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So non PS3 related but M$ hating related...

I finally got around to mailing my red ringed 360 into M$. I get the shipping label pack it up and physically hand it to our UPS guy to ship it out. After a week my status on the repair website disappears. I call up M$ and they tell me the item has been closed. I ask why and no one knows. I call up UPS to check the tracking number which I checked last week to make sure it was delivered. When I now check the tracking number all it says is "billing information received" and UPS has no record of even picking my console up. Microsoft does a "tracer" on my console and determines they never got it at the repair facility, period end of story. UPS does a "tracer" on my package and says it was never picked up and there's no computer information substantiating my claim. Never had issues with our UPS guy. We've shipped far more important and expensive things than a busted 360. Someone, somewhere, has to take blame for this goddammit! *%#% would have never happened if the 360 was worth a *%#% from a hardware reliability standpoint. Now I gotta buy a whole new system.

-Sent back my 360
-M$ says they never got it and deleted my repair status
-UPS says I never shipped it
-I guess someone stole my red ringed 360
-Would have never had to deal with this if Xboxes weren't poorly designed
-Now have to buy a new 360
[h1]Final Fantasy IX Coming Soon to PlayStation Store[/h1]
Posted by Ami Blaire // Vice President of Marketing, Square Enix

Following up to the fan favorite release of">');">FFVII and">');">FFVIII,">');">PS3 and">');">PSP owners will have a new and exciting opportunity to immerse themselves, once again, into the world of Final Fantasy.

Considered by many gamers to be a must-play title for any RPG fan,">');">FFIX will soon to be available for North American fans via the">');">PlayStation Network. If you missed">');">Final Fantasy IX during the early">');">PlayStation era, or are dreaming of reliving the time-tested FFIX adventure, your chance is coming soon.

from gaf
Okay. Here we go:
LittleBigPlanet 2 Game Informer June 2010 Issue Information

Context about the first LittleBigPlanet
- The first LBP was never intended to be a simple platforming game
- Over 2 million levels available online
- About 56,000 new levels per week on average
LittleBigPlanet 2 Information Starts Here:
- LBP 2 has less of a focus on platforming altogether and it's more of a platform to actually create games with
- There is an all-new level creator and it is not just a tool to create platform games.
- As examples, the game 100% encourages the player to create game typesand wants you to make a shooter, a racer, puzzle games, Space Invadersclones, even RPGs
- A player can even customize a HUD. The example given is a health bar for a fighting game.
- A Media Molecule developer has created a fully-functioning Command & Conquer Clone
- Media Molecule loves that a lot of user-created levels in LBP1 werehomages to classic games and laments that so many manipulations of thecreation tools were necessary to do them. Sackboy won't need to be"hidden behind the curtain" when you make games with LBP2.
- There is a new super-important creator tool called "direct control seats"
- (from previous point) In LBP1, lots of people made rudimentary "holdR1 to accelerate" vehicles. Mark Healy created a car out of rubberwheels and a bottle, then placed a direct control seat in it. He pulledup an interface that resembled a PS3 controller and assigned commandsto buttons.
- Example given was assigning Sixaxis tilt for forward and reverse, horn on the X button.
- You are no longer limited to the game's stock sound effects. You canrecord your own sounds and voices, attaching them to characters orobjects. Magic Mouth from the original LBP is gone
- Direct control seat's control scheme is instantly accessible and youcan attach it only to the part of the vehicle you want it to control.
- Example was given about the 8/16-bit remakes/tributes having to usethe signature gameplay mechanics of LBP. That is no longer true inLBP2. A creator can place a direct control seat on their ownplatforming protagonist and complete it with a customized controlscheme.
- Example of the previous was Yoshi's Island. If a player creates theperfect recreation of the SNES-era jump they can share it with anyonein the community.
- There is an in-game microchip that functions as a calculator and itis a direct response/homage to PSN user Upsilandre (seriously, he'smentioned by name)
- Enemies in the original title could only be programmed with super-basic commands and most resembled marionettes.
- Users will be able to take a template for an enemy called a Sackbot, tweak the AI and dress it in any way they choose.
- Creators can choose the weak points on the Sackbot, determine if it is scared of heights, and even program acting routines.
- A disco scene was set up by Media Molecule and two employees recordedtogether on a single Sackbot. They moved its arms and bobbed its headin a dancing routine. JUST the AI was copied and pasted onto twentydifferent Sackbots. Each Sackbot was given its own unique look.
- There are now movie editing options as well.
- Every LBP2 player will receive their own profile on It willdisplay your activity feed as well as previews of their own stages
- There will be user-created integration in QR codes as well. They canbe printed on advertisements, business cards, and automatically load alevel when held up to the PlayStation Eye. There is no special menu todo this. Any time the PS3 is turned on and running LBP 2, you can waveit in front of the Eye.
- If you are not near your PS3 you can take a quick photo with yoursmartphone to see an online preview of the level and add it directly toyour level queue.
- For creators of multiple levels, you will be able to string your stages together so that they flow from one level to the next.
- Sackbots can be drastically increased or decreased in physical size.
- Sackbots can be controlled by direct control seats as well.
- There is a new gadget (like the MGS paintball gun). It is a big-#%% grappling hook.
- Media Molecule says explicitly there are multiple more gadgets coming.
- All DLC from LBP1 transfers over to LBP2. Including downloaded content packs, costumes, etc.
- There is a major overhaul to the story level as well. There's thesame 3-plane perspective for the story mode and the levels so far havea similar run-jump-grab platform style.
- Storyline is not country-based like last time, but is based in periods of time
- Here is a list of levels and summaries so far:

