Collection 5 classic games from the Gradius Series, I, II, III, IV and the long awaited Gradius Gaiden!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 261 MB

Kurulin Fusion ($4.99)
Kurulin Fusion is an hypnotic blend of color, geometry, puzzle action and a futuristicsoundtrack featuring renowned Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu's reimaginingof J.S. Bach. The game is easy to grasp-Fusion Blocks and Energy Orbs annihilateeach other if matching colors touch-but Arcade mode and Mission mode offer skill andstrategy challenges if you hope to achieve super scores.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 21 MB

Silent Hill: Origins ($14.99)
The renowned Silent Hill survival horror series makes its handheld gaming debut with a brand new adventure that reveals many of the series' most hallowed secrets. Assuming the role of a lone truck driver trapped in Silent Hill while making a routine delivery, players must escape the city's horrific inhabitants and confront the strange hallucinations that have haunted him since childhood. Taking full advantage of the PSP system's graphics, sound, and portability, Silent Hill Origins set a new standard in handheld gaming terror.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 711 MB
[h3]PSP minis[/h3]
Stand O'Food ($4.99)
File size: 12 MB

Battle Poker ($2.99)
File size: 13 MB
[h3]Add-on Game Content[/h3]
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Pack 8 (free) (also available from PS3 storefront)
Quest Pack #8 - Dive into these brand new missions that will spice up your Strikeforce experience. Also includes all previous Quest Packs. To learn more about this pack and about Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce go to
File size: 1.13 MB
[h3]Game Videos (free)[/h3]
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines Teaser Trailer
File size: 8.01 MB

2 for 1 Mercury Bundle Trailer 2
File size: 5.93 MB

Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign Trailer
File size: 8.11 MB

The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun Trailer
File size: 16 MB
[h3]PSP Themes[/h3]
Christmas Pinups PSP Theme 1 ($0.99) (also available from PS3 storefront)
File sizes: 578 KB

Christmas Pinups PSP Theme 2 ($0.99) (also available from PS3 storefront)
File sizes: 612 KB
Top Bottom