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Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Heavy Rain detective puzzles coming to PlayStation Home

Finally! You can put your CSI knowledge to good use. Starting tomorrow, PlayStation Home will be updated with a brand new Space: The Backstage Pass. At first glance, it may not seem related to Heavy Rain, but keen minds will be able to find a way to unlock a secret adventure, the Heavy Rain "Evidence Analysis" mini-game.

The PlayStation.Blog is scant on details, but promises Home denizens "will receive a rather special reward" when completing the game. "This prize is definitely one you Heavy Rain fans won't want to be without." That certainly sounds like the most enticing reason to visit the PS3 online community in quite some time.

Since the source from that came from the Europe playstation blog it might be only on the Europe & UK PS Home servers. Either way you can still access Europe PS Home if you have a Euro account which you can create easily. I had to log into my UK PS3 account and log into PS Home Europe to use the voucher code I got for the free Heavy Rain PS Home shirt that I got for signing up for the 4 day challenge.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
yeah i am kinda reaching, but these games are new concepts and theyre new concepts being designed with next gen in mind

GTA4 had new aspects, things like cell phone usage, cover and cover-firing, new wanted system, etc, but essentially was just the same game, Grand Theft Auto, like i said "its been there done that,"

the general public was so blown away by GTA3 that the following carried over to Vice City and San Andreas, those followings didnt come over to GTA4 and it was worse for the DLC and episodes from liberty city

san andreas sold 17 mil on ps2, more than GTA3 and VC on ps2, and that doesnt even include their sales on PC or XBOX or the sales of the triple GTA pack sold on all 3 platforms
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
yeah i am kinda reaching, but these games are new concepts and theyre new concepts being designed with next gen in mind

GTA4 had new aspects, things like cell phone usage, cover and cover-firing, new wanted system, etc, but essentiall was just the same game, Grand Theft Auto, like i said "its been there done that,"

the general public was so blown away by GTA3 that the following carried over to Vice City and San Andreas, those followings didnt come over to GTA4 and it was for the DLC and episodes from liberty city
yea what your saying but i think they should do something great with the next gta if if its isnt good they should quit it
if i didnt already have they dlc on xbox i'd buy it again
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
yeah i am kinda reaching, but these games are new concepts and theyre new concepts being designed with next gen in mind

GTA4 had new aspects, things like cell phone usage, cover and cover-firing, new wanted system, etc, but essentially was just the same game, Grand Theft Auto, like i said "its been there done that,"

the general public was so blown away by GTA3 that the following carried over to Vice City and San Andreas, those followings didnt come over to GTA4 and it was worse for the DLC and episodes from liberty city

san andreas sold 17 mil on ps2, more than GTA3 and VC on ps2, and that doesnt even include their sales on PC or XBOX or the sales of the triple GTA pack sold on all 3 platforms

But all this "been there, done that" is what has made GTA soo successful and it's what people love.
I played the first Bioshock on PC in '07 and absolutely love the game..It's dope regardless of the system, I don't see how anyone can't enjoy it.. Then again some of ya'll game selections
..Different strokes for different folks.

[h1]No Dedicated Servers For BioShock 2[/h1]

[font=verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By Pete Haas: 2010-01-27 14:06:17[/font]
Today 2K Marin answered some of the most common fan questions regarding BioShock 2's multiplayer. Not surprisingly, a query about dedicated servers made the cut.

During the Q&A, 2K community manager 2K community manager Elizabeth Tobey revealed that the game would support neither LAN play or dedicated servers. "There is always a finite amount of time for the development of a game. Bringing Multiplayer to BioShock was a daunting task between the tech (there was no multiplayer support in the codebase from the first game) and the expectations of the community.

"Either you try to do everything and so nothing feels finished or you focus your efforts to do a smaller number of things really well like an accessible online experience. We chose to spend the time we had creating a solid game foundation and unfortunately that did not include LAN play or dedicated servers."

Many of you might not give a crap either way but there's a segment of gamers who are pretty passionate about dedicated servers. A number of PC owners threatened a boycott of Modern Warfare 2 after Infinity Ward revealed they would be forgoing dedicated servers in favor of a new matchmaking service.

it's all about SP anyway..
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
yeah i am kinda reaching, but these games are new concepts and theyre new concepts being designed with next gen in mind

GTA4 had new aspects, things like cell phone usage, cover and cover-firing, new wanted system, etc, but essentially was just the same game, Grand Theft Auto, like i said "its been there done that,"

the general public was so blown away by GTA3 that the following carried over to Vice City and San Andreas, those followings didnt come over to GTA4 and it was worse for the DLC and episodes from liberty city

san andreas sold 17 mil on ps2, more than GTA3 and VC on ps2, and that doesnt even include their sales on PC or XBOX or the sales of the triple GTA pack sold on all 3 platforms
But all this "been there, done that" is what has made GTA soo successful and it's what people love.

