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Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likelyfurther developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for fullrsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likelyfurther developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for fullrsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3

Exactly. There's a ton more work to be done before pirated games make their way onto the system.

And not to mention the PS3 has already been fully hacked, most people just don't know about it
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3

You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3
You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.

reverse engineering?  of what?  the firmware?  thats been dumped years ago, the blu-ray firmware?  thats been dumped years ago

ive been doing my reading on the PS3 architecture since friday when the blog got hot, you need to go do your reading

if you did your reading, you would know that the hypervisor has nothing to do with the decryption of copyrighted material, it has to do with guest operating systems which is exactly what he wanted
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by MJair

PS3 exploit released.


So what does the exploit do? Everything on that site was in geek speak and I cant understand the main points he was making.

this pretty much means nothing to us gamers, if this leads to anything, which isnt guaranteed, is most likely further developments in homebrew, hackers have been clamoring for full rsx support in linux and they still wont get it with this exploit

all it does is allow for hyper visor level access to the hardware which allows him to allow or restrict certain hardware functions, and he can read and write to 256mb of memory from the hyper visor

so what does this mean for pirated games?  nothing, if you have any understanding for what allows for pirated games on systems like psp, DS, wii, xbox, xbox 360 - those arent happening on ps3

You should know that this exploit opens up the possibility for reverse engineering which can lead DIRECTLY to pirating. Go read up on it some more I don't feel like explaining... Piracy is coming to the PS3... trust.
Read up on how the system works and how code runs on the PS3 and then come post here.

To backup what health is saying here's a well written explanation of why getting access to the hypervisor means nothing.

Altough it's nice to capture all these HV calls and stuff from a plain (not encrypted) lv1 binary, but this will never lead to a hacked PS3.

Let's have a look. The major security architecture on the PS3 is called the "Secure Processing Vault" and is the most important thing regarding "hacking" the PS3.

There is NO WAY for the PPU or even the HV to gain access to the SPU, which is an application running inside of an isolated SPU.

Well you can kick out the isolated SPU, like geohot mentioned, but this gives you nothing, as ALL the encryption and execution of applications (HDD encryption, app encryption, decryption, executing, signature checking, root key extraction) happens inside the isolated SPU.

To run homebrew on the PS3 you would have to reassemble the whole functionality from the SPU inside a binary running on the PPU. For this you will need the root key.

The root key is stored in hardware (not even close to the things on the iPhone). The root key cannot be extracted by any software or hardware means and is essential to ALL encryption/decryption, executing and checking routines.

The only way to get the root key is inside of an isolated SPU, as it is kick-starting the hardware encryption facility. There is no other way to do that !

Let's just assume that geohot or some other guys are able to break into the local store of the isolated SPE. There they will just find some encrypted binaries.

The key for decryption is encrypted by the root key ! You won't get anywhere without the root key.

Let's assume that someone managed to do all those stuff from the isolated SPU on the PPU and creates a CFW.

There is still a secure booting environment. The first module loaded/bootet is integrity checked by the hardware crypto facility utilizing the root key. So you have also to address this booting stuff. Again, no root key, no booting.

So there's always runtime patching you might ask ? Not possible on the PS3 because the hardware crypto facility is able to check the signatures whenever it wants to.

And which part is responsible for this ? Exactly, the isolated SPU. So if you kick out the isolated SPU the system will not boot/run anymore.
hybridsolider's quote from another hacker explains the situation, we need to distinguish between homebrew-hackers and pirate-hackers, sony supports homebrew-hackers and is against pirate-hackers, which is why they took MULTIPLE steps to protect the ps3 from pirate hackers

look at it like this, sony gave both groups a level playing field to hack the system, so where has this gone?  one group has been able to freely operate on the system (within sony's limits) and one group has failed miserably

and even after the isolated-SPE explanation that hybridsoldier has provided, it doesnt stop there, especially with any undisclosed measures that sony is keeping secret

