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Capcom ships 1 million Super Street Fighter IV copies for initial retail run

Clearly anticipating a hit in its updated fighter, Capcom has sent out one million copies of Super Street Fighter IV to retailers around the world in the first shipment of the game. The budget-priced title was released in North America and Japan earlier this week and is in stores today in Europe. The next step? Sell all these copies.

Capcom has put all-time shipments of Street Fighter console games at more than 28 million units worldwide, as of March 31, 2010 (so not counting the initial SSFIV shipment). The publisher did not clarify how many of those copies were upgraded re-releases of Street Fighter games.

MAG doling out double the XP this weekend

You know how you were going to drive upstate to attend your sister-in-law's wedding this weekend? Forget it. There's a MAG double XP weekend going down and you've been drafted for duty.

According to the missive on the MAG site detailing this weekend's operations, the promotion is currently underway and will last until 11:59PM PT Sunday night. Veterans who already have an XP bonus need not worry: this stacks on top of their current modifier. Also, a word of caution: make sure you complete every match, because the modifier isn't applied until the end. We wouldn't want you evacuating the battlefield, leaving all of those delicious points behind.

So ... what are you still reading this for? Go get yourself some points! For S.V.E.R.!

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[h1]Sony Registers '' Whatever Could That Mean?[/h1]
I think it means the sequel to Infamous is gonna be called Infamous 2: The Game Dot Com!

Look, we already knew that the PS3 exclusive had started casting voice acting for a sequel. And while it was a new title, unless the thing completely sucks a heavily hyped new IP is more likely to get a sequel than not.
The site was registered by Sony Computer Entertainment America on Tuesday. Discovered, of course, by the registry sleuth Superannuation.

PSN Thursday: Is dead -- long live PSN Tuesday!

Well, that's it, no more PSN Thursday. Starting next week, the updates will occur on Tuesday in North America and Wednesday in Europe. We'll be altering the title and tag to reflect the change.

Check out the full update after the break. Also ... don't blink.

Good stuff, ill be doing my PSN update on Monday night now.
I've been playing Battlefield BC2 multiplayer like crazy. I'm addicted to upgrading my rifles.
Anybody else here play online?
Yeah, I've played a bit. Awesome game, but almost all my friends stay on that MW2, so you know..

I see Noskey, JP, and some others on occaisonally.

What's your PSN? Could def add another Triple OG NT'er on my list.
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by jrp44

Can't wait for Skate 3 next week
Who else is getting it?



I'll get it eventually.... but I told myself I'm not buying another game until I platinum FFXIII

So..... I'll probably be grabbing Skate 4 when it drops.

Sony launches official 'Protection Plan' for PS3 and PSP

While the PS3 hasn't been plagued by RROD levels of system failures, it is still vulnerable to its own share of problems, most notably the "yellow light of death." Should your system experience an irrecoverable crash after Sony's official one-year warranty, there isn't much you can do except send the system to Sony for repair -- a process that carries a hefty price tag of $150, plus shipping costs.

Sony has announced an alternative solution: the PlayStation Protection Plan, which allows new PS3 and PSP owners currently covered by the standard warranty to purchase additional coverage. According to SCEA's VP of operations, Glenn Nash, the PlayStation Protection Plan was created for "consumers looking for added peace of mind ... interested in an extended service plan that's backed directly by SCEA and leverages our technical expertise." However, while Nash touts Sony's reputation for "the highest quality in engineering and design," Sony is charging a sizable sum for the extended warranty to protect all that high-quality engineering -- especially compared to Microsoft's no-cost three-year warranty for RROD-related damages.

A one-year extension for the PS3 will cost $49.99, while a two-year plan will cost $59.99. The PSP plan is $29.99 for one year, and $39.99 for two years. An "accidental damage" option is also being offered for $10 more. Ironically, Nash adds that "it's because of the reliability of the PS3 and PSP systems that we can offer the PlayStation Protection Plan." Additional details are available on

Good move Sony, good **$+*@ move. Will purchase for the PS3 today.

Call of Duty: Black Ops reveal trailer gets the GT Pop-Block treatment

Outside of a UK game retailer listing a handful of details about this November's Treyarch-developed Call of Duty: Black Ops, all we've been given so far in terms of solid information on the game is a trailer with a slurry of quick cuts and some muffled dialog. Thankfully, GT Pop-Block has taken apart said trailer piece by piece, highlighting several standout points. What we found most interesting was that, rather than an astronaut seen briefly near the end, it's actually an SR-71 pilot in a full pressure suit, just before heading into sub-orbit (Pop-Block believes this could be a recon mission).

Additionally, as you might have already suspected, various elements in the trailer heavily suggest Vietnam and Cold War themes -- an intercontinental ballistic missile launch, possible Vietcong troops, scientists vacating an exploding Russian complex, and the presence of a UH-1A Huey helicopter (first used in 1962 during the Vietnam War). Oh, and hey, that dude you see above? Yeah, he's probably pretty important to the story. He also totally gets to fly a helicopter, which seems to be player-controlled. See for yourself after the break.

Will not purchase.
Via Neogaf

NEW E3 2010 List leaked?




Some clown at neogaf claims to be an E3 insider and he has a E3 list,
Originally Posted by d5

^^Is that another God of War for ps3 or psp?


i saw this on gaf, guy even put true crime miami  when the real the game isnt even done yet

and mentioning goldeneye as an xbox exclusive and not between it and nintendo, someone didnt do their homework
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Via Neogaf

NEW E3 2010 List leaked?




Some clown at neogaf claims to be an E3 insider and he has a E3 list,
Game I'm working on isn't on that list...

some of it is true though...
but the ones that are true are common knowledge.

I can say the SE stuff is mostly ducktales. There's no Vagrant Story 2 or FF7 HD

People need to remember that there's no need for lists like this to ever be created. The media needs to be just as surprised as the public to generate hype about something. 
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