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I'm downloading the God Of War: Unearthing The Legend Documentary right now and it comes in HD or or regular SD formats. The HD video version is like 3.3 gigs and the regular standard def version is 800MB. I heard the documentary is 2 hours long which should be nice and it's hosted by Peter Weller aka the guy who played Robocop back in the day...dayum that just made me feel old since Robocop came out back in 1987 and some kids here on NT werent even born yet

The other DLC for God Of War III. Here is what I've heard on other forums.

- Phantom Of Chaos skin froim Gamestop is not working right now.
- Game soundtrack for GOW III and GOW 1 &2 that's included in the GOW Ultimate Edition is not yet ready and available from Sony's website and won't be ready until next Friday.
- Apollo skin from amazon. Not sure if it working and available for download, but heard some people haven't even gotten the voucher code from amazon yet.
- Have not tried downloading the Morpehus skin off Have not tried downloading the dominus skin that came with Ultimate Edition.
- Have not tried downloading the battle arena that came with the Ultimate Edition also.

at Sony and Santa Monica studios for not putting the documentary video on a blu-ray and for not putting the game soundtracks on CD .
^^^ out of curiosity: what are you gonna do with yourself when you beat the game and there's no more GOW news?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ out of curiosity: what are you gonna do with yourself when you beat the game and there's no more GOW news?


Please fool.

I play other PS3 games and post other PS3 related news on here about games and stuff related to the PS3 on this thread.

When are you ever on here not talking about and slurping on Final Fantasy XIII or whatever RPG game that you seem to excited about.

Seriously go make a Final Fantasy PS3 game discussion thread.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ out of curiosity: what are you gonna do with yourself when you beat the game and there's no more GOW news?

Hopefully drink from all the bottles underneath his sink.
What are you going to do after Final Fantasy XIII ? You and the rest of your gay RPG fanatics have a private orgy fest.

To divert from the oh so friendly discussion thats beginning to erupt right now, if anyone has an extra code for DLC skins for GOW3, I'd appreciate it.

I don't think I see anyone post as much about one game as you do.
I'm just afraid for your mental well-being when the game is over, that's all.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23


I don't think I see anyone post as much about one game as you do.
I'm just afraid for your mental well-being when the game is over, that's all.

Right you and the process. Do you fools have a life and talk about anything besides RPG's ?

Everyone on here for the past 3 months has seen you 2 fools talk & get excited the most like 2 little girls over Final Fantasu XIII & White Knight Chronicles .

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Yes, I am going to have a private orgy with my gay RPG friends.

What are you, 15? Go find a role model.

Seriously get a life. And get out of your Fantasy RPG world.

That's all you ever talk about on this thread and here on NT.
Number one, I'm pretty sure Arsenal hasn't mentioned WKC once.

Number two, thanks for keeping tabs on me. If you notice me having not made a post in 2 weeks, call the police, I may be dead.

Hop off.

Number three, you called me gay, now a little girl. Just waitng for the, "Your Mom" joke now.

How long have you been posting in the PS3 thread?

3+ years for me. But yes, this entire time I have been posting about WKC and FFXIII.

You seemed to jump on the offensive pretty quick though... mad questionable.
...everyone has seen us? lets go back a few pages and see how many times you've mentioned God Of War in this thread...
seems like you're the only one...
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Number one, I'm pretty sure Arsenal hasn't mentioned WKC once.

Number two, thanks for keeping tabs on me. If you notice me having not made a post in 2 weeks, call the police, I may be dead.

Hop off.

Number three, you called me gay, now a little girl. Just waitng for the, "Your Mom" joke now.

How long have you been posting in the PS3 thread?

3+ years for me. But yes, this entire time I have been posting about WKC and FFXIII.

You seemed to jump on the offensive pretty quick though... mad questionable.

I seriously feel bad for you and anyone who's associated to your PATHETIC life !

Now your going to start pulling the "Well I've been on the PS3 thread for 3 years"


Go ahead and knock yourself out. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep to be born unto the U.S. this summer

Square Enix is sure hoping that the recent release of its long-in-production RPG hasn't caused you to forget about its other long-in-production RPG: The PSP-exclusive Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. The company recently sent a jolt through the series' dormant U.S. fan base by announcing that the title will come stateside sometime this summer.

According to Squeenix's press release announcement, the North American version of the game will include new features, such as "an extra boss and additional multiplayer options," as well as something called "Crown Stickers." That certainly sounds like powerful weapon in the fight against the Heartless. We hear those guys hate stickers.

You can expect 'a lot' of Just Cause 2 DLC

Say you were to jump a sweet speedboat off an even sweeter ramp, then climb onto that speedboat and shoot a rocket at a dude in a tower (which is a real thing that happens in Just Cause 2) for 15 to 20 hours. Afterward, if someone asked you how much more time you wanted to spend doing things like that, we imagine the answer would be "a lot." Perhaps it's no coincidence, then, that that's exactly how much DLC lead designer Peter Johansson tells Eurogamer is coming to the Just Cause 2: "a lot."

And that's on top of all the content already on the game disc, which, by all external signs, is pretty darn imposing. Johannsson claims that his 60-percent-complete save file is about 55 game hours worth of playtime, which, if you let the math play out, means that if you were to play all 100 percent of the game, it would take roughly 73,000 hours. Roughly.

IGN laid off Executive Editor of PlayStation Team, Chris Roper
Chris Roper, the long time IGN Editor, Executive Editor of PlayStation team, and host of IGN Podcast Beyond who recently reviewed God of War 3 was laid off. He confirmed it via his twitter account.

The news came soon after Garnett Lee losing his job at 1up.

IGN hasn't made any formal announcement regarding Chris Roper.

Some people on PS3 forums are happy cuz son didn't give God of War III a 10. Idiots
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