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Because I know if you pre-order at EBgames/Gamestop you get The Deadly Assassin Outfit.~
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N much do y'all think it would cost to build a Metal Gear Rex/Ray?

Like, a real one?

apparently a suit similar in function to Iron Man's would run over $100 million not counting R&D so I was thinking it shouldn't cost too much more to make a Metal Gear.
well lets see, theres researching the basic design for the Rex, building a compact nuclear reactor to power it, advanced sonar/radar, rockets and other guns, researching the rail gun system on it, building a stealth nuke to use with said rail gun, not to mention the thing underneath it that shoots the laser beam, which now that i think of it might be the Rex's "manhood" if you catch my drift.

im guessing it might be over a billion for a metal gear, maybe more
i dont know how much for a ray.
Pre ordering from Amazon gets you the Golden Guns pack + $20 gift card. Best Buy gets you the War Horse. Wal-Mart gives you a $20 gift card.
I'm probably gonna pull the trigger and pre-order from Amazon too.

The gold gun packs and the gift card are too tempting.
Originally Posted by PO2345

Anyone want to recommend a new game to play?

Here is my rotation:

GOW: Collection
NBA 2K10

I need something new to keep me playing for hours....

MLB 10: The Show & GTA IV DLC episodes.
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

^ I'm uneasy about that.~

theres absolutely no reason to be uneasy about it. if the new HD fails you for some reason, you can always put the old one back and you are back to where you started.

Spending 50 bucks > spending 300 for a new ps3.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So non PS3 related but M$ hating related...

I finally got around to mailing my red ringed 360 into M$. I get the shipping label pack it up and physically hand it to our UPS guy to ship it out. After a week my status on the repair website disappears. I call up M$ and they tell me the item has been closed. I ask why and no one knows. I call up UPS to check the tracking number which I checked last week to make sure it was delivered. When I now check the tracking number all it says is "billing information received" and UPS has no record of even picking my console up. Microsoft does a "tracer" on my console and determines they never got it at the repair facility, period end of story. UPS does a "tracer" on my package and says it was never picked up and there's no computer information substantiating my claim. Never had issues with our UPS guy. We've shipped far more important and expensive things than a busted 360. Someone, somewhere, has to take blame for this goddammit! !*@@ would have never happened if the 360 was worth a !*@@ from a hardware reliability standpoint. Now I gotta buy a whole new system.

-Sent back my 360
-M$ says they never got it and deleted my repair status
-UPS says I never shipped it
-I guess someone stole my red ringed 360
-Would have never had to deal with this if Xboxes weren't poorly designed
-Now have to buy a new 360


I'm still waiting on UPS to come by and drop off my damn shipping label. It's been about 2 weeks
Originally Posted by rowenarrow

Originally Posted by QuKtIc

Damn, I got to buy a new PS 3. My OG 60g is basically full.~

Don't be weary, I have a 500GB in mine and there are no issuse
Just be careful & use the right screw drivers when taking out the first blue screw and the 4 small screws that hold the hard drive housing unit, they can get stripped easily if you don't use the right tools. I myself stripped the 4 small hard drive housing screws and had to go onto ebay and buy a cheap housing unit for my new internal 320GB hard drive on my OG 60GB model.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

or keep it simple and get a external portable hardrive

This..unless you have something to back up your info you're gonna lose game saves & such..I only have game-related data on my 60gb (23/55gb available) & movies/music on a 500gb external hd..You can stream from the external easily so there's no reason to waste the space on your PS3...
^ How do you save games when you have an external HD connected?

The other reason I'm going to buy a new PS3 is because I'm going to give the 60G to my dad.~

Final Fantasy IX hitting Japanese PSN May 20

According to a recent Joystiq Superpoll[emoji]8482[/emoji], 30.3 percent of our readers think Final Fantasy IX is the series' best installment on the PS1, meaning 69.7 percent of you are so totally wrong. Those belonging to the first group will be pleased to hear the game recently received an extremely imminent release date for Japan -- according to a Tweet from Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto (as translated by Andriasang), the game will arrive on the Japanese PSN May 20.

We're really hoping the release date for other regions falls somewhere around that time -- especially after Hashimoto teased us with a video of the game's intro cinematic running on a PSP. Oh, Hashimoto! You heartbreaker!