- Techno Renaissance: Whimsical alternative take of the Renaissanceperiod. Leonardo da Vinci-like character to guide him through atechnology-based twist level

- Steam & Cake: Steampunk-style level based on a %#%#++-up tea and cake party

- Neon Propaganda: Cold-war era posters line a factory environmentwhere Sackboy is liberating oppressed workers. There is a grim natureto the level that is totally opposed to the neon lights and signs.

- Fluffy High-Tech: Various high-end technology equipments like videowalls are mixed with bunnies and fluffy sheep. It is a cold, futuristicenvironment populated by adorable creatures

- Designer Organic: Eco-architecture comes together around a designedand controlled version of nature. Described as "art noveau". Theclosest to nature Sackboy gets in this game. Elaborate designscomprised of plants.

- Hand-Made Arcade: A super-tribute level to tons of arcade classics.Embraces the hand-made art from the first game. Pixels made ofcardboard and wood.

- Circuit boards (like the calculator) can get extremely complicated and they have a very distinct interface
- Creators can make full-on cutscenes. Camera angles and voice-oversincluded. Creators can even make little five-minute short films. Theselevels are clearly marked on the stage select screen so you can tellwhether you're watching or playing the level.

dont know how many of yall enjoyed little big planet but i sure did
To help out Notorious....

Final Fantasy IX On PSN Confirmed for North America
Classic PlayStation title available soon.
by Jim Reilly

May 7, 2010 - Square Enix USA confirmed on the official PlayStation blog that Final Fantasy IX for PlayStation Network will indeed be coming to North America. No specific release date was given, only saying it would be coming "soon."

Final Fantasy IX on PSN was confirmed for release in Japan last month, though no details were given then, either. Final Fantasy VII and VIII have already been released for download on the network.

IX is top 3 FF for me, if not the GOAT.
I never had time/patience to build a level in LBP but loved some of the user-created levels..Some are just really really ill.

RDR singleplayer info from IGN

Red Dead Redemption: The Outlaw
Being evil isn't cheap, but it sure is fun.
by Erik Brudvig


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View all 15 videos

May 7, 2010 - Whenever given the option in a videogame, I invariably bend toward the darkness. If I'm going to do good deeds I may as well save them for real life where it counts. When it comes to those digital denizens of the videogame world, with their strict and artificial rules, I like to have a little fun. When I got done with a recent six hour play session of Red Dead Redemption, the virtual world didn't know what hit it.