ever wonder why your hard drive works only with your ps3?  ever wonder why your NTSF external hard drive doesnt work with the PS3 and why only FAT32s do?  all of these are example measures that sony has gone to to protect against pirate-hackers
I don't see the system getting pirate-based hacked within the next 3 years. Period. As an engineer I can really appreciate what a masterful work they've done with the architecture and security of the system. As a programmer I think they can go to hell for making me learn an entire new way to code just for this platform. I'm still not proficient enough to lead development or even lead a port on the PS3
. Hopefully Sony sticks with this model for awhile so all this new knowledge doesn't go down the toilet for me when the PS4 comes out.
For the record, 3, maybe 4 people went "ape nuts" when Bioshock was announced for PS3, including Boost, but we all know how that movie ends... Sorry Boost, I still heart you. A few other people came out and said they were planning to cop, but no one really got as excited about it as you make it sound. The thread is still in the archives, see for yourself.

And I still don't care about it. Story might be good, but just like Assassins Creed, Heavy Rain, and a bunch of others, if the gameplay doesn't appeal to me then I'm not paying attention.

And as for BC2, the video looks better than it plays, but the first one was decent so this one should be too.
Trying to hack a ps3 is like trying to get halle berrys phone number from behind the counter of a mcdonalds.....ittl never happen.....EVER.

Whe are people beating that dead horse??

Anyway.....I need to rent mag....only thing I don't agree with is why they charge $60 and its an online only game?? It should be like 30-40 max.e???
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

For the record, 3, maybe 4 people went "ape nuts" when Bioshock was announced for PS3, including Boost, but we all know how that movie ends... Sorry Boost, I still heart you. A few other people came out and said they were planning to cop, but no one really got as excited about it as you make it sound. The thread is still in the archives, see for yourself.

And I still don't care about it. Story might be good, but just like Assassins Creed, Heavy Rain, and a bunch of others, if the gameplay doesn't appeal to me then I'm not paying attention.

And as for BC2, the video looks better than it plays, but the first one was decent so this one should be too.
Cosigned. You know Jetpac is a spinster
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Av1r3x wrote:

[h1]Will Too Many PS3 Owners Pass On Bioshock 2?[/h1]

Bioshock 2

This is kinda like a public service announcement for PlayStation 3 owners. Hopefully, it won't be as annoying and unbelievably insulting as actual PSAs.

Here's the thing: Bioshock released on August 21, 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC and at that time, there were only a tiny fraction of the PS3 owners that exist today. Granted, they may have played the game on either the 360 or PC but many PlayStation loyalists flat out missed it. Bioshock didn't release for the PS3 until over a year later on October 21, 2008 and while it could be argued that it was the superior version (due to extra content), the time gap is very significant. There were other great games to play on the PS3 by then and there was a misguided belief floating about; the belief that nobody wanted to play a 14-month-old title when other, fresher experiences were available. And now, as we're only mere weeks away from the release of the highly anticipated sequel, it comes in a month where most PS3 owners are fixating on the exclusive White Knight Chronicles and Heavy Rain. Now, I'm not saying one isn't allowed to have priorities, nor am I saying that it's wrong to put either of the aforementioned games ahead of Bioshock 2 on your list.

But I am saying that the stage appears to be set for too many PS3 owners to ignore this guaranteed-to-be-awesome sequel. We're looking at what should be a genuine Game of the Year contender here and it really should receive the appropriate amount of attention. Yeah, there are lots of of games coming out soon but if you missed out on the first Bioshock, you really don't know what you're likely missing if you pass on the sequel...

Adored the first one, will be copping part 2.

on PC

Add Arsonal J to that list. But I def remember this thread saying how Bioshock was over-rated blah blah blah.... Then when it was announced coming to the PS3 everybody went ape nuts.... Love that about the PS3 thread.


Bioshock is garbage, IMO.

However, shoot us Mass Effect, you selfish sons of @+%!**$.

i have both systems and i'm copping bioshock on the box, playing the first one again right now, i don't see the need to switch systems
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

For the record, 3, maybe 4 people went "ape nuts" when Bioshock was announced for PS3, including Boost, but we all know how that movie ends... Sorry Boost, I still heart you. A few other people came out and said they were planning to cop, but no one really got as excited about it as you make it sound. The thread is still in the archives, see for yourself.