yeah, for SOME people, i loved all 3 GTAs on ps2, i didnt love GTA4 (yes it was good)

the anticipation for san andreas was huge, not only were we getting a WAY bigger map, with each city having its individual personality, we were getting all kinds of new features - the hype from both previous games carried over here

when GTA4 came out, it was like "we're getting a smaller map?  and theyre taking away certain features?"

just look at their online mode, to this day im sure it still has a following but it never became anything serious (insert Modern Warfare here - which is why MW is the new IT game this generation)

or look at their game engine, it wasnt even designed with GTA in mind, it was designed for red dead redemption

EBGAMES has dropped the price of GOW Collection to 24.99 down from 39.99

USED is still 34.99
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I don't think so... There was soo much hype for GTA IV that there was a countdown for the TRAILER. Come on...

and thats all it was, hype, GTAs breakthrough was last generation

Agent and LA Noire are probably going to be bigger games than GTA4 was
isnt that kinda reaching?
do we even know anything significant about those two games yet?
yeah i am kinda reaching, but these games are new concepts and theyre new concepts being designed with next gen in mind

GTA4 had new aspects, things like cell phone usage, cover and cover-firing, new wanted system, etc, but essentially was just the same game, Grand Theft Auto, like i said "its been there done that,"

the general public was so blown away by GTA3 that the following carried over to Vice City and San Andreas, those followings didnt come over to GTA4 and it was worse for the DLC and episodes from liberty city

san andreas sold 17 mil on ps2, more than GTA3 and VC on ps2, and that doesnt even include their sales on PC or XBOX or the sales of the triple GTA pack sold on all 3 platforms

But all this "been there, done that" is what has made GTA soo successful and it's what people love.
Honestly my take on the GTA franchise is this: The GTA games has sadly gone the same route Tomb Raider went down, where after GTA: San Andreas it pretty much hit it's peak. What really made the GTA so ground breaking back on the PS2 days when GTA III first came out was that GTA III broke all the rules and nobody was expecting a game like it to be so successful. I read a few years back in a gaming magazine interview that Dan & Sam Houser were scared and were worried about how GTA III was going to do sales wise and how it would be received. 

Honestly while we don't know much about Agent ot La Noire I think both games have the potential to be something big and something we havent seen before this console generation like GTA III did for the PS2 during the last console generation.
Out of all the GTA games my favorite still is GTA: Vice City .

I just loved everything, from the plot, story line, characters, voice over actors used in the game (Ray Liota playing Tommy Vercetti), location & time line setting, and the great music soundtrack

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.

reverse engineering?  of what?  the firmware?  thats been dumped years ago, the blu-ray firmware?  thats been dumped years ago

ive been doing my reading on the PS3 architecture since friday when the blog got hot, you need to go do your reading

if you did your reading, you would know that the hypervisor has nothing to do with the decryption of copyrighted material, it has to do with guest operating systems which is exactly what he wanted
You don't reverse engineer firmware for piracy (I'll give you a hint, your still able to update your Xbox firmware even AFTER xLITE is palced on the system. The stealth checks still run, your NAND chip still gathers and reports directly to Xbox Live when you jump on.  Yet you can still play pirated games. - Once you figure out why, you'll understand my last statement).  Like I said go read up on it some more.

Let me clarify: I highy doubt we'll see piracy on the PS3 anytime soon. But its way more than possible, don't kid yourselves.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Av1r3x wrote:

[h1]Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2?[/h1]

Bioshock 2

This is kinda like a public service announcement for PlayStation 3 owners. Hopefully, it won't be as annoying and unbelievably insulting as actual PSAs.

Here's the thing: Bioshock released on August 21, 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC and at that time, there were only a tiny fraction of the PS3 owners that exist today. Granted, they may have played the game on either the 360 or PC but many PlayStation loyalists flat out missed it. Bioshock didn't release for the PS3 until over a year later on October 21, 2008 and while it could be argued that it was the superior version (due to extra content), the time gap is very significant. There were other great games to play on the PS3 by then and there was a misguided belief floating about; the belief that nobody wanted to play a 14-month-old title when other, fresher experiences were available. And now, as we're only mere weeks away from the release of the highly anticipated sequel, it comes in a month where most PS3 owners are fixating on the exclusive White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain. Now, I'm not saying one isn't allowed to have priorities, nor am I saying that it's wrong to put either of the aforementioned games ahead of Bioshock 2 on your list.

But I am saying that the stage appears to be set for too many PS3 owners to ignore this guaranteed-to-be-awesome sequel. We're looking at what should be a genuine Game of the Year contender here and it really should receive the appropriate amount of attention. Yeah, there are lots of of games coming out soon but if you missed out on the first Bioshock, you really don't know what you're likely missing if you pass on the sequel...

