PS3|VITA Thread: Vita $249 | PS3 BF3 Tonight PG727 | Black Ops 3rd Map Pack PG726 | Dust514 PG723

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Whats peoples gaming Calender looking like? Here is mine...

Heavy Rain

Yakuza 3
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
God of War III

Super Street Fighter IV
Red Dead Redemption

Lost Planet 2
Skate 3

I've never played a FF game, so I dont want to start with this one. But damn I'm glad I finally get my gov'ment money.
any stores have any special promos going on for wkc tomorrow, otherwise it will just be amazon cop
All I want is MLB 10
[h3]Just Push Start: WKC Review
Comparing the graphics of the current Japanese RPGs available rightnow, White Knight Chronicles holds its own against the likes of StarOcean: The Last Hope or Final Fantasy XIII. The character designs arein traditional Japanese anime style. They are cute and you will find alot of interesting creatures such as the frogs, and a small rabbit thattalks. I noticed the characters in this game are similar to those inFinal Fantasy XII; e.g Viera creatures.

There is some slight screen tearing but its very rare that you’llcome across it. The CG graphics are stunning but as for the in gamecut-scenes, they are just average. One of the things that I love aboutthis game is the huge designs of towns and dungeons. Yes, I must saythat the towns and dungeons in this game are huge and you will bespending most of your time exploring them.

Creating your Avatar
Before starting your adventure, you will have to customize and createan avatar that you will be using on your avatar such as the nose, eyes,and a lot of things that will help you make the character you want.This avatar will be used for both online and offline (story mode)portions of the game.

Battle System
Fans who love MMORPG style battle systems will love this game since ituses a lot of MMO elements. The battle system is done in real timeexcept you take turns (when the wheel fills up, you can attack). Ifound the battle system to be similar to Final Fantasy XII (or anyMMORPG) because as you attack, you can move around the field. Eventhough you are moving around, you will still get hit even though you’renot within range of the enemy.

When you see an enemy on the field, an icon on top of yourcharacter’s head will appear. Once you see that, you are going totrigger a battle. Remember, not all enemies are hostile. If you triggera battle, sometimes, they won’t attack you. Just keep a lookout on whatyou are attacking. As for your teammates they’re controlled by the AI.You can change their tactics via the menu.

One of the good things I found about this game is the ability forthe characters to be multi-class. Any one of your six characters thatyou will get has the ability to use all kinds of weapons and attacks.Each time you level up you get skill points that you can use topurchase skills. When you equip a weapon, make sure you have skillsbought for that type. If you buy a Longsword weapon and you have beenspending time on your Axe’s skills, the Longsword will be uselessunless you purchase skills for it. As for magic, I highly recommendthat you equip all your characters with healing spells.

Only three characters can be used for each battle. As for the rest,they will still level-up even though they’re not used. At the bottom ofthe screen, you will see three lines with seven slots each open forattacks to be set. The skills that you purchase can be placed here sothat you can have easy access to them once you are in battle.

Lengthy Cutscenes
Expect to watch lengthy cut scenes in White Knight Chronicles. Thanksto the space that Blu-Ray offers – developers can now manage to put alot of cut-scenes that we all can enjoy. Some of the in game cut scenesare amazing but I personally enjoyed the CG ones better.

Geonet- Online Play

One of the great features in White Knight Chronicles is the ability todo a quest with up to four players online. The online service calledGeonet is an online hub where gamers can meet up and look at the quest,download items / content, create your town where everyone can gather,exchange items, and a lot more. These things can be done during thestory mode with Leonard or even after finishing it.

Georama on White Knight Chronicles is similar to the Dark Cloudgames. The purpose of Georama is like PlayStation Home except it isyours to create. You can create stores, design your town, and a lotmore. Before creating your ideal utopia, you must gather parts and usethem. Once you create your town, you can freely roam around it! Thiscan only be accessed via Geonet. If you have a Bluetooth headset, nowis the time use them and team up. Before starting an online quest, talkto the Quest Officer in the world you are in.

If quest is your thing, there will be a waiting room for anyone whois looking to partner up. In this International Edition, the majorityof the DLC that was released in the Japanese version will be includedin this game. There are over 50 based online quests and of course, moreare coming. Each quest you do will have all the required informationyou need such as the recommended level. Honestly, the quests that youcan buy through the Guilds in town are meant to be done with a friend.

Aside from downloading a quest via Geonet, Guilds in various townswill offer to sell a quest. Buy them cheap. Once you have bought them,go to the World Map and you should see them popped up. The onlineportion of this game should prolong the longevity in this game. Thereis no doubt you can spend more than 100 hours in playing White KnightChronicles.
Dungeons can be boring…
The dungeons are massive, so expect to spend a lot of time exploringthem. Similar to Dark Cloud and Final Fantasy XII, you will spend mostof your time exploring big dungeons and yes, they tend to get boringand repetitious. Expect around at least one hour to finish a dungeon.Make sure you have a lot of healing items ready or have healing spellsset to for all your characters. The dungeons remind me of Rogue Galaxyand Dark Cloud. They are nicely done but it can get tiring at times.