Media Molecule re-confirms LittleBigPlanet 2, more details coming Monday

Though the first day of the working week is typically despised by most intelligent lifeforms -- especially Garfield -- we've got something to look forward to this coming Monday. Following information about Game Informer's feature article on LittleBigPlanet 2, Media Molecule Tweeted that the game is, in fact, real, and that we can expect "full mega details on Monday."

Details supposedly culled from the Game Informer feature have already found their way online, but we think we can wait another 48 hours for the first-hand skinny.

Battlefield: BC2 console update coming May 11

Recons! Medics! Assaults! Lend us your Engineers! If you're still adhering to your nightly routine of playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 until your eyes refuse to stay open any longer, you'll be pleased to hear about some upcoming changes coming to console versions of the game. Unless, of course, you actually like the game's unkillable, super overpowered deathcopters. In that case, you're about to be sorely disappointed.

Changes coming in the update -- due out May 11 via Xbox Live and PSN -- include a few balance tweaks of most weapons, a slight nerfing of the attack helicopter and an increase in the velocity of tracer darts, making it easier to stick 'em to that aforementioned helicopter. Joy!

Check out the full list of changes after the jump.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 update changelog:

* Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.
* Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.
* Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.
* Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.
* Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.
* Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.
* Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.
* Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.
* Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.
* Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.
* Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.
* Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.
* Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.
* Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.
* Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.
* Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.
* Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.
* Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.
* Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.
* Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.
* Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.
* Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.
* Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.
* Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.
* Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.
* Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.
* Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.
* Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.
* Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.

Guitar Hero 6, another DJ Hero coming this fall

Activision has confirmed on an earnings call today that Guitar Hero 6 will be on store shelves sometime this fall, with a new DJ Hero game coming soon after. The music game market is a changing place, admitted CEO Bobby Kotick -- it will "continue to compress," with fewer titles and brands finding success. Activision has "moved from the sell-through of higher-priced peripherals," and its new plan is for "improved economics on a higher percentage of software sales."

Kotick said that Guitar Hero "remains the leader in the category with more than 44 million games sold to date," and that both releases this year would be followed with "a full lineup of exciting downloadable content."
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Guitar Hero 6, another DJ Hero coming this fall


Activision has confirmed on an earnings call today that Guitar Hero 6 will be on store shelves sometime this fall, with a new DJ Hero game coming soon after. The music game market is a changing place, admitted CEO Bobby Kotick -- it will "continue to compress," with fewer titles and brands finding success. Activision has "moved from the sell-through of higher-priced peripherals," and its new plan is for "improved economics on a higher percentage of software sales."

Kotick said that Guitar Hero "remains the leader in the category with more than 44 million games sold to date," and that both releases this year would be followed with "a full lineup of exciting downloadable content."


That's cause there's about 50 different GH games. GH1, 2, 3 -5, 70's, 80's, Metallica, etc. Of course you'd be the leader in games sold to date.
more marvel vs capcom 3 news:

Info and notes, thanks to Feathet on gamefaqs:

Stuff in italics are direct quotes from the magazine.

