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do you get anything for completing chaos mode? can you get platinum without it?

i'm still playing gow1 haha. almost done though. then gonna go tow the 2nd.
Originally Posted by DubA169

do you get anything for completing chaos mode? can you get platinum without it?

i'm still playing gow1 haha. almost done though. then gonna go tow the 2nd.
in GOW 3 yes you need to beat chaos mode to get the platinum

can you play with all your previous upgrades from titan mode? when you start chaos will it be there?
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

After like 7 years I finally beat Kingdom Hearts 1

What the hell took so long?

i really dont see any groundbreaking replay value w/ gow3 if i cant use all my upgraded weapons again from the start.

theres no point of using the items u get after beating a particular boss if its on the same difficulty u have beaten already.

who wants to start from scratch after gaining all the things you have acquired. (people who have played and beaten games like resident evil and devil may cry know what im talking about)

the challenges are alright. not that rewarding after ur done with it. after u finish all the challenges, it basically just gives u some stupid training mode u can customize.

also adding a multiplayer/co-op mode would have made gow3 a perfect game.

nonetheless... gow3 is still a great game. i give it a 9.8
[h1]PlayStation Prez Promises Killzone 3, Eventually[/h1]
Sure, a third entry in the Guerrilla Games' Killzone series seems like an inevitability, an obvious sequel as assured as Gears of War 3 or Resistance 3. PlayStation president Jack Tretton promises it will happen, as close to confirmation as well get.

When asked by GameTrailers TV host Geoff Keighley, Tretton wouldn't confirm that Sony will have the PlayStation 3 shooter on hand and ready to show at this year's E3, but he did say that Sony will "absolutely bring the heat." Surprises? Yes. Big guns? Totally. Rockstar Games' Agent for PS3? Ask Rockstar. And Killzone 3?

"I don't know when you'll see announcements about it, but I can promise you a Killzone 3," Jack says.

from kotaku
Originally Posted by datruth92803

Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ Dante's Inferno was a pretty cool game IMO. I need to get the other costumes and new level they added.

EDIT: Also, for those of you that pre-ordered GOW III through Gamestop, have you received the e-mail yet?~

you mean for the extra skin?? i sure as hell haven't

   I bought the book/poem and
, I can't even get pass the first 3 pages. So hard to read
. I had no idea
Battousai701 wrote:
who wants to start from scratch after gaining all the things you have acquired. (people who have played and beaten games like resident evil and devil may cry know what im talking about)

Battousai701 knows what's up with the DMC series 
. I just waiting for the DMC 5 hahah.
Hell yeah, having all your items and upgrades and starting a new game is fun as hell. You can also find other items that are going to get without items and upgrades.~

I agree with FallGodofWar highlight for spoiler:
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]I'm pretty sure Gaia wasn't talking about Herc. Also, did anyone else notice that Kratos' body was gone at the end...or am I just not seeing things hahaha.~[/color]
Originally Posted by y0ung j33zy

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

After like 7 years I finally beat Kingdom Hearts 1

What the hell took so long?

I stopped for some reason and sold it. FINALLY bought it again aind absolutely destroyed it.

Gotta go buy Dark Cloud and finish that now.
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

Battousai701 wrote:
who wants to start from scratch after gaining all the things you have acquired. (people who have played and beaten games like resident evil and devil may cry know what im talking about)

Battousai701 knows what's up with the DMC series 
. I just waiting for the DMC 5 hahah.
Hell yeah, having all your items and upgrades and starting a new game is fun as hell. You can also find other items that are going to get without items and upgrades.~

I agree with FallGodofWar highlight for spoiler:
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]I'm pretty sure Gaia wasn't talking about Herc. Also, did anyone else notice that Kratos' body was gone at the end...or am I just not seeing things hahaha.~[/color]

Spoiler [+]
Yea his body was gone and if u notice there was a trail to the sea AND he was laying on a carving of a bird (a phoenix maybe?) but the end of the game explains why Kratos never dies....HOPE. Dude WILLS his self to stay alive.
^ Thank you highlight:
Just had to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Yeah, I saw the blood trail to the sea. Kratos is UNREAL! I see the next series as a Redemption or Re-birth of the the world since its torn to shreds. BTW I was pushing the "O" for like five-minutes throwing "bows" on Zeus thinking damn when's this going to end
Fallen, youre right.

Spoiler [+]
I didnt realize Zeus said it to Gaia. i thought it was the other way around. In that case it could be Kratos's mortal brother, or even a totally new character that will be the protagonist of a spinoff. They definitely put that hook in the plot in order to allow themselves to go further with the series despite Kratos passing.
Yeah DubA169,

Most players that beat the game want the satisfaction of replaying the game and smashing their enemies with their upgrades. New game with items and upgrades FTW!!.~
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ Thank you highlight:
Spoiler [+]
Just had to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Yeah, I saw the blood trail to the sea. Kratos is UNREAL! I see the next series as a Redemption or Re-birth of the the world since its torn to shreds. BTW I was pushing the "O" for like five-minutes throwing "bows" on Zeus thinking damn when's this going to end
So did I! Screen was covered in blood. Me and my girl was like "Damn when does it end? I can't see thru all this blood!"
^ The nest series I'm pretty fan GoW fan-boys are going to be all disappointed with new main..because it's not Kratos.~
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ I don't really know how, sorry haha. That's why I stated highlight.~

Same way you embed an image, thats how spoilers are. [spoiler ] aeiot4uqelitqoeht1o4ith41o [/spoiler ]

Take out the spaces and boom itll work.
^ I don't really know how, sorry haha. That's why I stated highlight.~

EDIT: Because when I post pics I usually just push the insert image icon.~
at the end i was pressing O for at least 5 minutes thinking WTH??!!

i was like "damn it, i wish i had an automatic turbo controller!!!!!!"

there will be a sequel to the gow series. i just hope they dont follow the way mgs2 and dmc4 did.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ Thank you highlight:
Spoiler [+]
Just had to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Yeah, I saw the blood trail to the sea. Kratos is UNREAL! I see the next series as a Redemption or Re-birth of the the world since its torn to shreds. BTW I was pushing the "O" for like five-minutes throwing "bows" on Zeus thinking damn when's this going to end
So did I! Screen was covered in blood. Me and my girl was like "Damn when does it end? I can't see thru all this blood!"

   my girl and i were like, w t f???? hahah pressed it for a good min too, i wanted to beat him good too, thinking this foo might get up again and serve me some.... hahah
Originally Posted by Battousai701

i really dont see any groundbreaking replay value w/ gow3 if i cant use all my upgraded weapons again from the start.

theres no point of using the items u get after beating a particular boss if its on the same difficulty u have beaten already.

who wants to start from scratch after gaining all the things you have acquired. (people who have played and beaten games like resident evil and devil may cry know what im talking about)

the challenges are alright. not that rewarding after ur done with it. after u finish all the challenges, it basically just gives u some stupid training mode u can customize.

also adding a multiplayer/co-op mode would have made gow3 a perfect game.

nonetheless... gow3 is still a great game. i give it a 9.8

i think coop god of war would be a terrible idea...not everything needs a tacked-on multiplayer component
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