Adored the first one, will be copping part 2.

on PC

Add Arsonal J to that list. But I def remember this thread saying how Bioshock was over-rated blah blah blah.... Then when it was announced coming to the PS3 everybody went ape nuts.... Love that about the PS3 thread.


Bioshock is garbage, IMO.

However, shoot us Mass Effect, you selfish sons of @+%!**$.




Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.

reverse engineering?  of what?  the firmware?  thats been dumped years ago, the blu-ray firmware?  thats been dumped years ago

ive been doing my reading on the PS3 architecture since friday when the blog got hot, you need to go do your reading

if you did your reading, you would know that the hypervisor has nothing to do with the decryption of copyrighted material, it has to do with guest operating systems which is exactly what he wanted
You don't reverse engineer firmware for piracy (I'll give you a hint, your still able to update your Xbox firmware even AFTER xLITE is palced on the system. The stealth checks still run, your NAND chip still gathers and reports directly to Xbox Live when you jump on.  Yet you can still play pirated games. - Once you figure out why, you'll understand my last statement).  Like I said go read up on it some more.

awsome, none of that has anything do with playing pirated games on ps3, and this exploit does nothing to change that

my understanding is that people are playing pirated games on 360 because of the dvd-firmware, ever wonder why sony with blu-ray???

edit - yeah its possible if you want to do this whole "any console that doesnt require you be online to play like OnLive is susceptible to pirates" schpeel, ill probably see ps4 by the time that happens
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.

reverse engineering?  of what?  the firmware?  thats been dumped years ago, the blu-ray firmware?  thats been dumped years ago

ive been doing my reading on the PS3 architecture since friday when the blog got hot, you need to go do your reading

if you did your reading, you would know that the hypervisor has nothing to do with the decryption of copyrighted material, it has to do with guest operating systems which is exactly what he wanted
You don't reverse engineer firmware for piracy (I'll give you a hint, your still able to update your Xbox firmware even AFTER xLITE is palced on the system. The stealth checks still run, your NAND chip still gathers and reports directly to Xbox Live when you jump on.  Yet you can still play pirated games. - Once you figure out why, you'll understand my last statement).  Like I said go read up on it some more.
I know exactly how xLITE works on a 360 and I know exactly how Microsoft can tell you're running it, I also know how developers plan to combat it in the future. However, you're comparing apples and oranges. The 360 architecture is nothing like the PS3. The PS3 is a *%#%@+* alien to software and hardware engineers who have been in the business for 20 years. While the 360 is like the JO you can always call up for a good time. That's not a bad thing either. 360 is still the preferred medium for development.

Sure they can pull the blueprint to R.E. the PS3 but the fact is the way the security has been setup around the cell and the I/O for the system you're not going to be able to kill the encryption to "trick" the system to let you run full hard drive dumps or burned games. You're also going to have a hell of a time injecting code or subroutines into the I/O memory.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.

reverse engineering?  of what?  the firmware?  thats been dumped years ago, the blu-ray firmware?  thats been dumped years ago

ive been doing my reading on the PS3 architecture since friday when the blog got hot, you need to go do your reading

if you did your reading, you would know that the hypervisor has nothing to do with the decryption of copyrighted material, it has to do with guest operating systems which is exactly what he wanted
You don't reverse engineer firmware for piracy (I'll give you a hint, your still able to update your Xbox firmware even AFTER xLITE is palced on the system. The stealth checks still run, your NAND chip still gathers and reports directly to Xbox Live when you jump on.  Yet you can still play pirated games. - Once you figure out why, you'll understand my last statement).  Like I said go read up on it some more.
I know exactly how xLITE works on a 360 and I know exactly how Microsoft can tell you're running it, I also know how developers plan to combat it in the future. However, you're comparing apples and oranges. The 360 architecture is nothing like the PS3. The PS3 is a *%#%@+* alien to software and hardware engineers who have been in the business for 20 years. While the 360 is like the JO you can always call up for a good time. That's not a bad thing either. 360 is still the preferred medium for development.

Sure they can pull the blueprint to R.E. the PS3 but the fact is the way the security has been setup around the cell and the I/O for the system you're not going to be able to kill the encryption to "trick" the system to let you run full hard drive dumps or burned games. You're also going to have a hell of a time injecting code or subroutines into the I/O memory.

I'll agree here.

I know exactly how Microsoft can tell you're running it
This though, is highly doubtful.
I love how one GTA title drops after San Andreas and we're already saying the franchise has gone the route of Tomb Raider... if you say so. It might not have been favored over San Andreas but that's a reach until we see and play future GTA titles.
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