And I still don't care about it. Story might be good, but just like Assassins Creed, Heavy Rain, and a bunch of others, if the gameplay doesn't appeal to me then I'm not paying attention.

And as for BC2, the video looks better than it plays, but the first one was decent so this one should be too.
Son of a

GTA: Episodes from Liberty City Listed for PS3

It never ends, does it? For quite some time now, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City has been rumored to be gracing the PlayStation 3 at one point or another. The package, which includes The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, is currently exclusive to Xbox 360.

Retail website has listed Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City for PS3. The listing even contains the newly designed PS3 boxart, lending the listing some credibility.

My Take: If true (somebody at Sony blog stated it's coming), does anybody care? I haven't touched GTA IV in a hot minute

Lost Planet 2 - Gears of War Trailer HD

My Take: You already know, coop demo was ill

Heavy Rain detective puzzles coming to PlayStation Home

Finally! You can put your CSI knowledge to good use. Starting tomorrow, PlayStation Home will be updated with a brand new Space: The Backstage Pass. At first glance, it may not seem related to Heavy Rain, but keen minds will be able to find a way to unlock a secret adventure, the Heavy Rain "Evidence Analysis" mini-game.

The PlayStation.Blog is scant on details, but promises Home denizens "will receive a rather special reward" when completing the game. "This prize is definitely one you Heavy Rain fans won't want to be without." That certainly sounds like the most enticing reason to visit the PS3 online community in quite some time.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Heavy Rain detective puzzles coming to PlayStation Home

Finally! You can put your CSI knowledge to good use. Starting tomorrow, PlayStation Home will be updated with a brand new Space: The Backstage Pass. At first glance, it may not seem related to Heavy Rain, but keen minds will be able to find a way to unlock a secret adventure, the Heavy Rain "Evidence Analysis" mini-game.

The PlayStation.Blog is scant on details, but promises Home denizens "will receive a rather special reward" when completing the game. "This prize is definitely one you Heavy Rain fans won't want to be without." That certainly sounds like the most enticing reason to visit the PS3 online community in quite some time.

I'll finally login to home for the first time in like 4 months to check this out! Thanks for the info Boost!
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


GTA: Episodes from Liberty City Listed for PS3

It never ends, does it? For quite some time now, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City has been rumored to be gracing the PlayStation 3 at one point or another. The package, which includes The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, is currently exclusive to Xbox 360.

Retail website has listed Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City for PS3. The listing even contains the newly designed PS3 boxart, lending the listing some credibility.

My Take: If true (somebody at Sony blog stated it's coming), does anybody care? I haven't touched GTA IV in a hot minute

Trust me, if PS3 had The Ballad of Gay Tony you'd be touchin' it. No mo either
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


GTA: Episodes from Liberty City Listed for PS3


It never ends, does it? For quite some time now, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City has been rumored to be gracing the PlayStation 3 at one point or another. The package, which includes The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, is currently exclusive to Xbox 360.

Retail website has listed Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City for PS3. The listing even contains the newly designed PS3 boxart, lending the listing some credibility.

My Take: If true (somebody at Sony blog stated it's coming), does anybody care? I haven't touched GTA IV in a hot minute

Yeah, Microsoft is definitely gonna be pissed.
whether it was interest free loans or 3 mil or whatever microsoft gave to rockstar, microsoft isnt going to be pissed over this coming to ps3 MONTHS after it came to 360, whats done is done and whoever wanted it on 360 got it, it coming to ps3 isnt going to do anything to piss off microsoft this late in the game

GTA is been there and done that, i dont how many copies GTA4 sold on all 3 platforms but id be surprised if it sold more combined than the supposed 17 million on ps2 alone

GTA next or 5 or whatever it is just needs do sit back and pass the torch to Agent or LA Noire or whatever rockstar franchise is the next big thing but clearly GTA isnt it anymore
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