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so basically, commandos get the stagger started and ravagers maintain it, when the stagger gets low again, another physical attack needs to happen, then ravagers switched back in. so the process has be quickly repeated to terminate enemies quickly, right?

the only reason i write back what you say is so i can understand fully what you are saying, sorry if it seems like i am just repeating your answers, that is just how i retain information.

and yeah blitz ball had me stressed out friend. lol
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Where are you BFBC2 players at? Most of the people on my friends list are still on MW2. Add me. =)
I shall add you in a bit.

edit: or add me. im goin to bed right now.
I'm gonna add you too next time I'm on.
Played Heavy Rain demo yesterday, I was very impressed. Going to copp once i finish the games i bought espcially mw2 never touch campaign mode when it was realeased. ekk
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Battousai701

i just beat gow2 earlier today...

ready for gow3!!!

how long did it take you? Im halfway through 1

I beat 1 and am just got through The Temple of Euryale in 2. 

I may pick up GOW 3 today even though it's sitting until I finish 2.
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

so basically, commandos get the stagger started and ravagers maintain it, when the stagger gets low again, another physical attack needs to happen, then ravagers switched back in. so the process has be quickly repeated to terminate enemies quickly, right?

the only reason i write back what you say is so i can understand fully what you are saying, sorry if it seems like i am just repeating your answers, that is just how i retain information.

and yeah blitz ball had me stressed out friend. lol

Well watch the stagger bar.  If you don't get a commando hit in with a move called "Power Combo," the stagger bar decreases quickly between attacks.  If you do then it decreases very slowly.  And thus giving you more time to do something.  As boss battles will be taking 5-10 minutes, you'll definitely need it.  Once staggered, it depends.  Once you get your stagger rating maxed at 999.9%, your best bet is 2 commandos and a ravager combo.  As the commanders deal more damage than the ravagers on avg when the bar is maxed out.  Before that, 2 ravagers and 1 commando is better to get that % up as high as possible.

And too before.  Once you max out your main 3 crystal trees.  Just save your CP until next chapter when the trees expand. 
You guys said Assassins Creed 2 is way better then 1 right? I might pick it up at Best Buy for $30
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]basically, i need to know what paradigm combos should i have set up to be most effective in the game? thanks![/color]
for offense, ravagers and commandos work best together like pb&j... building chains and maintaining stagger

i like to start off a battle with syn, sab, rav. i can quickly enhance my party with a syn, boost my teams atk and def. at the same time sab can weaken the enemies def, atk, magic..etc.. and rav can start to build chains.
when im good with that i switch to maybe a rav, rav, com and do work. if i need to heal my team i can switch back to a med, syn, rav, and start the process over.

:disclaimer: this is not the most effective and best way, its just an idea.
jrp44 dont pick up ac was horrible, repetitive and boring

part 2 is way better....u wont regret picking it up
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

I honestly didn't upgrade a single item until chapter 10.

There is no real need to until then anyway.
really? so you played with the same weapons from the beginning of the game, not upgraded until chapter 10, why at that moment did it matter that far in? what made that the turning point for you to have to go in and do it?

i just realized anything and p.o.b., you guys were on my list at one point, i was gone off of psn for a while, but now i am back. not sure if you remember. anyway, i would like to re-add you both. thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. i really appreciate it.

Yea, re-add me.

When I hit chapter 10, I had been playing with the same weapon I received for each in around chapter 2 (I discovered newer weapons, must most only upped magic with little increase in strength).
I basically just remembered by then, "Oh yea, I can upgrade weapons.... maybe I'll look into that."

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

basically, i need to know what paradigm combos should i have set up to be most effective in the game? thanks!
for offense, ravagers and commandos work best together like pb&j... building chains and maintaining stagger

i like to start off a battle with syn, sab, rav. i can quickly enhance my party with a syn, boost my teams atk and def. at the same time sab can weaken the enemies def, atk, magic..etc.. and rav can start to build chains.
when im good with that i switch to maybe a rav, rav, com and do work. if i need to heal my team i can switch back to a med, syn, rav, and start the process over.

:disclaimer: this is not the most effective and best way, its just an idea.

Just to add to this, as you get further and further, the Sentinel role becomes ALOT more important. Most paradigms start to use Sentinels.

One of my favorite paradigms is ravager, ravager, sentinel to get to stagger, a quick jump to medic medic sentinel to heal (maybe one round of attacks/heals), then jump to commando, commando, ravager to inflict some serious damage.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Just to add to this, as you get further and further, the Sentinel role becomes ALOT more important. Most paradigms start to use Sentinels.