The way I see it, there are two types of behaviors in Red Dead Redemption – Rockstar's upcoming open-world Western -- that I would consider key to being a true outlaw. The first are the kind that will actually affect your morality rating in the game. Do good deeds, be the hero and save the day in general and you'll be seen as a hero. Kill innocents, break the law, and help out the villains and you'll be seen otherwise.

The second set of actions I'll get to in a little bit. These are the ones that go above and beyond Red Dead Redemption's laws -- the types of things that any person with bleak thoughts can dream up and perform in a sandbox like this.

Watch the latest gameplay trailer for a true revolution.
Performing actions of the first type and driving down your morality rating is actually pretty easy and it won't take long before you're ready to paint the town red. The game opens with a train ride into a small town named Armadillo and one of the first things you're greeted with is a woman of loose morals peddling her wares. Right off the bat, you can tell that this is the type of place where a person who knows how to use a gun can do as they please. After a brief introduction to set up the motivations of John Marston, you're given free rein to explore much of the world…and that means you're free to start causing a ruckus.

Unfortunately, you won't have many tools of destruction just yet, and you won't have a dollar to your name. Both of these are serious problems for a would-be bandit. You'll want to do a few story missions straight away to earn a few weapons, a lasso and some money. With the basics in tow, I set out to make my mark on the world.

This town will be mine.
I started out small. A few drinks at the saloon and a bar fight later, I stumbled out into the night looking for some easy money. I ran into an old crazy lady begging me to help her find a man named Peter, but that seemed like too much work so I shot her and moved on. And just like that, my honor meter went down by five points. It would take a few dozen more bullets to innocents to gain some real notoriety, but if there is one thing that Red Dead Redemption has it is a lot of innocents to toy with.

Take, for instance, the sorts of things you can do with a lasso. You gain this little tool during a mission that teaches you the ins and outs of breaking a wild horse, but you can aim the rope ring at people, too. I went to the saloon and found a prostitute, hog-tied her and then slung her over my shoulder to take for a ride. She didn't take too kindly to this treatment, screaming out obscenities like, "There are other ways to a girl's heart, you +@!!" along the way. I responded by leaving her on a train track.

The most fun comes thanks to the epic animations Red Dead Redemption produces. Shooting or knifing people and animals invariably results in hilarity. During my travels I did everything from uppercutting a cow with a bowie knife to killing so many lawmen as they entered a saloon that they were stumbling over their predecessor's body pile. You don't even have to kill anybody to have some fun. Just drawing your gun on an innocent walking down the road will startle them into a funny reaction. My favorite was a man sitting with his legs up on a table. When I trained my sights on him he fell over backwards into a piano.

When you meet every rancher, farmhand, and cowboy with a shotgun, finding steady work outside of the main missions can be a bit tricky. Sure, I responded to a woman crying for help when bandits were stealing her carriage. I even tracked down the thief, put a bullet in his head and then brought the little chariot back. I didn't give it to her, however, I shot the horse in front of her and then rode away to leave her in the wilderness.

So, as you might imagine, the income isn't too steady when you play as an insane rogue. Looting corpses only provides a dollar or two here and there. To bring in the money, I had to get creative. For a short while, I turned to hunting and my mission became to rid the plains of all cute and cuddly wildlife. Blue songbirds, though rare, are easy pickings for those with a shotgun. Majestic deer bring in a pretty penny.

Every outlaw needs a lasso.
Then I found an easier path to riches -- raiding farms. As it turns out, you can skin a horse, pluck feathers from a chicken, or cut out some cow meat just the same as you can wild animals. Only these ones are all penned up and waiting for you to swing by every now and then and take your spoils. Yes, I became a cattle thief.

Before you go crazy on the poor people of Armadillo or its surrounding ranches, you should know about the consequences. They may be enough to scare you straight. Killing innocents will quite often result in a bounty being placed on your head. If you take up arms against a man of the law, you'll always get one immediately (though you also get double the drop in honor on the morality chart). If you're on a killing spree out in the wilderness, you might be able to get away scot-free, provided you can deal with the witnesses through bribery or more murder. When I saw the witness icon pop up on the mini-map, everything in sight died, be it man or beast. Nobody was going to snitch on my John Marston.

