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Interesting article I read over on The Escapist:

Why I Won't Be Playing God of War 3

by Susan Arendt, 18 March 2010 5:00 pm


I remember being blown away by God of War. Its gameplay never really rose much above button mashing, but it was visually glorious despite its home on the (by then) underpowered PS2, and its protagonist, Kratos, was fascinating. The sequel was second verse, same as the first, with huge, sprawling set piece fights that made you giggle with chainblade-slinging glee. God of War 3 is wise enough to not fix what ain't broke, and even goes one better by giving it the benefit of the PS3's powerful hardware. But I still won't be playing it. I'd rather just watch.

There are some games that are just as much fun, if not more, to sit and watch instead of actually playing. Hand someone the controller for a playthrough of Uncharted 2, and you can sit back to enjoy the best tomb-raiding movie since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Dead Space, Condemned and Silent Hill are all far scarier when you take on the role of observer with no direct control over your fate. Sometimes a game's hands-off enjoyment value has less to do with the content and more with the gameplay. Playing a good shooter is always fun, but watching my infinitely more-skilled husband pull off moves I could never dream of achieving is entertainment worthy of its own bowl of popcorn.

I've come to the conclusion that God of War 3 is a game I'll enjoy far more if I watch it from the bleachers. The series has always been spectacular eye candy, but its leap to the PS3 has taken its visual impact to a whole new level and the set pieces the franchise is known for have, quite literally, grown in scope. As Jordan mentions in his review, it has an amazing sense of scale, making the mighty Kratos into something tiny and buglike as he wages war against the gods. I'm not sure if it's just the ballsier hardware or the fact that this is the final installment in the series, but God of War 3 also seems to be even more audacious, more over the top than its predecessors. You get the feeling that its designers went into every level with the sole goal of making your jaw drop, and by and large, they seem to have succeeded.

I'm quite certain I'd have fun behind the controller, because God of War 3's not really all that different from the first two and I enjoyed those well enough. But when you're concentrating on killing everything that moves, you can't fully appreciate the entire scene that's unfolding and in this case, that outweighs the enjoyment I would derive from yet again indulging in some God of War button thumping. There is much satisfaction to be had from slicing and dicing your way through hordes of misshapen footsoldiers, but you'll have to take your hands off the Sixaxis to really appreciate the sheer spectacle of Kratos' bad mood. Watching a God of War 3 session is a lot like watching your favorite sporting event with buddies, right down to the yelling, pointing, and exclamations of "Did you see that?"

It doesn't hurt that God of War 3 isn't exactly what you'd call intended to inspire heavy thinking. Kratos is pissed and is taking it out on various members of the Greek pantheon. There, now you're caught up on the plot. The game's relative brainlessness means you can leave the room to make a sandwich and come back without feeling like you need a recap. The dialog, sounding, as it does, like it came out of a comic book written by a fourth grader with an overly developed sense of the dramatic, can also be talked over, mocked, or completely ignored, depending on your personal preference. If that sounds like I'm insulting the game, understand that I see the cheesy dialog to be a real plus in God of War 3's favor. There are many games you play for the intricate characters or absorbing storyline, but this isn't one of them. God of War 3 is an unapologetic celebration of violence and brutality and the fact that you don't have to wade through much narrative to enjoy the expertise with which the game sheds blood is wonderful.

We capture the footage for our video supplements here in the office, and it's not uncommon for a small crowd to gather around the TV and watch as we run through bits of the game du jour. Judging from Jordan's cackling, the fight between Kratos and Kronos was a hell of a lot of fun to play, but for me it was even more enjoyable to watch. Because I wasn't connected to the controller, everything was a surprise. My spectator status allowed me to ignore the prompts to hit the circle or L2 button and I never had to concentrate on what combo to use against what enemy - all I had to do was sit there and gawk while Kratos carved his way out of Cronos' belly.

God of War 3 may just be one of the best multiplayer games to ever hit the PS3.
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

Just a heads up.....the Pre-order skin e-mail is in for the Phantom of Chaos
 Can you post the email link and instruction to get that gamestop skin ?
Anyone cop or rent Just Cause 2 ?

Also how long is that KMart deal going to last for ?

