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[h1]Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2?[/h1]

Bioshock 2

This is kinda like a public service announcement for PlayStation 3 owners. Hopefully, it won't be as annoying and unbelievably insulting as actual PSAs.

Here's the thing: Bioshock released on August 21, 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC and at that time, there were only a tiny fraction of the PS3 owners that exist today. Granted, they may have played the game on either the 360 or PC but many PlayStation loyalists flat out missed it. Bioshock didn't release for the PS3 until over a year later on October 21, 2008 and while it could be argued that it was the superior version (due to extra content), the time gap is very significant. There were other great games to play on the PS3 by then and there was a misguided belief floating about; the belief that nobody wanted to play a 14-month-old title when other, fresher experiences were available. And now, as we're only mere weeks away from the release of the highly anticipated sequel, it comes in a month where most PS3 owners are fixating on the exclusive White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain. Now, I'm not saying one isn't allowed to have priorities, nor am I saying that it's wrong to put either of the aforementioned games ahead of Bioshock 2 on your list.

But I am saying that the stage appears to be set for too many PS3 owners to ignore this guaranteed-to-be-awesome sequel. We're looking at what should be a genuine Game of the Year contender here and it really should receive the appropriate amount of attention. Yeah, there are lots of of games coming out soon but if you missed out on the first Bioshock, you really don't know what you're likely missing if you pass on the sequel...

Adored the first one, will be copping part 2..

on PC

More Resident Evil 5
Impressions of an upcoming downloadable episode for Capcom's zombie slaughterfest.
by Charles Onyett


View all 22 images

US, January 25, 2010 - Compared to previous franchise entries, Capcom's Resident Evil 5 was much more about action than it was about scares. It was still creepy, but last year's game bore less resemblance to the series' survival horror roots than any other main franchise entry. It was also built around two-player co-operative gameplay, online or off, and that remains true of the soon-to-be-released downloadable content.

The two upcoming episodes, Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape, will be debuting as downloadable goodies on Xbox Live (400 Microsoft Points each) and the PlayStation Network ($4.99 USD each) before the release of the all-inclusive Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. So basically, if you've never played Resident Evil 5 before and want a version that includes absolutely everything, you're going to want to wait for the Gold Edition to be made available in the United States, which happens on March 9, 2010 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. All the additional content, including additional character costumes, episodes, and a revamped Mercenaries mode will be on the Gold Edition PlayStation 3 Blu-Ray disc, and on Xbox 360, you'll get the game disc along with a download token for the extra stuff.

However, if you already own Resident Evil 5 and would rather pick up the episodes individually, then you'll probably want to snatch up each as they're made available online instead of buying another full-priced disk. The first episode, called Lost in Nightmares, will be hitting Xbox Live on February 17th and the PlayStation Network on February 18th.

I had a chance to go hands-on with a short section of this episode, which is set in the Spencer Mansion from the first Resident Evil game. In it up to two players can take control of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine up until the point where "Chris Redfield thought he lost his partner forever," or so says the fact sheet. Of the two downloadable episodes, Capcom says this is the more puzzle-oriented one, though if what I encountered in my play session is representative of the experience as a whole, it's nothing too complicated.

These guys absorb a lot of shots before hitting the dirt.
The sequence had both characters running through dilapidated jail cells, picking up a few ammunition and health items along the way. One was outfitted with a shotgun while the other had a machine gun, which came in handy against a towering monster type that showed up on several occasions. This guy was pretty nasty, with a bubbling shoulder and a gigantic anchor-like weapon he used to brutally smash anyone in the vicinity. Getting hit like this doesn't result in an instant-kill, so a victim can still hobble around and heal to prevent being slapped with the game over screen.

While trudging by open prison cells, a number of these large foes attacked, requiring quite a few shots to put down permanently. I unfortunately spent most of my rounds on the early foes, which made the finale arena encounter a little more challenging. In a large room filled with multilevel walkways, two of these guys charged at once, and because they could hop gaps and ledges, there weren't many safe spots. Trying to proceed was made more difficult by their various abilities, including a stun and a grab that can kill you pretty quickly if your partner doesn't help out.

Successfuly escaping the room requires you to find and place crests, which can be quite the challenge if you don't have enough ammunition to bring down the big guys. Teamwork is key, and the best course of action seemed to be to distract the enemies with one character while the other hunts for items and the spot to place them. This was only a small chunk of the experience, which I was told will take one and a half to two hours to complete.

Is it worth five bucks? Well, the bits I played were entertaining enough, though they didn't really scream must-buy. Expect a more definitive verdict once the entirety of the content is made available.

Not really appealing, we'll see how well they turn out..

from That VideoGame Blog
UE3 and Frostbite to power Medal of Honor
[/td][/tr][tr][td]BY Sebastian Nordlund Jan. 25th, 2010[/td][td]More on:Medal of Honor[/td][/tr][/table]

Twitter is arguably a nice hangout depending on who you ask. We’re there, so it must be cool. But it’s also a resource for getting in the know of things. If you happen to be following EA’s Assistant Producer & Community Manager Matthiew Pruitt, the official Twitter of Medal of Honor, Rendering Architect at DICE Johan Andersson, and well, a bunch of others working at EA and/or DICE, you might already be aware of the unofficial announcement that the rebirth iteration of Medal of Honor, hitting this fall, will be using a heavily-modified Unreal Engine 3 for the single-player campaign, whereas the multiplayer will be powered by DICE’s Frostbite engine.