--It's just Marvel Vs Capcom, absolutely nothing was said about another party. Random guy on youtube was just spouting bs.
--Sales of Marvel Vs Capcom 2 surpassed their expectations by a whole lot.
--Marvel is at it's "strongest point ever" right now, they decided it was the perfect time to create a game like this.
--Disney did not impact the project positively or negatively in any way.
--Game runs on MT Framework engine that LP2 and RE5 run on.
--From the screens, the game looks VERY VERY VERY comic book-y, it actually looks very different than MvC2 did, most of the colors are very bright, and again, VERY comic-book looking. They basically look exactly the same in gameplay as they did in that trailer. If TvC was eastern anime styled, than MvC3 is western cartoon styled.
--Backgrounds will be lively. J Jonah Jameson is in a helicoptor in the background of the Daily Bugle stage shouting and pointing at the players. There's also a parade in the background that has huge air balloons of characters like Spider-Man and Viewtiful Joe. Servbots and Tron Bonne in the background of the Megaman Legends stage.
--"The flow of combat is just as intense and hectic as MvC 2, and all the hardcore elements remain intact. Three-on-three tag-team combat returns, complete with the assists and team building structure of the previous title. Veterans can look forward to alpha, beta, and gamma assist types, snapbacks, and hyper move cancels. Even if you don't know what a snapback is, you're still going to be able to pull of show-stopping aerial raves, since the team at Capcom is streamlining the process for executing advanced maneuvers."
--They want to maximize depth while minimizing complexity, so that's why they decided on TvsC style light, medium, and hard attacks.
--Uppercut move is further simplified from TvsC, it receives it's OWN button, called the "exchange" button. Now in addition to uppercutting, you can choose the direction you slam them in, and continue the combo (like slamming them into the ground)
--Catch to that is if your opponent presses the same exchange direction as you do in a combo, than they escape your combo and counter with their own. "This exciting rock-paper-scissors element complements the simplification of launching foes into the air, integrating a new fold of strategy for hardcore MvC fans to chew on."
--A sort of cross-over areal rave can be performed, where you can safely change your character in the middle of an air combo, using the exchange button. (I'm assuming this works like tvc but the article doesn't exactly specify)
--Story mode is being slightly improved, with "beginning and ending story bookends, along with in-game events to keep it fresh in players' minds. Producer Ryota Niitsuma insists that though this story is better than in other MvC games, it doesn't steal the spotlight from the action."

--Captain America, Felicia, Deadpool, and Dante confirmed. Though no screen shots are given of these new characters, they do have small bios.
--Cpt. America: "This founding member of the avengers returns with his indestructible shield to deliver combatants to justice. He preserves most of his handy move-set, complete with deadly shield-a-rang tosses and evasive cartwheel maneuvers."
--Felicia: "Capcom's catgirl returns with her claws out to deliver quick and nimble combos to anyone distracted by her jiggle physics for too long. She is also able to summon a helpful little catgirl partner to double her threat."
--Deadpool: "Deadpool has the ability to teleport around the battlefield, but do it too many times and his device will backfire to hilarious results. Even breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool's special consists of beating down opponents with his own life bar."
--Dante: "He may be based on the young Devil May Cry 3 protagonist, but this Dante comes equipped with the best moves from the entire series. He can juggle rival fighters with his dual pistols, close distances by sliding on his knees while playing Nevan (his guitar weapon), and even activate his deadly Devil Trigger mode to increase his speed and power."
--Chris: "This BSAA agent brings over every weapon he can carry from Resident Evil 5 into Marvel vs Capcom 3. Chris devastates opponents with his pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, magnum, satellite laser, and grenade launcher (complete with fire, ice, and electric rounds). He also has a slide attack utilizing his electric baton."
--The Hulk: "Bruce Banner returns in his pissed-off form, and somehow he's even more monstrous than before. This green juggernaut is still sluggish, but his immense power and earth-quaking special make him a good bruiser for your team makeup."
--Wolverine: "Logan's claws ravage everything unfortunate enough to stand before him in brilliant swipes of color. His trademark Berserker Barrage move return as both an assist move and a special, making him a perfect main for your team and also a menacing assist character."
--Morrigan: "Darkstalkers' seductive succubus continues the battle with all her otherworldly moves. She catapults opponents skyward with a gigantic spear summoned from the ground and delivers flying reverse pile drivers."
--Iron Man: "Sleeker and slimmer than MvC 2's Tony Stark, this iteration of Iron Man better reflects his current style in the comics. The gold and maroon superhero's gigantic laser cannon still makes for a great assist, and his jet-boots make him ideal for aerial maneuvers."
--"If you were disappointed that you didn't see certain no-brainer Capcom characters in Tatsunoko vs Capcom for the Wii, don't give up hope. Niitsuma confirmed that big characters like Dante were saved from Tatsunoko for Marvel vs. Capcom 3."
--MvC2's cast recycled 15years of backlog and that's a large reason why it had such a big cast. "The morrigan you saw in 1994's Darkstalkers was basically what you saw in 2000's MvC 2."
--MvC3's characters all started from scratch.
--Capcom is paying a very large attention to detail to make sure all the characters are very in-character and act like themselves.
--GI raved about the graphics for a good paragraph, apparently lighting is superb and iron man's armor has reflections.
--GI seemed very impressed with how Dante was represented in the game. "His cockiness and bravado shines through in every action, doing the white-haired badass justice."

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