I'm looking to get both FF XIII & Uncharted 2 .
Was on the share thing looking to post a new feature I wanted and saw this


We need this now along with some decent voice work from him.
Originally Posted by Av1r3x

Heads Up: KMart is having a deal on some PS3 games/acessories..
from CAG
Just Cause 2 360/PS3 $44.99 available 3/23

Battlefield BC2 PS3 $49.99
Darksiders PS3 $49.99
Darkvoid PS3 $29.99

COD Modern Warfare 2 PS3 $39.99
Dantes Inferno PS3 $39.99
Army of Two PS3 $39.99

Buy any of these PS3 games ($59.99):

God of War 3
Heavy Rain
White Knight Chronicles
Final Fantasy XIII

and get $30 off one of these PS3 games ($59.99):

Uncharted 2
Little Big Planet GOTY
Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time

PS3 Dualshock 3 Controllers $34.99 (Black shown and says other colors available)
PS3 Official Wireless headset $29.99
PS3 Official Wireless keypad $29.99

Good deal on JC2..played the PC demo & it was pretty dope. K-Mart is out of my way so I pricematched @ Wal-mart for a red DS3..
Also, Amazon is having a PS3 Gold box event all day tomorrow..Not sure what's in the sale though.

Is there a link or ad print out for this KMart sale? Or is the sale going on on certain parts of the US ?

I just called 2 of my local KMart stores and asked about this sale and both stores knew nothing about it .
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Never got around to finishing Persona 4, though....

Jason you beat it, right? Ray, did you ever?
its a good game i finsihed it two times on my PC

I dodn't even know it was on PC.... Jason ruined it by telling me who the killer was...

nah i have the ps2 emu on my pc
sweet, i made it to chapter 8 in FF XIII, thanks to those who supplied me with helpful tips.

I took a break from the game for a week, just picked it up again today. Went from chapter 7 to 8, this game can take over. I need to set a schedule just to play it.

thanks again!
These !#*#%+% challenges for GoW3 are the most !#*#%+% bull *@@% things I've ever played. This damn 'Hands Only' challenge is driving me !#*#%+% insane. I just beat the *@@%... BUT WAIT... the gorgan is gonna glitch and slide back onto the platform as the time ticker hits 1 second left!
'!**+ YOU NOSKEY,' said my copy of GoW3. 'You wont beat me today.'

This and the stone challenge. That's all I have left, but I cant seem to beat them
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Persona 5 is copped regardless.

Never got around to finishing Persona 4, though....

Jason you beat it, right? Ray, did you ever?
nope, all my save files from my og ps3 got erased

im gonna have to play the game over again.

almost done with getting the platinum trophy for gow3. after that, then on to ffxiii. then mabye after that, then i'll get around finishing persona 4.

its really a great game and is a must cop for any rpg fan.
Originally Posted by Noskey

These !#*#%+% challenges for GoW3 are the most !#*#%+% bull *@@% things I've ever played. This damn 'Hands Only' challenge is driving me !#*#%+% insane. I just beat the *@@%... BUT WAIT... the gorgan is gonna glitch and slide back onto the platform as the time ticker hits 1 second left!
'!**+ YOU NOSKEY,' said my copy of GoW3. 'You wont beat me today.'

This and the stone challenge. That's all I have left, but I cant seem to beat them
the challenges are not as bad IMO. youtube those challenges and watch em, theyre very helpful as they helped me.
All you FFXIII heads, if you arent passed the last boss at polumpolum yet great spot to farm incentive chips is right before with those 2 psicom mobs. Run around and they respawn pretty quickly or go start the boss fight die and retry to get them to come back up. Got hope and lightnings original weapons to the max level and one accessory in 2.5 hours. I recommend upgrading the original weapons first I upgraded Fang's Gae log or whatever (it is the first weapon of hers you pick up) with the same amount of money i put into the blazefire saber and only got it to level 6. Takes more experience to level it up its a pain.
I had the PSN Thursday post all typed out, hit submit and the page turned white, hit refresh and the "oops the page doesn't exist". +$$# you NT. I'm not typing this #@#% all over again.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Anyone cop or rent Just Cause 2 ?

Also how long is that KMart deal going to last for ?

I'm looking to get both FF XIII & Uncharted 2 .
Ya i picked up Just Cause 2 at Wal-mart for $40 on RD and i have logged in about 9 hours. There is so much to this game i have only taken over like 15/368 towns. There are around a few thousand upgrades and things to destroy. Very fun game though.
Anyone on here use gamefly for renting games ?

I thinking about trying it out since the 1st month in the trial is $8 for 1 game out a time. There's a bunch of games I want to play like Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, The Saboteur and other games but I just don't want to buy them even at discounted price in the range of $29 to $40 bucks.

Also I stopped by Target today and Uncharted 2 was on sale for $49 which isn't really a good discount price. So I grabbed their weekly ad and plan on stopping by Best Buy tomorrow after work to get them to price match and I got $25 bucks in rewards zone certificates I can use.
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