“As many of you may have read, we are using a heavily-modified Unreal 3 Engine for Medal of Honor’s single-player campaign
gutta sauce
u wanna try n be funny go right ahead...if i respond back ill prolly get banned...
i aint the only person who suffers headaches from the fps camera view....imma take the high road n be the bigger man u little shmuck

anyways does anybody here play warhawk?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

gutta sauce
u wanna try n be funny go right ahead...if i respond back ill prolly get banned...
i aint the only person who suffers headaches from the fps camera view....imma take the high road n be the bigger man u little shmuck

anyways does anybody here play warhawk?

okay diana it was a joke. go cry a river somewhere else, nobody wants to hear you complain about your down syndrome.

"hey guises ima take the high road n be the bigger man, but i gotta make sure i call him a little shmuck so people on the internet don't think im a vagina" - gotholesinsocks
Originally Posted by jrp44

I just rented Batman:AA today and
Why the hell did I take so long to play it?

i bought batman: AA on release and i still haven't even opened it yet.. trying 2 finish assassin's creed 2 before i open it.. game is so repetitive
.  when is batman AA 2 comin out?
iight now i got down syndrome......thank u on that diagnosis

anyway.........i spoke to my brother n he was telling me that dark void is really good, but then i see the bad reviews it got
does anyone have it that can give his own review on it
Originally Posted by brandonroy3

Originally Posted by jrp44

I just rented Batman:AA today and
Why the hell did I take so long to play it?

i bought batman: AA on release and i still haven't even opened it yet.. trying 2 finish assassin's creed 2 before i open it.. game is so repetitive
.  when is batman AA 2 comin out?

Wait, were you the dude asking about Assassin's Creed 1??? If you think Assassin's Creed 2 is repetitive, DON'T get 1...
Game is basically a skipping track on a PS3.
PS: I don't think Assassin's Creed 2 is really repetitive, at all. The missions are actually quite diverse.
Originally Posted by brandonroy3

Originally Posted by jrp44

I just rented Batman:AA today and
Why the hell did I take so long to play it?

i bought batman: AA on release and i still haven't even opened it yet.. trying 2 finish assassin's creed 2 before i open it.. game is so repetitive
.  when is batman AA 2 comin out?
whats so repetitive about ACII? compared to the first one its isnt.

but anyway im getting ready to format my hard drive and i would just like to know what should i do in terms of save data and stuff i purchased etc

i dont have an external btw
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by brandonroy3

Originally Posted by jrp44

I just rented Batman:AA today and
Why the hell did I take so long to play it?

i bought batman: AA on release and i still haven't even opened it yet.. trying 2 finish assassin's creed 2 before i open it.. game is so repetitive
.  when is batman AA 2 comin out?

Wait, were you the dude asking about Assassin's Creed 1??? If you think Assassin's Creed 2 is repetitive, DON'T get 1...
Game is basically a skipping track on a PS3.
PS: I don't think Assassin's Creed 2 is really repetitive, at all. The missions are actually quite diverse.
I asked about AC 1 last week...I have played it a little and it does seem a little repetitive so far

PS3 Bayonetta Online Update brings HDD Installs

Sega January 27, 2010 (Wed), PlayStation 3 software for Bayonetta. On January 28 (Thursday) decided to conduct an online update.

The online update of this PlayStation 3 version of BAYONETTA will add the HDD install feature, which will reduce load times and load faster. Updates to the main menu after the "INSTALL" item has been added, and select the item to the HDD installation is started.
Originally Posted by Av1r3x


[h1]Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2?[/h1]

Bioshock 2

This is kinda like a public service announcement for PlayStation 3 owners. Hopefully, it won't be as annoying and unbelievably insulting as actual PSAs.

Here's the thing: Bioshock released on August 21, 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC and at that time, there were only a tiny fraction of the PS3 owners that exist today. Granted, they may have played the game on either the 360 or PC but many PlayStation loyalists flat out missed it. Bioshock didn't release for the PS3 until over a year later on October 21, 2008 and while it could be argued that it was the superior version (due to extra content), the time gap is very significant. There were other great games to play on the PS3 by then and there was a misguided belief floating about; the belief that nobody wanted to play a 14-month-old title when other, fresher experiences were available. And now, as we're only mere weeks away from the release of the highly anticipated sequel, it comes in a month where most PS3 owners are fixating on the exclusive White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain. Now, I'm not saying one isn't allowed to have priorities, nor am I saying that it's wrong to put either of the aforementioned games ahead of Bioshock 2 on your list.

But I am saying that the stage appears to be set for too many PS3 owners to ignore this guaranteed-to-be-awesome sequel. We're looking at what should be a genuine Game of the Year contender here and it really should receive the appropriate amount of attention. Yeah, there are lots of of games coming out soon but if you missed out on the first Bioshock, you really don't know what you're likely missing if you pass on the sequel...

Adored the first one, will be copping part 2..

on PC

Add Arsonal J to that list. But I def remember this thread saying how Bioshock was over-rated blah blah blah.... Then when it was announced coming to the PS3 everybody went ape nuts.... Love that about the PS3 thread.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I already answered this a couple posts below the one you quoted, but I'll answer it again cuz I'm too lazy to requote it.
Microsoft paid Rockstar $3 million to make Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony and made them exclusive to the 360. If Rockstar answered the PS3 where Sony didn't have to pay anything, that's really not a good look for Microsoft.
Also, since they're answering frustrated PS3 owners because of the exclusivity that was Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony, I'm going to guess Grand Theft Auto will fit somewhere in there. It didn't see just one big thing, it said big things (plural), so it's safe to assume The Agent will fit somewhere in there, as well. All these companies are doing fine in sales. No one is desperate.
Pretty sure they paid more than that for the exclusive. And if you know ANYTHING about video games, you'd know M$ doesn't care about the losses it takes to secure franchise that are known to be associated with the PS3. So im sure M$ could care less, seeing as though GTA IV sold 2:1 Xbox to PS3

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