One of my favorite paradigms is ravager, ravager, sentinel to get to stagger, a quick jump to medic medic sentinel to heal (maybe one round of attacks/heals), then jump to commando, commando, ravager to inflict some serious damage.

Haven't really had a chance to play with Sentinel yet but what are the benefits of that drive up stagger or do the enemies just attack the sentinel with the def bonus
(Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, since I haven't really used Sentinel much either)

I think Sentinel draws all of the attacks to that particular party member and that's it. I played around with it when I was Snow fighting Shiva. The Crystalium (sp?) for that class has all kinds of defense and HP +'s so the member equipped with it is better suited to take on attacks while the rest of the party does their thing. I have no clue if it effects the stagger gauge too though.

Btw, it's nice to see everyone is into this

I'm still debating if I should stop playing for a little bit to beat GOW or finish FF first...
^ thank you for the info, i still have two people in my party for now, the sentinel role is not available (not sure when it will be)

i was thinking something along the lines of these for the parties of 2...

ravager, ravager

commando, medic

commando, synergist

p.o.b. can you actually type out your id, i remember it having underscores, i think!
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

process of belief and vintuc thank you for responding to my question regarding weapons leveling in FF13, i appreciate it.

let me make sure i understand my instructions.

first, i think the multiplier is at 2.

what you are saying is using the bio type items gets the multiplier maxed out, use those first to get it to max at 3. then, once that is done, use the the higher exp mechanical items and the weapons should level quicker, correct?

should my weapon be stronger based on where i am at in the game? i'm on chapter 5, the weapons are at level 4. i am not having difficulties in battles, i guess that would be a good sign if i was behind when it comes to the weapons, i just wish they were a little stronger sooner i guess.

what is the highest level the weapons will get to?


for those who want to play sometime, feel free to add me! my id is stillmaticshay i'm a cool cali chick. holla.
Heres a kind of 'dummy' guide to upgrading. Makes things really simple if you have the Gil:

1. Choose the weapon/accessory you want to upgrade

2. Use 36 sturdy bones, barbed tails or Vibrant oozes (or 24otherwordly bones, diabolic tails or trasparent oozes) and get aninstant 3x exp. multiplier.
Note: 36 Vibrant Oozes only costs 2,880 gil

3. Follow it it with the right quantity of ultracompact reactors,particle accelerators, or any high level machine part to bring itquickly to its maximum level.

4. Use a transformational catalyst then start this process again with the next level.

High Level machine components:

Ultracompact reactor-40,000 exp-costs 50,000 gil

Supercharger-774 exp-1600 gil

Turboprop-768 exp-1600 gil

Particle accelerator-4800 exp-10,000 gil

Superconductor-400 exp-840 gil

Perfect Conductor-751 exp-1600 gil

Bomb Core-551 exp-1200 gil

Tesla Turbine-823 exp-1800 gil

Chobham Armor-460 exp-1000 gil


So the best way is buy 36 coloured jellys from the shop seitai sozai kemonoya.

Then buy 24 turbo jets from Lenora's garage.

Apply jelly's first to get 3x multiplier then 24 turbo jets to get EXP so the weapon levels up.

This is what I've read on multiple sites trying to figure it out.
i don't understand what the hell you people are talking about. syn sab rab. paradigms sentinels

thought i went into the wrong thread
So it's finally time to give the ol' 60gb a new hard drive. What do you guys recommend? I know I need a SATA 2.5 laptop. But brand? 7200 rpm?
[h2]Rumour – Killzone 3 due in April 2011[/h2]
March 16th, 2010 @ 17:38
By Johnny Cullen


Gears of War 3? Phft. The real meat is Killzone 3, which is apparently due for April 2011.

1UP are reporting the Guerrilla threequel will be coming in the same period the Epic shooter sequel was apparently due. That means it’ll be out just over two years after the release of Killzone 2 in February 2009.

It goes completely against a CVG rumour from two weeks ago, with the site saying it’ll be out by Christmas with 3D and Move support.

It was revealed by PSM3 earlier in the year that information on Killzone 3 will be coming “in the next few months“.

Sit tight, then. Guess we will hear something on it very soon


So what FPS can NT recommend for me? Last one I bought was Killzone 2, and not really feeling the multiplayer too much. Is Battlefield: BC2 worth it?
Damn I still haven't played:

Uncharted 2 & Killzone 2 .

Going to try and cop them cheap off ebay after I'm done beating GOW III a few times .
My brother ordered GOWIII from amazon with free release date delivery and it didn't come in with today's mail.
I was hoping to open it and play it before he gets back, even though I really have no interest in that game.
just copped GoW3 and Yakuza 3 today, but i wont be starting either till i Plat Bioshock 2.
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