Story starts off slow…
With big dungeons and towns to explore, you will notice that storyprogression is slow. The game starts off with Leonard, a worker fromRapacci’s wine, delivering wines to the celebration of the coming ofage of the Princess of Balandor. Disaster strikes when the Princess iskidnapped during the celebration. With that, Leonard awakens an ancientpower that allows him to make pacts with a White Knight. From there,the story focuses on Leonard rescuing the Princess from the Magi, theorganization that kidnapped Princess Cisna. Pretty common eh? But asyou spend at least 10 hours in the game, only then does the storyfinally starts to kick in.

Trophies are hard to unlock
Gamers who are aspiring to unlock the elusive Platinum Trophy will havea hard time ahead of them. The requirement in unlocking a trophy inWhite Knight Chronicles is not based through story progression butthrough item collection. Since the game’s main focus is synthesizingitems and weapons, you will have to spend time learning recipes.
Yes, White Knight Chronicles is a great game and shouldn’t always becompared to the Dark Cloud series. It shows several similarities to theDark Cloud series but it has something unique that will keep gamershooked; specifically the online features. The nice item creation andGeorama is what makes this game interesting and fans of RPG games orgenerally the Dark Cloud series shouldn’t miss an opportunity to getthis game. It is not perfect but I highly recommend it to all RPG fans.
Originally Posted by zichardruniga

will there be lines for final fantasy xiii? or is it better to get it on amazon?

   Seriously.. Just go get it from Wal-mart in the morning. It ain't that special. Seeing as though its on BOTH consoles, the chances of a sell-out are 0%
Only games I'm gonna buy this year is madden 11 and the show 10.

I'm sure the new maps of mw2 will keep me busy whenever they come out.
Originally Posted by eteam o2

any stores have any special promos going on for wkc tomorrow, otherwise it will just be amazon cop

Sadly nothing
most of the time Japanese imports come with a special edition
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I just saw the Shower/Bathroom nudity scene from Heavy Rain.
Same as..

im dissappointed that there was no jiggle animation for her ******* or buns but im still copping to fap.

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by zichardruniga

will there be lines for final fantasy xiii? or is it better to get it on amazon?

   Seriously.. Just go get it from Wal-mart in the morning. It ain't that special. Seeing as though its on BOTH consoles, the chances of a sell-out are 0%

Maybe not where you live.... I guarantee it sells out in Calgary on PS3.
when u guys get wkc can u gives it a exclusive NT review. i mite pick it up

i wanna get varkler chronciles too but its still like 30-40 dollars at gamestop. i thought the demo was okay

i wanna get demon souls too but i heard it s hard and i donno.
RIP to my 60 gig i went to play GTA4 for like the first time in a year and bam YLOD.
Is it worth my time to play with Sony's people or should i just go cop a slim asap.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

when u guys get wkc can u gives it a exclusive NT review. i mite pick it up

i wanna get varkler chronciles too but its still like 30-40 dollars at gamestop. i thought the demo was okay

i wanna get demon souls too but i heard it s hard and i donno.
grow some balls and get this!!!
laugh.gif of the best game i played this gen
Originally Posted by KidFlint13

RIP to my 60 gig i went to play GTA4 for like the first time in a year and bam YLOD.
Is it worth my time to play with Sony's people or should i just go cop a slim asap.
If you had your system for over a year, you would have to pay Sony to repair the 60GB or pay to exchange it for a Slim(w/ a 90-day warranty).
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by KidFlint13

RIP to my 60 gig i went to play GTA4 for like the first time in a year and bam YLOD.
Is it worth my time to play with Sony's people or should i just go cop a slim asap.
If you had your system for over a year, you would have to pay Sony to repair the 60GB or pay to exchange it for a Slim(w/ a 90-day warranty).
thanks for the info. I guess its time for that exchange
Originally Posted by KidFlint13

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by KidFlint13

RIP to my 60 gig i went to play GTA4 for like the first time in a year and bam YLOD.
Is it worth my time to play with Sony's people or should i just go cop a slim asap.
If you had your system for over a year, you would have to pay Sony to repair the 60GB or pay to exchange it for a Slim(w/ a 90-day warranty).
thanks for the info. I guess its time for that exchange
RIP to your backwards compatibility then.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

when u guys get wkc can u gives it a exclusive NT review. i mite pick it up

i wanna get varkler chronciles too but its still like 30-40 dollars at gamestop. i thought the demo was okay

i wanna get demon souls too but i heard it s hard and i donno.
I copped for $20 brand new, played it once before christmas but haven't played it since. I'll sell it to you (or anyone else) for $25 shipped if you want it. Let me know.

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