Should a bounty get placed on your head, you might first have to run from the sheriff's men until the heat cools down. Even if you do, the bounty remains. Some people in the world simply won't deal with a wanted man and that can be quite a problem. You can pay down the bounty yourself if you have the money. This might not be an option, though. I once had the bounty up near $1,500 at a time of the game where I rarely carried more than a hundred bucks. When this happens, you'll need a pardon letter. These can be gotten by completing quests for the right people, but they aren't easy to come by.

Hello. I'm going to try to shoot you soon.
The good news is that it seems impossible to completely close off any avenues in Red Dead Redemption just by being a bad guy. Kill or threaten a shop keeper and their store will only shut down for a day or so. Kill an important side-quest character and you'll fail the mission, but that person will respawn eventually and you'll be allowed another chance.

Was all of this too much for you? Are you perhaps a bit more heroic? Check back Monday when IGN's Greg Miller recounts his exploits in Red Dead Redemption as the goody-two-shoes he is.

sounds Fallout 3-### w/good & bad karma..Can't wait.
ModNation Racers Demo Pulls In Next Tuesday

There’s a little game, with big-headed characters, coming exclusively to the PlayStation Network on May 25th called ModNation Racers. If you are unaware of this game, which is unlikely, it is a whimsical little kart racer that furthers Sony’s Play, Create, Share initiative by allowing the player to build tracks and share them with the world.

The game is getting a lot of good buzz and in a recent blog post, Sony announced they will be releasing a demo for it next Tuesday, May 11th. Here’s what they have to say about the demo:
In this demo we included a couple of our favorite tracks, some familiar Mods and their karts, and of course, a sneak peek of our amazing Track Studio. To start you off we dropped in eight Elite and Pre-made Mods and their karts to light up a couple of new tracks, including Lost Temple and Flaming Jumps. Both tracks provide all the opportunities you need for Big Air, Long Smooth Drifts, and lots of weapons to keep the action hot!

Sounds like fun! We look forward to checking this one out in just a few days. How ’bout you guys? Anyone itchin’ to get behind the drivers wheel?


Originally Posted by toine2983

Really looking forward to Red Dead Redemption.

Same. I pre-ordered mine from BestBuy website.

Does anybody know how you get the pre-order bonus? Like do they email it to you on the release day or does it come in the game case?
Originally Posted by kash55

Does anybody know how you get the pre-order bonus? Like do they email it to you on the release day or does it come in the game case?

You picking up in store or having it mailed? I think in-store they give you a card w/the code (thats GameStop anyway..) & online orders emails you the code..
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by Mister916

Just got back from K-Mart and FF XIII for $30 was only on the 360.
The closest K-Mart in area was 30+ minutes away so here is what I ended up doing:

I successfully was able to get Best Buy to price match Kmart's price tonight.

I printed out the price from this website:

Went to customer service and asked for a price match, waited about 15 minutes for the customer service rep to call my local Kmart to see if the had it in stock.

Price came out to $32 and some change  after CA sales tax but I had a $5 reward zone certificate to use so I walked out with the game for $27 and some change.
thanks i went and got bot cod and ffxiii for 30 each at best buy. picked up street fighter and avatar bluray for $20 bucks.  Next week ill get uncharted 2 and a sports game probably live or 2k10....which is better?
Anyone want to recommend a new game to play?

Here is my rotation:

GOW: Collection
NBA 2K10

I need something new to keep me playing for hours....

Originally Posted by PO2345

Anyone want to recommend a new game to play?

Here is my rotation:

GOW: Collection
NBA 2K10

I need something new to keep me playing for hours....

Pick up or rent Heavy Rain, best game I played in a long time. I never wanted to put the controller down. It was something new and fresh, it was a great experience. 
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N much do y'all think it would cost to build a Metal Gear Rex/Ray?

Like, a real one?

apparently a suit similar in function to Iron Man's would run over $100 million not counting R&D so I was thinking it shouldn't cost too much more to make a Metal Gear.
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